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AAR: Gettysburg, July 1st-3rd, 1863 · 2:12am Jul 8th, 2023

Hello all! This is my recap of what all happened at Gettysburg, now that I’m slightly less tired. My mother had never been, so we camped out a few days before the reenactment and played tourist for a few days. In the end we spent six days there, and let me tell you, that is a long time to be away from home. Ok, one of those days was mostly getting there, so maybe more like five. Still, I think it’s maybe been the longest I’ve been away since back in 2016 when I went to Japan. I… need to get out

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Quick Update! State of the Author.. · 2:03am Jun 14th, 2023

Hello everypony!

I just wanted to give you all this quick update on the state of the author here.

Firstly: take a look at my final project for my Historical Preservation class!

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Report BlueBook · 105 views · #Gettysburg160 #Oz #Pride
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