• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 21st, 2024


I am a brony from Massachusetts with Autism who enjoys MLP, Disney and writing!


Twilight and Queen Novo apologize to one another over their respective actions when Twilight tried to steal the Pearl of Transformation in order to save Equestria from the Storm King.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 65 )
redmar #1 · Nov 25th, 2017 · · 1 ·

This is quite nice since it is true on both accounts. I personally find it strange that Queen Novo seemed to change her mind so quickly after the song and she never had a good reason to deny Twilight the Pearl since she was supposed to be an ally of Equestria. Twilight's friends also seemed oblivious to the amount of pressure Twilight is feeling. Of course trying to steal the Pearl was wrong but to Twilight it didn't seem like there were any other options left.

I'm guessing the queen isn't removing their banishment anytime soon

Glad to see that Twilight and Queen Novo are on good terms again. :)

Good thing they didn't know about Flurry Heart.

I really wish something like this had happened near the end of the movie. I like how both Novo and Twilight felt the need to apologize for their actions. It made the movie feel more complete. I love it! I'm adding it to my favorites for sure. :twilightsmile:

Guess what I found?

Now, Queen Novo was seconding guessing her actions as she and her subjects were repairing their home, Hippogriffia.

It’s just second guessing not seconding guessing.

Texus #9 · Dec 28th, 2017 · · 1 ·

I'm curious as to why Queen Novo will have to apologize here. I mean yes she didn't helped, but I don't remember her doing anything wrong.
She maybe acted angry when Twilight was a **** but otherwise I remember nothing.

edit: I still have to read it later.

yayme #11 · Feb 3rd, 2018 · · 4 ·

A little late to the game, but such is life.

Queen Novo had nothing to apologize for.
Granted, they seemed to be allies, but since I can't recall ever hearing about them these past 7 yrs. I can't see how their kingdoms were *that* close. :rainbowlaugh:

The Queens first duty is to her subjects. You can do the "right thing" and end up paying a terrible price. Or not do it, and end up suffering just as bad.

To over simplify things;
*In the early 20th century, people did bad things, countries stood by their treaties, and we ended up with WW1.
*A couple of decades later, people did bad things, countries ignored their treaties, and we ended up with WW2.

Besides, the "Princess of Friendship" tried to nick the pearl. What the hells up with that?? :trixieshiftleft:
She lost any 'right' to give poor Trixie a hard time.
About anything.
Ever again. :trixieshiftright:

See, now this is something that I wanted to happen at some point during the ending of the movie. Twilight apologizing to Queen Novo for trying to steal her pearl. I admit, her heart was in the right place, but her mind was most certainly not:ajbemused:. I mean, did she honestly think that the Pearl wouldn't have some sort of protection for the pearl, or alarm to go off when the Queen wasn't around? Seriously what the hay was she thinking? I understand that she felt like it was the only option but that still doesn't make it right, cause she not only threw away the only help they had, but she also made herself just as bad as the Storm King by doing what she did. Her friends really weren't helping either, since they weren't really trying to help her keep her head throughout their entire journey, even though they helped a group of pirates get their mojo back and gained a group of allies. Again, I get why she didn't really trust her friends or anyone else, especially after that cat tried to sell them but still...trying to steal something from another ruler, even though she's a ruler herself...not cool:twilightangry2:.

That being said, I'm not really on Queen Novo's side either. Trust me, she has every right to be angry at Twilight for trying to steal the pearl, and I know that her first duty as Queen is to protect her subjects. However, there was a land that needed her help; not just Twilight and her friends, but the other three Princesses themselves, and I think Twilight and her friends would've been able to convince her to help them if they had pointed out that Celestia tried to send Luna beyond the Badlands and seek Queen Novo, only to be stopped by Tempest. By refusing, she was not only letting Equestria fall by the Storm KIng's hands, but she was also abandoning her allies when they needed her help, even though she had made an agreement with the Princesses to help her defend her land. As the old saying goes: the only thing worse than a wounded enemy, is a betrayed comrade, and what Queen Novo was doing was a the very definition of betrayal...well, it would be, if Princess Celestia and Luna were there. Queen Novo has my deepest condolences for what the Storm KIng did to her and her subjects in the past, and she has every right to despise him, but even if he made her and her subjects flee from their home, even if she didn't want to face him again...that's no reason to not come to the aid of somepony your supposed to be allies with.

Anyway, that's my thoughts thanks to that little incident, and I'm sticking to it, no matter what anypony else says. They can agree or disagree, I'm totally fine with that. I was wanting to see a fic where both Twilight and Novo would apologize for their actions, even though the latter was rightfully angry at Twilight for what she tried to do, and now I've seen it:twilightsmile:. Great job TS3562:pinkiehappy:!

Beautiful...just, beautiful!

Yeah, yeah, it's always Twilight that has to apologize for EVERYTHING. Trixie made Starlight miss PRE-ARRANGED dinner? Twilight is at fault.
Twilight is the last mare standing that tries to SAVE a kingdome, while her friends DANCE, SING, and generally SCREW things up(Rainboom grabs attention of Tempest/the five just want to dance with seaponies/they blindly trust Capper)? She's in the wrong.

Always Twilight has to apologize.

Up until the point where Twilight tried to steal the Pearl from Queen Novo, she was doing what she knew she had to do:ajsleepy:. Basically, what I'm saying is they're all at fault here:applejackunsure:.

Twilight tried to put a sin on HERSELF to SAVE a whole kingdom. Trixie constantly pushed her OWN sins onto others. WAS Twilight at fault, for calling Trixie out, when Starlight had a PRE-ARRANGED dinner? Was she wrong in doubting Trixie, after she forgave her TWICE(Boast Busters/Magic Duel), and then Trixie came back and STILL tried to win against Twilight? Using cheap tactics as well.

Well... You cant really blame Twilight. The last hope was just refused.
"There's one thing we can do".
For all I know, Novo was simply offering a ride back, and not any help. The phrase was never finished, but what else can be implied by "one little thing"? Certanly not any significant help.

Novo had the right to refuse Twilight's plea? Twilight had more justification to do whatever it takes to save the whole Equestria, while all Novo did was hiding...

Yes but still, trying to steal the pearl was not the way to go:ajbemused:. She of all ponies should know that things like that are not left unguarded, even if there aren’t any actual guards around. That theft attempt was pretty much destined to fail right from the beginning:ajsleepy:. Maybe if she had joined the others in their attempt to convince Queen Novo that they were ponies worth helping, they would not have gotten banished from the Sea Kingdom.

As for Queen Novo, she, as I said before, was abandoning an ally that needed their help. I get that she was trying to protect her subjects, which would by any rulers priority, but we’re not jus talking about her land, we’re talking about all the land here. If you ask me, she was inadvertently leaving Celestia, Luna, Cadence and everypony else to the wolves:ajsleepy:. I’m not on either side, but I’m not saying that I don’t understand their reasonings. I just wish they could’ve done things differently.

Also, neither of us know for sure what Queen Novo was going to say when she said “One little thing...” so you can’t really say whether or not she was going to help them.

Then what is? Your kingdom is overrun, you're one of the last standing soldiers, you have been denied help, and all your other guys doing is dance and screw up? What do you do, when there ARE no options left?

In case you don't get it. Three princeses have fallen, Storm King enslaved all ponies, you BARELY escaped, you got betrayed by what you thought an ally. Pinkie almost killes herself, you barely saved her, she treats it like no big deal. Then en route to your destination, Rainbow pinpoints your position to Tempest, you barely escape again, you make it to where you wanted, and you get denied your cry for help. What do you do then?

Then you’re going to have to resort to another tactic that doesn’t involve stealing something that belongs a ruler. Like continuously reminding my friends why we are really here, and what our mission is before things get out of hand, or hoof. And yes, I know what happened between the Princess, the Storm King, Casper, Pinkie and Rainbow during the movie, and yes that would lead you to become desperate, but all that tactic would do is bring conflict between both countries. Even if Twilight did manage to take the pearl successfully, all that would’ve done, besides make everypony back in Equestria powerful enough to face the Storm King Army, was bring conflict between both nations, and possibly lead to a war:ajbemused:.

As I have said before, I understand why Twilight did what she had done, but that doesn’t make it right in any way. All she ended up doing was making herself just as bad as the Storm King and get her friends and everypony else banished:facehoof:.

It's easy to judge after you seen the movie, and from your seat in your home. And we're modern people, who can solve sphinx's riddles easly. Pretty much all of us. While they are ponies, and I would place them in about middle ages?

Since we can't seem to agree what Twilight should and shouldn't done, tell me, as a modern person, what would you do? You're on the RUN, your nervse are SHOT. You CAN'T keep calm if you're deciding really important things. Have you been nervous about an exam, or anything? Now imagine, that it's not your grade, but survival of the country. Now add your classmates, who don't study, but party and get in trouble. You have to constantly bail them. If you fail there are no retakes. THAT'S IT, GAME OVER. Solve it. You ask for an imortant thing, and are denied. You CAN'T afford to lose. Your actions.

Hm...well, when you put it like that, it makes a lot of sense:applejackunsure:. Still, it really grinded my nerves and made my heart skip a beat when Twilight did that:rainbowderp:.

I'm just sick and tired when people blame Twilight for everything.Twilight is at fault, when dealing with Trixie. Twilight is wrong, when she tried to steal the pearl. What else. Twilight is a bad friend, because she's jealous. I've had just about enough...

I bet a lot of people are, especially when she isn’t the only one to blame at times:ajsleepy:.

I found that you are wrong. People usually are quick to blame Twilight for all the mess. And apart from myself, I haven't seen many defenders.

Well, it’s not like the rest of the girls haven’t made their own fair share of mistakes from time to time:applejackunsure:.

The problem here is, that "the girls'" mistakes get ignored, and Twilight takes ALL the blame. Despite doing everything to just SURVIVE. Just to SAVE her kingdome. They ignore the WHY she's doing it, and press her on WHAT she's doing, and how it's ALL wrong... I try to play their game, and clear her of ALL acusations.

Exaclty. Which is why they really need to be called out on their mistakes more:ajsleepy:.

I'll let someone else accuse the girls. I focus on Twi-Twi, and the linked character mistakes.

Don’t worry, you can leave accusing the girls to me:raritywink:. I plan to point out their mistakes in my AU series anyways:ajsmug:.

Will you PM me the story when you start/post it? =) Would like to read it. Thanks.


8845031 Personally, I find them all guilty. I mean, Twilight was under a LOT of pressure throughout the movie and her friends were just doing their own thing. And Queen Novo was just as guilty for not loaning the pearl to Twilight and also for not having the guts to face the Storm King.

Exactly the point I was making. Twilight was the only one who KNEW the STAKES, and did her BEST. Mane five was dancing and screwing up, and Queen Novo only hid behind a rock, considering that taking "risks" was not worth assisting in stopping the Storm King, someone, who was enemy to all kingdoms...
Really liked your story, because while you made Twilight apologise, you also made Novo apologise. Really felt cathartic... =)

Yeah...I get that Queen Novo was only keeping her subjects safe but...she was being kind of cowardly on her part:applejackunsure:.

Hey Silver, here's the first story of my series that I'm currently writing:twilightsmile:. In case you were wondering, I joined a group where they basically rewrite the episodes of MLP to show how it should've gone and what could've been done better. I joined one similar where it rewrites the whole series of MLP, and that is something that I plan to do in my MLP AU series:raritywink:. I'm still working on the first story and I haven't really gotten to that point yet, but I will soon enough:twilightblush:.

Anyway, here's the link to my story:pinkiesmile:. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/391987/the-guardians-of-harmony---book-1-lunar-eclipse-rise-of-the-nightmare

Hope you enjoy:scootangel::heart:!

yayme #37 · Apr 6th, 2018 · · 1 ·


Twilight tried to put a sin on HERSELF to SAVE a whole kingdom.

That doesn't give her the right to take something that belongs to another country. What if something had happened to her? Then the bad guys would have it. Then what?

Being Royalty in Equestria does NOT mean she gets to do whatever she wants in other Kingdoms.
At best, what she tried to do would lead to an end of any diplomatic relations, at worst, possibly war.

Trixie constantly pushed her OWN sins onto others.

Can you give some examples? Its been sometime since I watched any eps with TG&PT.

WAS Twilight at fault, for calling Trixie out, when Starlight had a PRE-ARRANGED dinner? Was she wrong in doubting Trixie, after she forgave her TWICE(Boast Busters/Magic Duel), and then Trixie came back and STILL tried to win against Twilight?

Yes, Twilight just sprung the dinner on Starlight. Putting an excessive amount of pressure onto her. Then made it worse, by saying Sunbutt was coming to see how she's doing. Twilight was more concerned about how SHE looked (as a 'teacher') than what this was doing to Starlight. Her student and alleged friend.
Yes, if she did indeed forgive her (twice) why the attitude? I'd say that made an awkward situation worse. And lead to some of the problems that resulted. Such as making it another contest between the two of them. Trixie and Starlight had the start of a legit friendship. But Twilight wanted to micro manage every aspect of Starlights life.
Hell, look at how Twilight gave Starlight and friggin CHECKLIST of things to do with her, mainly Twilights, friends.
Friendship, much less life, is NOT a series of boxes that you check off. Everyone is different, just because one pony enjoys listening to Rainbow Dash go on and on about the Wonderbolts, or Applejack about her family, doesn't mean everyone has nothing better to do, then listen to them.

And why wouldn't the "Princess of Friendship" give someone the benefit of the doubt? Shouldn't she be leading by example? Or do only ponies (and others) who threaten the world get that?
Like Luna
Like Discord
Like Starlight
Like Changlings
Or is it more 'who you know' rather than giving second chances, because everyone messes up.
Like Twilight using the want it need it spell on the younger sisters of her friends, and leaving Ponyville in shambles.

Also, is that the new standard? If someone screws up twice, they lose any consideration?
Because they have ALL screwed up more than once.
Trixie, Luna & Rarity all delt with dark magic/cursed artifacts.
ManeSix in the Mare Do Well, rather than just talking to her,(like Twilight should have done with Trixie and Starlight) they made RD look and feel bad. I could go on and on.
Sunbutt, EVERYTIME something happens. I swear she just hopes for the best.

Using cheap tactics as well.

1) Like what?
2) Alls fair in love and friendship.


That doesn't give her the right to take something that belongs to another country.

I'd like to see you, as a last standing official, to do something. Every effort Twilight made was negated by her friends. Flee onto the departing ship? Pinkie jumps on the roap. and Twilight BARELY saves her. They succesfully make way in cover of clouds? Sonic Rainbow will alert Tempest and fix that. And Queen Novo refused her plea for help. WHAT OPTIONS were there left? TELL ME.

About Trixie's sins? She constantly brags, without a shred of humility. Twilight stopped Ursa Minor? She will still never be as great as Trixie. Magic Duel I HOPED was the turning point, when Trixie helped Twilight put on a show and apologised. I thought that Trixie turned around. Nope, Trixie is acidic and condescending to Twilight, and makes Starlight choose between the dinner, and the show. Glimmer was desperate to earn some friends, and Trixie's wording(I believe That Trixie played her like a fiddle) made her choose Trixie. Or did you forget how Trixie admitted it herself? That Starlight was just a tool. If anypony elsle would become Trixie's friend, she would forget her. Because she didn't want Starlight for Starlight, but just for a firts ever "friend".

Like Luna
Like Discord
Like Starlight
Like Changlings

Only two of those redemptions kind of good, and I hate the new changelings style. Starlight was too OP. Twilight is a student of Princess Celestia, talented unicorn by herself, Element of Magi AND has ascended to Alicorn(don't like how it's been done either). Starlight WINS in beam-of-war, while levitating herself. She mops the floor with Twilight. She was barely talked out of world destruction and was REWARDED with being a student of friendship. You just CAN'T let everything go after "I'm sorry".
Discord. I. Hate. Him. The only pony he cares about is Fluttershy, and not because she's Fluttershy. Only because she has made many steps to be liked by Discord. Discord didn't make ANY steps to be liked by ANYONE. "Three's a Crowd". He made Twilight and Cadence go on a useless journey, USELESS. To make sure Twilight was still his friend. Being Discord, he knew she was. But he did it anyway. "What About Discord". To... ugh... "teach" a lesson about jealoucy(actually, neglection), he made Twilight miss every get together with the rest of mane five. He knew she would be hurt. He did it. "To where and back again" has this dialog.
-Changelings kidnapped royal sisters
(Discords bored)
(Discord yawns)
and her friends
(Discord's enraged)
They took Fluttershy?!

He couldn't give a single fuck about the rest. They could be dead to him. He didn't care in the least.

It's not about standarts. It's about screwing up, being forgiven, and then coming back and screwing up again in the same way. That being Trixie's character, she ALWAYS wants to one up Twilight, and is really looking down on her. "To Where and Back Again". Starlight screwed up, by choosing Trixie, and forgetting who STOPPED her bad ways of the tyrant, and Trixie rubbed that fact in the face of Twilight. "She chose me over you" x2. First one being "No Second Prances". I'm NOT against redemption, I'm against bad characters and stories, that repeat mistakes, or make characters make stupid decisions.

Cheap tactics? Not asking Twilight about lending Starlight, or Starlight INFORMING Twilight that he has change her mind, Trixie pushing the right buttons to make Starlight do what SHE wants, etc...

"Please try to understand me, all of you," said Twilight, nervously. "I…I tried to steal the Pearl of Transformation to try and save us from the Storm King."

Twilight then saw a sight that frightened her internally, Celestia lowering her head in disappointment.

"Why would you do that, Twilight?" asked Cadence.

I probably read too many of these aftermath stories. If I'd had to go through half of what Twilight has had to in terms of going to hell and back to save the day by the skin of her teeth and then have the royal backseat drivers play monday-morning quarterback all over the results, I would've blown a gasket by now.

Comment posted by xd77 deleted Dec 22nd, 2018

Now, Queen Novo was second guessing her actions as she and her subjects were repairing their home, Hippogriffia.

I thought they lived in Mt. Aris.

You were right. This was satisfying. :twilightsmile:

I know I already posted these suggestions in my review of this story, but, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to put them here just in case. Besides, I wouldn’t mind seeing what everyone else around here thinks.

”All I wanted was to protect ourselves from the Storm King," sighed Novo as she walked away from the repairs. "We couldn't risk being even more vulnerable to him and his forces, Skystar, you know that."

It should instead be:

“All I wanted was to protect our people from the Storm King," sighed Novo as she walked away from the repairs. "We couldn't risk being even more vulnerable to him and his forces, Skystar, you know that."

”How could I have been so foolish?" Novo thought to herself in mortal shame. "Why couldn’t I just put my protective nature aside and help a fellow nation instead of hiding underwater like a coward? That's what I was, a coward, all because I didn't want to confront the Storm King, not after what he did to us. Well, at least I can try and beg for Princess Twilight's forgiveness."
The next morning, Novo and Skystar flew over to Canterlot flanked by their entourage and landed at the entrance to Canterlot where Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight were waiting. Novo looked over towards Twilight and took an enormous gulp, hoping that Twilight would forgive her for her actions.

Change it to this:

"How could I have been so foolish?" Novo thought to herself in mortal shame. "Why couldn't I just put my protective nature aside and help a fellow nation instead of hiding underwater like a coward? That's what I was, a coward, all because I didn't want to confront the Storm King, not after what he did to us. Well, at least I can try and beg for Princess Twilight's forgiveness."

The next morning, Novo and Skystar flew over to Canterlot flanked by their entourage and landed at the entrance to Canterlot where Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight were waiting. Novo looked over towards Twilight and took an enormous gulp, hoping that Twilight would forgive her for her actions.

”You did what you needed to do, Twilight," sympathized Skystar. "My mom will understand what you are trying to say. She just has a pride that sometimes goes to her head."

As the breakfast began, Novo and Twilight were seated across from each other and ate their breakfast in awkward silence. This caught the attention of the other princesses.

Change it to this:

”You were only doing what you thought was right, Twilight," sympathized Skystar. "My mom will understand. She just has a pride that sometimes goes to her head."

As the breakfast began, Novo and Twilight were seated across from each other and ate their breakfast in awkward silence. This caught the attention of the other princesses.

"As a matter of fact," confessed Twilight, knowing that the jig was already up. "Something did happen because of me. I know you are probably going to be disappointed with me, but I tried to find a way to save Equestria that involved going to extreme measures."

You can make it this:

"As a matter of fact," confessed Twilight, knowing that the jig was already up. "Something did happen. Because of me,” she rubbed her right leg with her left hoof in guilt, “I know you are probably going to be disappointed with me, but I tried to find a way to save Equestria that involved going to extreme measures."

”We all were under pressure," she said in a sympathetic voice. "If there is one individual that should we blame for all of this it's the Storm King and he paid for his crimes with his life."

Change it to this:

"We were all under pressure," she said in a sympathetic voice. "If there is one individual that should be blame for this, it's the Storm King, and he paid for his crimes with his life."

Novo and Twilight glanced over at each other for a brief second and then got up from the table to embrace each other.

Change it to this version:

Novo and Twilight glanced over at each other for a brief second, and then...

Twilight got up from the table and flew over to Novo, and in the blink of an eye...

She embraced her, wrapping her forehooves around the queen’s neck as tears dripped down her eyes.

Apology accepted," said Twilight, much to Novo's relief as she let out a light chuckle, much to Skystar's amusement. However, Novo was quick to jump on her. "And you, young lady, are still so grounded!"

I recommend going with this one:

"Apology accepted," said Twilight, much to Novo's relief.

Novo smiled let out a light chuckle, before she wrapped her foreclaws and giant feathery wings around the little princess’s body and held her close.

“I forgive you too.” She told her with tears, much to Twilight’s relief in return.

The scene that was happening was much to Skystar's amusement. However, Novo was quick to jump on her, and she turned her attention to her daughter as she was still holding Twilight.

“And you, young lady, are still so grounded!" She sassily told her daughter.

And the table broke into a small laughter as Novo managed to accept the apology of a Princess who was just trying to help her homeland.


Make it this:

And the table broke into a small laughter as Novo and Twilight let go from their embrace. The hippogryph queen...and the alicorn princess...were now friends.


Well I don't see anyone besides fluttershy reaching out either. . Spike only did as a favor to fluttershy. And yes discord is a pain with his lessons but he didn't keep them from twilight when she was doing her books. They figured that she was busy and didn't have time to hang out. Twilight claims sunset is her friend but each time she seen her it was because she she was playing hero. She never spent much time in the human world and never even considered asking sunset to visit and just hang out. I wouldn't say that is a good friend.

Rarity never faced any sort of punishment for her mess up even though she messed up most of the town. Spike got scolded for his part but rarity didn't get scolded. Spike is a kid with a crush on rarity. She is an overdramitic fashion diva adult who should know better than act like the world is going to end just because she messed up and the client wasn't happy.

Yes, becuase you would try to become friends with a guy who mindf*cked you, and made you betray your friends. Frankly, I simply don't understand Flutteshy's angle. There is kindess to someone made a mistake, and then there is trying to befriend an outright malicious spirit of Disharmony. An outright enemy of Harmony. The ONLY reason Discord was redeemed was because writers said so. Or do you honestly belive that a demon would fall for friendship? He doesn't CARE for emotionts of others, he can't be fromed a connection with.

He didn't stop mane 5 from going to Twilight. However, he DID stop Twilight from going TO mane 5!!! Do I need to again bring up every fact that despite writers trying to redeem him - he is still the spirit of cruelty(kindess), deception(honesty), betrayal(loyalty) and others? Do I need to chew facts for you so you understand that Discord should have never BEEN redeemed?

About Sunset and Twilight not being good friends, here I lack any solid arguments, actually. I can only say that Sunset is better friends with humane 5 and Twilight has her princess duties... Really, you can come up with any number of valid and not so valid reasons why Sunny and pony Twi do not hang out with each other. Also, where did SUNSET came up?
Names that I brought up are: Twilight, Starlight, Discord, Trixie, Tempest, Novo, Rainbow, Celestia, Cadance, Fluttershy... I see no Sunset. And Twilight is a good friend, given her limited expertise in that department. She is kinda the first in actually making friendship into science. She gives up both her tickets because she woul either they all stay, than 2 ponies go, and 3 ponies leave dissapointed(Twilight herself doesn't care). She takes non-bragging to the opposite extreme, and runs away from a confrontation, rather than be booed by her friends... So yeah, your argument doesn't hold. At all.

Can twilight not find any time for sunset outside saving the day. She found time for her ponyville friends but not a single comic or cartoon with spending time together as just friends with no emergencies. She didn't even bother coming over in anonymous. And Can you blame discord for messing with the main 6 when they were going to turn him into a statute. Given the choice between the two I would pick mess them up

Yea, Discord doesn't like them, becuase they don't trust him, becaus ehe's a freaking chaos spirit.

"I tortured ponies back in my time, and I mindraped them when I got out. Wonder why they don't like me and want to put me away"...

Fantastic reasoning.

About Twilight and Sunset, I repeat. I don't have solid arguments. Can YOU write a story without a CONFLICT of ONE nature or another? Mental doubts, a fight against an enemy... What story can YOu make of getting ALONG? Well, you can, but it won't rate well. Granted, I am not an MLP writer, or I would have pushed for better conflicts and resolutionts. So I can't tell you anything about any stories that you brought up. Be it Anonamiss, or Discord story arcs, or anything. I'm gonna tell you one thing. I hated some episodes. Because they were stupid. Either made a conflict where there should not have been, or "redeemed" someone who should not have been(Starlight), or punished someone, who didn't have a choice(Twilight and pearl)...

Torture? it looked like it was annoying but Torture is pushing it. There was no mention of anyone actually being hurt. He acts like a small child who imagination has come to life. But I don't think he ever Deliberately hurt anyone. As for sunset they could have started out normal friends getting together and then thrown a magic villain type in considering they did once.

Good point.

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