• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Greetings and bienvenue, I am Michael Ravencroft. Writer and artist. From the obscure, to the known, from Comics, to Tokusatsu, nothing eludes my creative eyes. Hark the Raven.


This story is a sequel to Kamen Rider Unicorn

Summer Vacation is still going strong for Team Unicorn, but every once and a while, even heroes need to take a break. And what better way than to play the hottest video game of the year?

However, this game becomes less fun when Canterlot City's youth contract a unknown disease that is slowly killing them. But when Sunset goes to confront this new threat, an enemy from the past returns to seek revenge on her, and on all the good in this and every world.

But hope arrives in the form of three renowned doctors and a game character - and one guy with a MAJOR god complex - who can help and stop this disease before it can progress.

Oh, and they also happen to be Kamen Riders!



Chapters (15)
Comments ( 244 )

I'm just going to say this right now before anyone else can; You magnificent bastard

8909834 Huzzah, my nickname from high school continues to follow me!

I have been waiting for this. An adaptation of the Waiting in Line short but added with EX-AID! Oh, an Ex-Aid Memory and Unicorn Gashat will appear, right?

Looks like another great crossover so far though I kind of expected the villain to be Tirek's counterpart especially with the games story but this is a much cooler villain. It was nice to see the girls just relaxing and the herd discussion got a chuckle out of me as did Kuroto's out burst

Where the heck am I?” Sunset then looked down at herself and blushed. “AND WHAT THE HELL AM I WEARING?!”

Sunset finally took stock of her outfit, which was to say that there wasn’t of much one. In what could only be described as fantasy logic female armor, Sunset’s chest was covered in a leather, rather ornate, armor. Her shoulders were protected by leather pauldrons with a flame design sewn in, and her midriff was exposed. Her lower section was covered in, what Sunset believed to be, a leather bikini bottom, with a leather skirt that guarded her rear and sides, but left the front mostly exposed. On her lift hip rested a generic looking bastard sword, and attached to the right strap of her upper torso armor was a gold medallion that kept a red cape in place.

“I’m going to kill whoever put me in this outfit!” Sunset shouted.

"I would have to agree.” Sunset turned around and saw a young man slumped against the tree. She remembered him as Emu, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. Judging from his appearance, he was dressed in a blue tunic, with neon magenta leggings. His lab coat was swapped out for a white cape, and a resting on his leather belt was a hammer weapon. “It’s kind of unfair to female characters that men get full armor, and most female characters only get exposing armor that logically wouldn’t protect them in a fight.”

Emu's for the equel treatment of video game characters cool though I think Twilight wouldn't mind if Sunset kept the outfit :raritywink:aside from that this story is going be set and fought in both the real and game worlds cool

With God’s help, of course!”

The portal opened up again, and from it appeared a man. He was dressed in a black suit, with light gray skin, green eyes, and black hair. This man carried himself as if he was above all others, and had an aura that made Rainbow Dash uncomfortable.

“Kuroto! What are you doing outside your cell?!” Poppy asked.

Kuroto ran his hand through his hair and fixed Poppy with a steely eyed glare. “How many times must I remind you all, it is…GOD DAN KURO – AAAH!” Kuroto yelped as he held the back of his head.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it before, enough already.” Another man emerged from the portal, he too wore a lab coat and a strange stethoscope like Emu. He wore a Hawaiian shirt, and blue jeans, with sunglasses that hung off his collar. “Yo, name’s Kujo Kiriya, Coroner and Infectious Disease specialist. Also, I’m Kamen Rider Lazer.”

And my favourite Ex-Aid Rider and the walking meme enter

Shining Armor and Taiga finally arrived at the Knightmare Studios building. It was twelve floors of corporate, story boarders, coders, and designers. The front of the building had a logo of a shadowy silhouette of a woman in armor, a sword in hand and a full moon behind her.

I think Luna would approve of this counterpart to be her alter ego

Snipe and Trigger continued like this, shooting down one Virus Bug after the other with ease. Mini explosions went off around them, signifying the destruction of the Virus Bug grunts. Snipe turned to Trigger and nodded his head. “It’s actually fun to have someone who knows how to shoot at your side.”

“Right back at you,” replied Trigger.

Yay bonding over shooting things I think Taiga and Shining are my favourite team up so far

that lived a mighty ruler, who’s magic was like the sun
I mean, surly medical technology may not be the
The beast’s eyes shined yellow as it’s drool made the asphalt sizzle
a possible video game “HP” gauge.The rest of the suit
as the bladeS shined with intense blue light
No trace of the heroes. They were…gone. '

1. Whose.
2. Surely.
3. Its.
4. Forgot your spacing.
5. Extra capitalisation.
6. Extra apostrophe.

“I’ll come to,” said Taiga
Snipe summoned his blaster weapon, the stop half was colored navy blue and black, with the underside and grip
it’s fangs long as is it hissed at the

1. Too.
2. Top.
3. Its.

Alright, I now blame you. Again. Time to watch Ex-Aid. Once it finishes downloading that is.

In the distance there was a voice that shouted, “It’s GOD DAN KUROTO!”

Favorite villain eva!


“It doesn’t make sense, if this was a T1 I don’t see a point in a Gaia Memory that makes everybody sick.”

I think Museum disagrees with you on that part.

Oh boy, have I been waiting for this and you didn't disappoint me, this is great. God all the excitement, can't wait for the next chapter.



Also, how likely is that harem thing to happen?


I still suspect Kuroto because it's Kuroto. Also, that was an awesome teamup of gunslingers, but what did Shining mean when he claimed Unicorn and Nasca could learn something from the doctor Riders?


but what did Shining mean when he claimed Unicorn and Nasca could learn something from the doctor Riders?

pretty sure he meant that they could actually try to work with the police in official capacity similar to the doctor riders and himself.


Oh yes, because him being completely transparent about his identity worked so well when he first debuted. How official does he want them to be when it's not safe for them to reveal who they are?

their identities don't necessarily need to be public, I think he'd be happy if they just worked along side the police and followed along standard police procedure (standard being a relative term in this case)

Poor communication, kills. If they told the authorities about the corruptive properties of the T1 and T2 Memories, then they would know it's better to destroy them. However many people are stupid or uneducated, or just power hungry, and would try and keep them as 'evidence' so they can reverse engineer them for government or personal use and possibly frame Unicorn and Nazca for the Memories existing and make them the Most Wanted people on the planet for being in possession of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'.

“Oh my gosh, Twilight fainted!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

The second I read this sentence, I knew right there that this story is gonna be gonna gold! :rainbowlaugh:


The girls spent the next six hours creating their avatars

6 hours to create more than one character? B.S. it takes 12 hours to even think a name, bump those hours up!

Sunset finally took stock of her outfit, which was to say that there wasn’t of much one. In what could only be described as fantasy logic female armor, Sunset’s chest was covered in a leather, rather ornate, armor. Her shoulders were protected by leather pauldrons with a flame design sewn in, and her midriff was exposed. Her lower section was covered in, what Sunset believed to be, a leather bikini bottom, with a leather skirt that guarded her rear and sides, but left the front mostly exposed. On her lift hip rested a generic looking bastard sword, and attached to the right strap of her upper torso armor was a gold medallion that kept a red cape in place.

If both Twilight (MLP) & Twilight (EQG) saw Sunset wearing that, they would have been sent to the hospital due to major blood loss! :rainbowlaugh:

Anyways, these 1st 2 chapters are a glorious start to this 2nd crossover connecting to Kamen Rider Universe! Keep up the amazing job! :pinkiehappy:

Twilight’s mind raced again, the thought of Sunset being in a harem-like relationship with all their friends, was…was…

“Oh my gosh, Twilight fainted!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Bet she was thinking about all of us as Sunset’s girlfriends,” said Rainbow Dash, who then glanced over at the girl in question. “Huh, I wouldn’t mind that actually.”

“NOT HELPING!” Sunset shouted.

I'd support SunLight FlutterDash. :raritywink:

For those of you not familiar with the glories of Ex-Aid, you can see some good translations of the Transformation Jingles here and you can listen to them here. Enjoy~!

Now for the commentary!

Just then, something strange occurred, something that even made the giant snake monster stop in its tracks. A portal opened up a few feet away, and from it fell out two people, flat on their faces. The Riders, and even the snake monster looked confused.

Thank you, Tsukasa~! :raritywink:


Dreaming Girl~!
A Love Simulation!
The maiden for-e-ver in a
Toki Meki Crisis~!


Send ‘em flyin'~!
It’s an assault
with cl-ashing pun-ches~!
Gekitotsu Robots!

For those of you not familiar with the glories of Ex-Aid, you can see some good translations of the Transformation Jingles here and you can listen to them here. Enjoy~!

Now for the commentary!

“Well, your secret's safe with me. I’m sure Emu would feel the same.” Poppy smiled and patted the young Rider on her shoulder. “Problem is, how are we going to fix this?”

“With God’s help, of course!”


“Also, I’m Kamen Rider Lazer.”

:pinkiesmile: -eyetwitch- :pinkiesmile:
Don't go into a rant, don't go into a rant...

the game was designed by a company based in Canterlot City. Knightmare Studios,


The front of the building had a logo of a shadowy silhouette of a woman in armor, a sword in hand and a full moon behind her.


“Got it, and I’ll…call in for a ride…”

Poor Shiny. XP


Why don’t they do that again?

prob ably because Shining still has a hard on to unmask and arrest them, and they cant fully trust him about it, not yet. Shining still has much to learn from his Sempai

Was that bugster the Gleam Eyes from Sword Art Online, cause I feel like it was.

For those of you not familiar with the glories of Ex-Aid, you can see some good translations of the Transformation Jingles here and you can listen to them here. Enjoy~!

Now for the commentary!


...this one is tricky to copy exactly.
The word Taddle, in this context, seems to be a fictitious word. It’s likely derived from “Follow” (辿る / Tadoru). Therefore it is a pun. The more accurate translation is "Follow Around! Follow Around! Taddle Quest!" But I like this version better.

Brave’s sword did a one-eighty turn, the flames turning blue as frost vapor wafted off the blade. Brave hit the B button twice,

Actually, Gashacon Sword's B needs three hits to fully activate in either mode.


Didn't mention it last time, because the sound matched up better than the copy-pasta stock sound. But the Gekitotsu Robots finisher in Chap-1 was actually "Critical Strike", and this one is actually "Critical Slash". I know, he didn't technically slash anything. That's just what they decided to call any in-Driver finisher that form uses.

Brave watched as Nasca sped away towards her friends and started to engage in conversation with them. He made no hurry to join them, thinking it best to leave them to their private conversation, besides, there were bigger things to ponder. Especially, when two of their own were still trapped in Tirek’s game world. Brave could only fathom the trials they were facing at this moment.

Cut to them excelling/failing in magic class (you know which is which). XP

The duo ran ahead, past the gate, and into the courtyard where they saw a strange sight. A burly man, dressed in Viking clothes, and wielding a rather large shovel, was wrestling with a unicorn. But this wasn’t a regular unicorn, it was glowing turquoise green, with shimmers of white. Its horn was made of an emerald crystal, and its eyes were bright blue. The man who was wrestling the beast was at least seven and half feet tall, compared to the unicorn, he was able to look the beast in the eyes.

I get that it is not, but I couldn't help but think of Polar Knight from the Shovel Knight game.


And the awesomeness continues. Though I wonder how long Sunset and Emu will be in magic school...

And is Sunny seducing ANOTHER Twilight?! Oy!

So, what was that monster anyway?

Another great chapter and the humor, oh god the humor, it is priceless.

I think that Viking is meant to be the Human World equivalent to Rockhoof. Just like 'Misty' is the Human World equivalent to Mistmane.

I figured that out. My first reaction before figuring that out was Polar Knight, who also dresses like a viking and has a shovel as his primary weapon.

The girl behind the books had a light tan complexion, with rimless glasses, her eyes were like sparkling amethyst, and her hair was a deep violet. She’d be a dead ringer for Twilight, except this girl had pointed elf ears, but still, the likeness was uncanny.

The not-Twilight placed her stack of books on the desk on her side of the dorm room, with Sunset placing the rest there too. “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Midnight, Midnight Moonshadow.”

A new ship is about to set sail! Someone come up with a ship name for Sunset & Midnight!

and have his revenge one those who imprisoned him
Her health bar had gone done some, enough to make it glow red
It’s the clubs that deal the heavy damage, but their slow
Headmaster Aster had gathered Sunset and Emu to a special meeting room. I kind of rotunda, sequestered from outside interruption via a magical dimension
Her olive skin had nary A mark upon it
Tirek’s rise is upon his
And Rock Fist here states that you’re fighting skills are something to behold

1. On.
2. Down.
3. They're.
4. I think this part is broken.
5. Extra capitalisation.
6. Us.
7. Your.

Oh Microchip, what game you designed. What a game indeed.

Can I get one?:rainbowlaugh:


Quite a game they're in. Quite a game.

A part of me wants to tell Sunny to give in. She can have all the Twilights. ALL THE TWILIGHTS!

So, Emu, where were YOU during the last big crossover in Equestria?

For those of you not familiar with the glories of Ex-Aid, you can see some good translations of the Transformation Jingles here and you can listen to them here. Enjoy~!

Now for the commentary!


Actually, you can go straight to Lvl-2 without the need for Lvl-1. The people that made the show realized very quickly that it was easier to just leave out the Lvl-1 stuff so we could get to the good stuff faster.

Yes. ALL the Twily. :twilightangry2::twilightblush::twilightoops::twilightsheepish::twilightsmile::facehoof:
Where was Em? I do believe he wasn't a Legend Rider at that time. Decade has a habit of only visiting the worlds of Legend Riders.
(Legend Rider Definition: A Kamen Rider who has obtained his ultimate form and has defeated his world's primary threats.)



Yes. ALL the Twily.:twilightangry2::twilightblush::twilightoops::twilightsheepish::twilightsmile::facehoof:
Where was Em? I do believe he wasn't a Legend Rider at that time. Decade has a habit of only visiting the worlds of Legend Riders.
(Legend Rider Definition: A Kamen Rider who has obtained his ultimate form and has defeated his world's primary threats.)

He hadn't gotten that by the time the crossover was written? I forget

He had by the time those chapters were published, but for all we know those were written long before they were made public.

Ex-Aid & Unicorn have officially been awoken in the Game & Yes! Sunset & Midnight are about to become a real thing! :pinkiehappy::raritywink:



Something I'm concerned with is that all these game characters will probably cease to exist once Tirek's beaten. Unless they become Bugsters, which is another problem. Shame game!Twi can't come back with them to add to Sunny's harem.

Indeed. Once Tirek is defeated, there's no guarantee that the game world will continue to exist. I'd like to see Midnight Moonshadow come into the real world as well, but I doubt Micheal_Ravencroft wants to mix in a surprisingly complex bit of Ex-Aid lore into his Double-inspired story.

8919537 8919485

There's actually a perfectly logical explanation as to why Emu/Ex-Aid was not included in the battle against Nega-Shocker.

I just hadn't finished watching Ex-Aid :twilightsheepish:

That would have been my next guess. XP

So, do you catch new episodes week by week, or do you wait and grab the whole thing when it's done?

Poor Shimshim! All her friends are horny for her! :rainbowlaugh: Micro has Fourth Wall knowledge! :rainbowlaugh:

This is getting good! And, if I had to make a guess just based off Rider trends, we're going to be trading off "Get Power-Up" and "Get Party Member" every chapter or every other chapter. Can't wait to see if I'm surprised! :raritywink:

some Demis can keep their traits hidden since their subtle

1. They're.

And now because of you, I have sans the extra side stories and movies. And a certain other individual whom they should know am halfway through Drive. Now I just have to wonder how will Emu's other games and Sunset's Memories appear here?

Don't tell me Musegi is going to be a falling star of a meteor, cause that's what I thought of.

Better get used to it shimsham. You're a babe magnet!:raritywink:

Midnight gave Emu a confused look, but then remembered they were not originally from their world. “Sorry, I forgot you are not native to our world. Humans and Demi-humans don’t always have that he best of relationships, some see Demi-humans as lesser beings because of their animal parts, some Demis can keep their traits hidden since their subtle. Others can’t, like…”

Rwby reference? And yeah everyone is gay for Sunset :rainbowlaugh: I imagine Micro is going to get quite the talking to when all this is over. Cool to know what the rest of the girls are called in the game each race seems pretty fitting though I can't help but feel two are referencing other fics if so neat.
To keep this short i like that Emu is deferring to Sunset kind of fits his character to be this kind of veteran I like the reference to Rainbows introduction in the first episode I'm guessing each of the girl will follow a similar one.

Wow, Sunset must have a really high charisma state if everyone is immediately falling for her. Usually this takes forever in any RPG, I’m starting to get jealous. If it would only always be that easy in games, party-liking-management can be a pain in the butt.

Calling it here? Just about all of the video game versions of Sunset's friends are going to reach the max or second to last relationship level at the same time.


Micro, you are a piece of shit. I'm surprised the girls weren't a bit...angrier by what he did.

So, a company hires a minor to design a game, which he gets no credit for...yeah, that seems legit.

Enchantress is a race?

Are elves demi-humans? What differentiates humans from demi-humans from other species?

So, is Midnight jealous, or...?

Ambrosia – Amazon

Oh cool! Applejack is a man-eating mutant!

Okay, probably not that kind of Amazon.

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