Rarity has feelings for a certain dragon, and she isn't sure how to feel about that. Word from the family grapevine is that her old Grandpa Merc might have something to say on the issue, so she seeks him out.
It turns out he has a story to tell her. A love story of sorts. A very old one.
Editing by SirNotAppearingInThisFic and Georg.
Picture credit to BenWootten and Paizo Publishing
Some dragon lore borrowed from D&D.
"And believe me, I've met some fascinating cacti in my time."
A lovely story that explains much about Rarity. Also, "noble as Argon" is a brilliant turn of phrase. Thank you for this.
Glad you enjoyed it. I was rather proud of that turn of phrase, myself.
What do you feel this explains about Rarity? I'm asking for science, of course.
Her affinity for jewels, her wit and attention to detail, her affinity for dragons (one in particular,) the unabashed greed she shows in her weaker moments, her much more negative reaction to Spike's molting pheromones than any other pony...
Heck, Ember's scales even have a pattern similar to Rarity's cutie mark, and while the Dragonlord may not be a blue dragon in the D&D sense, it still sort of works.
Gasp! Wait... I need something more dramatic for that last revelation.
Much better. And thanks for writing!
That was glorious!
And +1 to all of 8987177’s excellent observations
And thanks for reading!
Wow. This fic is getting way more positive reactions than what I was expecting. Thanks!
Those were, in fact, all things that were going through my head when I was "preparing" to write this. Except for the molt pheramone reaction, but that fits perfectly well. "Preparing" is in quotes because I had a weird process for this fic, to the point that I feel compelled to write a "making-of" blagpost in the near future. The short version is that I blame the Molt episode and a friend who really loves dragons.
I liked it, thanks for sharing!
This is thoroughly darling.
"to the point that I feel compelled to write a "making-of" blagpost in the near future"
Oh, good; I was going to ask where the story came from. :D
8988237 8988341
Glad you enjoyed it!
All in good time.
Loved it, especially the belching-lightning part XD
Glad I'm not the only one that amused.
So... Does Rarity get sorcerer powers? Dragon has always been one of the better bloodlines to have, after all.
Depends... Does horsery count?
Sweetie Belle can turn toast into a charred slurry, and that seems pretty magical.
Looking forward to it.
Posted just over a minute after your reply.
It's not like Rarity has displayed any overwhelming urge to hoard certain valuables before...
Y'know, I'd completely forgotten that incident. It fits, though!
While Ember may not be a blue dragon in the D&D sense exactly, she is physically smaller, weaker and smarter than most of the other dragons we've seen, and with a temper to match.
Heh, nice. :)
I'm afraid it's been long enough since I first went through it that I'm not pinning down much on exactly how it's changed or how much it's improved, but I did enjoy it this time too, at the very least. :)
If only I could fave this twice
Glad it's still good. Thanks for checking it out again.
You're welcome!
Alas, that isn't quite possible. The sentiment is appreciated, though!
Telling a friend would be kinda like faving twice, now that I think of it.
Or you could create a new bookshelf called "Things I've Faved Twice" or the like...
A course that Spike will develop for the School of Friendship with input from Merc, Ember, Rarity, and many other ponies and dragons. Of course, most creatures will just call it "economics."
In any case, very glad you had me reread this. The expanded version is still a delight from end to end, now even more so. And I can't help but imagine Rarity channeling Twilight's Rapidash impression and going full Zebstrika. (Or better yet, Sweetie Belle realizing her draconic heritage in such a way...)
Thanks for rereading.
*something something reflected sound of underground spirits*
Well, electricity is pretty good at burning things, so Sweetie Belle should have the option of shooting angry lightning bolts in all directions...
This was a nice story and the reveal that Merc was talking about himself was nice. This story actually reminds me a bit of a story that Discord claims is about his grandparents.
Glad you enjoyed it.
It means a lot that the reveal was surprising, yet believable.
Don't think I've heard about that Discord one. Was it in the show? The comics? A fic on this site?
On the site it's called Rescue and it's hilarious.
Nice~Great ending
Glad you liked it.
I am totally going to use this in a d&d campaign
I'm flattered, but how?
I'm thinking of having it be the backstory for a small kingdom have the Royal family be half dragon's
All right. Have fun with that!
Neat..lI am intrigued..
Glad to hear it.
This story is a gem.
A sapphire, to be specific.
Personally I prefer aquamarine or blue zircon.
Oh my, well, that is truly a remarkable and adorable tale to read. It reminds me of another tale about Rarity and Spike regarding Nocturne the Black and a griffon who's name unfortunately eludes me at this moment.
It is a touch of a shame that Rarity never quite had an opportunity to speak, as it were; yet I am somewhat entertained by the notion that I may fashion my own speech for the proper lady. I cannot wait to read the sequel to this splendid and sweet tale. Rarity having dragon blood within her is a fascinating notion and I am quite curious how Spike will react to the fashionista mentioning such a matter to him.
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
What do you mean about Rarity never having an opportunity to speak? She definitely has lines, and important ones at that, so I think I'm not understanding you properly.
Edit: Derp. Forgot which story I was commenting on. So much traffic on each of them left me kinda confused.
As a DM myself, I can see multiple ways it could be used in multiple types of campaigns. Neat idea.
For some reason, that idea kinda reminds me of the time I had a red dragon accompany the party, but the dragon had the literal mind of a dumb, happy, violence-averse golden retriever.
They named him Clifford.
The Big Red Dragon.
I approve of this notion.
The players did, too.
Sadly, Clifford decided to stay with his master in the end. The party didn't get to keep him.
I did indeed. It is quite entertaining.
I see. Well, that is quite alright. I did comment upon these lovely and humorous tales of yours in rather swift succession.
A most glorious fic, it would have been so great if there was stories like this in the official mlp cartoon.