• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 21st, 2024


I am a brony from Massachusetts with Autism who enjoys MLP, Disney and writing!


Twilight Sparkle's coronation window is much more than just any other stained glass window that hangs in the halls of Canterlot. To Celestia, it is a source of inspiration in times of struggle and strife.

*Credit goes to LunaBubble-Ede96 of deviantart.com for the cover art to this story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Now thisis just awesome.

I really love stories like these. Great work!:pinkiehappy:

I like how you interpreted their characters. The dialogue felt a little stiff(?) On twilights end but I enjoyed reading it.

I enjoyed the sentiment behind this fic, but the writing was stilted and I found it difficult to immerse myself in it.

Celestia did the only thing that could have been done. If she didn't send Discord then he couldn't betray them and been in a position to learn the most important lesson of friendship. Then he wouldn't have had the pendant to give to Twilight. She wouldn't have gotten the key or the power to defeat Tirek or the castle.

Nice to see Twilight comforting Celestia.

just one thing

Unable to sleep, Celestia got out of bed and knew that there was only one way to clear her mind.

"I can't sleep with all these thoughts," Celestia moaned to herself as she slid on her bathrobe and her slippers. "There is only one way for me to clear my mind."

I'm not sure if it needed repeating about the clearing her mind bit. Just read weird to me.

Aww! Wait, Starlight Glimmer use to be Celestia's student? Wow how many students has Celestia had?

6361910 Actually DIscord was the only one that could locate Tirek and stop him. Sending anypony with Discord would show she has no trust in Discord and would needlessly endanger another pony. Sending in Discord alone was the most effective allocation of Celestia's resourses.

6741111 Starlight was never a student, Sunburst was and Sunset is part of a different cannon

Nice to see the role reversal between Celestia and Twilight
Though: Unable to sleep, Celestia got out of bed and knew that there was only one way to clear her mind.
"I can't sleep with all these thoughts," Celestia moaned to herself as she slid on her bathrobe and her slippers. "There is only one way for me to clear my mind."
I don't think the clearing her mind part needed repeating.
But I still Love this story.:heart::pinkiehappy:

While it feels off for Twilight to suddenly be there. It was an enjoyable read.

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