• Member Since 27th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 36 minutes ago


I like to think I'm a great writer but I suck


It's been a while. · 7:13pm Oct 8th, 2021

So in case you didn't noticed, it's that time of year again, Halloween, my favorite holiday. Somethig else you might've noticed is that Equestria of the Dead has been updated. Yes, just as a reminder, this story will ONLY updated throughout the month of October since....you know....zombies and all.

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2020 Hates Louisiana · 7:57pm Oct 8th, 2020

So once again, we're being hit by a cat 2 hurricane. This is like the fifth one this year. Hurricane season was supposed to end this month, but 2020 was all like "let me get one more in". To say i'm pissed will be an understatement. I had plans to release a new story that would only be updated throughout the month of October since it deals with zombies, but due to how bad its gonna be, everything will have to be up by the end of today before it hits tonight; cause I may be out of power for a

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Well......Crap. · 8:43am Aug 24th, 2020

I think someone out there in the universe hates my home state, cause we're about to be hit with two damn hurricanes, back to back, within the same week. The first is gonna be a Cat. 1, or possible a tropical storm when it hits, and the other is most likely gonna be a Cat. 2 when it hits.

But you wanna know what the REAL messed up thing is.......I'M STILL EXPECTED TO SHOW UP FOR WORK!

Wish me luck guys, cause i'm gonna need it.

Report Dante24 · 251 views ·

Where i've been and what's to come. · 5:26am Jun 20th, 2020

So the past few months have been, "hectic", to say the least. Aside from Covid19, and everyone in my town going crazy. I had a cousin who had a heart attack and was in the hospital for weeks before being discharged, one of my mother's closest friends passed away which was a shock to all of us, and on top of that, my father (who was never part of my life and only showed up once in a blue moon) died at least two weeks later. Not to mention a tropical storm that was supposed to hit

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And I'm Back. · 4:37am Jul 15th, 2019

After going all day without power, it finally came back on. The hurricane has passed and aside from a few branches all over the place, not much damage; although I did witness some idiot trying to break into a walmart......that was fun. i just wanna say thanks for your thoughts and prayers, it really means a lot. Thank You.

Report Dante24 · 285 views ·

Still Alive · 3:38am Jul 14th, 2019

As you may, or may not know(depending where you live) I'm currently sitting in the middle of a hurricane right now. Aside from the power going out every now and then, which it getting aggravating, my mother, two sisters, and myself are doing okay.

Report Dante24 · 242 views ·

Plans for the Future (that most likely won't get done) · 2:44am Apr 17th, 2019

I've been meaning to post another blog for a while now, but was too lazy to do so. That is until I saw I had over 200 followers. Holy shit, didn't know I was that liked here; especially since that incident when I posted a rant about Spike being written out of the episode "Once Upon a Zeppelin", but I digress. With "Spike's Mates" now being uploaded, I figure I should reveal future stories i'm either writing or planning for.

(What's being written)

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SFM Problems, An Old Lost Story, and Resolutions Update. · 1:16am May 2nd, 2018

Okay I have a 2 questions: 1) There's an old.....OLD.....story I wrote a long time ago on another fanfic site I completely forgot about and just recently found by accident. If I took that same story and changed the characters to mlp, will i get in trouble for it even though I wrote it?

2) SFM.......Does anyone know how to make the DAMN thing work? I've been to multiple sites to find models so I can make both SFW and NSFW content but each time I download I can't get on the thing.

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Resolutions · 10:15pm Nov 24th, 2017

It's a bit early but with 2018 basicly a month away, i've compiled a list of resolutions for the new year I know i'll fail at. So here they are:

1) Learn how to draw/make fan art and animations.

2) Write at least a few chapters (if not then the whole damn story) before posting. Sometimes writers block hits me, and I don't leaving you guys waiting a month or two for the next chapter.

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Report Dante24 · 425 views ·

I'm Officially Done With Spike Episodes · 5:25pm Sep 14th, 2017

(A/N: I've since calmed down after writing this, and debated whether or not I should post it. I figured why not.)

Because of my work schedule, I haven't had time to write new chapters or watch any new episodes of the show. Today is my first day off in almost a month so I decided to play catch up. Then came the episode "Triple Threat".

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