• Member Since 27th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I like to think I'm a great writer but I suck


Comments ( 729 )

Here's an idea for this story, when Spike learns the truth about Stargazer, he would risk everything to protect himself and Twilight from him, and he know that the safest place in all of Equestria is the human world and so they gone there and during their time there spike becomes human and gain more control over his urges

Ooooh dear... Quite a start.:derpytongue2:

Yes I been waiting for a sequel thank you 🙏

Oh I've been waiting for this I'm so excited

OH FUCK! Cliff Hanger and worst way for it to happen, got dammit! Hope Spike doesn't do anything he'll regret!

Back in action!

I hope to see Granny Smith and Spike do damage if they unleash their wrath and reign death on their enemies.

Dang. Guess they don't have the problem under control as much as they thought. At least it wasn't during black week other wise the be alot of sore fillies.

My hope is that Sentinel and Stargazer will meet and end up fighting each other. Also, to have Spike meet Ember and she will help Spike calm down during his heat.

Wait it has death but I thought no one could die in these stories?

Blueblood answers that question in chapter 4 :raritywink:

How was stargazer even a threat to him in the first place.

1) Spike, despite being a dragon, has never learned how to fight. But more importantly...

2) Spike was still injured from the savage beating he took from Amethyst’s boyfriend and his friends, making him an easy target. Also,

3) Spike and Twilight weren’t a couple back then, so he wasn’t in heat, and therefore, couldn’t transform into his savage, sex-crazed self.


If there’s gonna be a fight in this story, I really hope it would be “Big Mac vs. Stargazer” or a maybe “Sunburst vs. Pearl” or BETTER, a “Spike vs. Goliath: Rematch”, either way I really excited for it (Ditzy however, he’s redeemable).

But a “Spike vs. Stargazer” fight... eh it would be short lived, I mean seriously Spike could take him out with one punch! His short fight with Sentinel is proof of that.

Good, they contained "the beast"... For now at least...


“Sunburst vs. Pearl”

Why would Sunburst fight Pearl, the two of them never interacted with one another.

Please Goliath never going to be able to stand up to spike now for several very unique reasons. Reason number one Spike has Black Lightning based Powers when he's pissed. Think about it all Spike's got to do is continuously charge the lightning right in two goliaths body and boom no more Goliath. The reason number two goliaths wings were cut off. Not much explanation needed here Goliath would have had an advantage at least somewhat if he could fly but now that he can't either f****** Sitting Duck. Reason number three Goliath only go away with attacking Spike before the Beast could you out. No need to explain it on this one.

I knew that was a dumb idea, don’t know why I even ask.

u know I cant really see the ponies winning the against the dragons. I mean if all it takes to go into their super mode is having one their mates get injured or just scared then their screwed. Just send the females to war and once they get hurt have the males roid out and set them loose, if spike with no fighting training was cable of destroying a city imagine season fighters. Another thing can't they just mark mares so they will constantly know their location and ponies can't undo it. I think the sex craze mode needs to be nerf or make it easier to remove the mark.

Say to say Spike's other half will not be contained for long.


u know I cant really see the ponies winning the against the dragons. I mean if all it takes to go into their super mode is having one their mates get injured or just scared then their screwed. Just send the females to war and once they get hurt have the males roid out and set them loose, if spike with no fighting training was cable of destroying a city imagine season fighters. Another thing can't they just mark mares so they will constantly know their location and ponies can't undo it.

As stated in Summer Time Beach Time, A male dragon can only do most of those things while in heat. During their cycle, they'll know exactly where their mate is at all times (like when Twilight was scared of that snake Sentinel put in her shower, or when Spike broke free from his capture and traveled to the hotel room Twilight and Sentinel were in).

I think the sex craze mode needs to be nerf or make it easier to remove the mark.

It was also stated that when a male dragon's cycle ends, he can remove the mark if he so desires.

Wait what granny was put into a home huh?! Sentinel is still going on about getting twilight wtf dude you know you will never get her idiot?!!!

Poor twilight, hope she dont go back to that pathetic excuse of an ex

That I agree those two idiots will just end up killing each other and ember know a lot about her kind and maybe she will help spike with his heat

Damn. Not only is Stargazer on the loose, but Sentinel is still a character? This won't be good. And I mean for the characters. Not for the story.

Is she even a character in this world?

Yes maybe I don't know we have to wait and see about that

I hope Spike and Twilight get some nice quality time that doesn't involve just mindless sex.

Actually it seem spike might still be a virgin in his mind. So I wonder who will take his mental virginity.

I ask since she's not the dragon lord nor the daughter of the current one

Worse there are women who fall for this, Twilight would be no different.


Damn to arrest the most powerful being of Equestria

An event can happen if it worsens so every single Ponyville mare is not safe.
Happened again this chapter also.
After this incident and spreading over Spike's cycle of heat, everyone will treat him as a sex maniac.

Well she is the character I think we will see later in the new chapters

You talking about granny yea she is freaking powerful how is that possible anyway

Oh shit!


And wow! Mac preparing for a future fight with Stargazer... SOMEONE GET THE POPCORN!!! 🍿🍿🍿


I hope there's some Pony rehab or something before she'll really start losing her personality. Unless she's losing it already in the last story.


This is why I take my chances with the Royal SIsters.

Oh God, the two Douchelords are going to team up?

Yes, she was able to even the sisters were not, that she tore the wings of a dragon.
I think she's the master of Dohko's anime / manga Saint Seiya

It will only get worse, if they join Spike has no chance even, only way he learn to fight and have knowledge of his species to give advantage. I bet Stargazer is already going to search Spike's way directly or indirectly if he gets information about dragons as he kills more efficiently

Drama ensues. I just hope they will overcome it.

Aand we have the other douche-nozzle here too. Still having quite one-track-mind with low-ish IQ and racism... Let's see how badly he gets the KARMA-train to the face this time:pinkiecrazy:

Fight fight fight!!!!

The poor damn fool.

Where's Ember?

Twilight needs to talk to Spike about this now before it's too late.

I have a better question, who's Ember?

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