You had never understood this lavender unicorn. The way she thinks. The way she acts. Even the way she smiles at you. But you had never regretted the night you asked her out. But deep down, you see she's troubled, in fact depressed, obviously scarred by the shocking events that once happened to her.
Would you be able to heal her scars, as well as win her heart? All on the same night?
I'm incredibly confused what happend to twilight I must know damnit
I don't normally like second person fics, but this was actually good.
Really? To spoil everything?
Spike said 'past month', meaning its recent. The scar on 'you' represents that you were abused. And from Twilight's anxiousness during the date, everything fits together.
In other words, Twilight had a past relationship with an abusive stallion.
Confusion is my primary attribute in my stories, unfortunately.
My other, main story is as well
Someone hurt Twilight?!
I hope you write another fic where I kick this stallion's flank.
Oh my gosh, I love this song. Time to stop loving you for your taste in music and start reading
That sure was an interesting read with the lyrics and all. Truly unique.
950656 who hurt her I'll invite him to a friendly game of golf exept he's the ball and the golf clubs are swords and it's not very friendly anymore
all I have to say.
Lol! .
I probably won't (xD) because I'm working on my longer story, which is over here!
This was just something that came in my head one morning and I decided to write it to pass the time
Trust me, I'm just a music lover.
You wouldn't want to know how chaotic my library is. One minute its Skrillex, then it suddenly turns into Owl City.
This story made me weep... for the love I'll never have.
951016 Ha ha! Brohoof!
One tear
You sir can have my highest honour, reserved for only those who can russle my jimmies
Have 3 moustaches
And 10 out of 5 yay's
Well done. Well done indeed, I see you also included one of my personal favourite songs, can I express anymore love to you?! Oh wait, yes I can!
Thanks !
There wasn't a songfic about it, so I had to make one myself
Noticed you favorited the story before commenting...
I see what you did there
Dammit, I think you're my favorite author now.
First Laurels, then this...
If you see my recent blog post, you'd understand how I got this story
951923 WHAT
950991 people ask me what genre I like and then I freeze because I listen to everything but country.
I know exactly how to rate this 37.74002885662937 chimneys being torn apart by donkey Kong out of 40..63003774907200177563
951884 Guess I'm not so incognito as I would like to think
Phwew. Glad to hear that she wasn't raped.
I am NOT glad to hear that she had an abusive relationship with a stallion. That piece of shit is going to die. I'm going to go all out Pinkie on my laptop, break the fourth wall, hunt that stallion, and kill him.
You know, something like that happened to me while I was pre-reading the story.
The song and the lyrics seemed to fit at one point. It was somewhere at the saucy part.
Depends on how fast you read though
Nuzzle=rubbing a face on something affectionately.
I lost interest when 'I' committed a crime during this, and I stopped skimming when I realized that Twilight was easy.
'You' didn't do anything wrong.
Basically, Twilight was, as aforementioned, abused by another stallion (which is not 'you) before the both of you started dating.
Well, the only reason Twilight and you would... you know... because she's deeply hurt. It's been only one month since she was broken apart, and she needed somepony else to trust her.
Oh, and thanks for the muzzle/nuzzle thing. Correcting in now
984117 The second Twilight said "Let go" and you didn't, that is a crime, good intentions or not. There is no arguing that can circumvent that either. You do not or will ever have the right to touch someone who does not want it, even if they may need it. Doing anything otherwise is assault. When you grow up around a cop, you learn these things very quickly.
Well, it is just a story after all.
There had been much more fanfics (not only on FIM) I've seen that utilized these kinds of love/hate, drama squiggle-wiggle (I don't even know what I just typed).
I've seen renditions similar to this that questions me as well, but as I let it progress I realized it just flowed nicely along with it.
And I'm just 16, in some remote Asian country, so I have completely no idea about the American Judicial System (if that's how you call it.)
Sorry 'bout that
Did you play the vid while reading it?
984378 Unfortunately, I read on an iPad, so embedded Youtube only likes to work sometimes. Which means that I avoid it. Kudos on having better command of the English language than most Americans and Brits, though.
Flash stuff never works well on iPad
I'm suppose to be studying for an exam tomorrow,
But I'm here on Fimifiction reading this fic, Dunno why I suddenly opened the link to this, but I'll tell ya, it sure was worth it
( Plus, COLDPLAY!!! )
950592 inb4 bestpersonintheworld?
I salute you!
this was the most beautiful fan fic i have read so far it is also one that has touched me and my girlfriend very deeply do to the similarity's that are represented in the story. Thank you for writing something that can touch the heart with chills and pure joy and recognition. thank you.
This was amazing! I'm definitely gonna read some more of your fics.
Story made my heart cry in pleasure, keep this up