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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 83 )

Once I got a little bit accustomed to the incredible sensation of Minty's throat, I was able to come back to the question that had been swimming in my head for a little while: which one should I pick first?

Always those hard choices...

I've always had no problem being ready to go again in a hurry. The sight of one hot pussy and two adorable faces slathered in my cum helped.

Well, there is no way this wouldn't work!

Best lunch break ever!

Careful, heat season isn't over yet...

Good story!
Those other poor studs are probably so jealous right now...

Edit: Just as expected it hit the Feature Box in no time at all!
Edit 2: It's even at the top!

Small question:

Wow, um, I guess we need to talk about this.

Who said this dialogue line? Scootaloo or Rumble? You are a bit unclear about this.

This is going straight to the feature box.

Well, this is a thing.

Slightly wondering if it's a bit misogynistic, but I understand that it wasn't meant that way.
Good Story!

How could it be in anyway misogynistic for a male to help three females with their natural sexual needs with full consent from all involved?

Christ everything these days is somehow misogynistic or racist or problematic and it's like

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but thoughts I don't like are automatically evil in some way even if there is no way they are evil, so I just have to add some buzzword to make it seem like it's evil because intellectual dishonesty is totally okay."

You had an opportunity to call this “The Heat Wave” and you blew it.

Sigh... another one of these stories. :facehoof:


Just as expected it hit the Feature Box in no time at all!

I’m probably pretty spoiled, since I’m so used to that happening.

Who said this dialogue line?

Pretty sure it should be Rumble...

I’m probably pretty spoiled, since I’m so used to that happening.

Yeah, I could write a story that’s a serious examination of gender roles when something like heat is present ... but I’d rather write porn! ^.^

Eh, it’s to be expected. And I knew from the start that this would be on shaky ground as far as that goes.

There are already 3 other stories with that name...

I know you love it. :raritywink: I can tell from your avatar.

so what would happen if the guy some where down the line decided that hey he want's foals of his own wouldn't he be sol

Yeah, SOL or adoption.
I’d say it’s worth it, though, wouldn’t you?

Rumble, you are one, lucky stallion. You have my respect.

100th like checking in. :rainbowdetermined2:

Only 100? I must be losing my edge...

A lot of the ponies in my stories are very lucky. ^.^

I'm guessing if Flim and Flam ever invented condoms, they'd be richer than Celestia.

Heh, yeah. But for some reason (porn logic) nopony has come up with that idea yet.


Equines are a matriarchal species in nature. The mares are in charge (rather it's the alpha mare), the stallion exists in a herd to defend the herd and attend to the females' need to have foals - beyond that males are essentially useless in equine 'society' in real life. Look it up if you don't believe me, males are the ones who are oppressed and used as sexual objects (by human understanding for these terms). Far worse than human females generally are in most first world civilizations today.

Here in Equestria, their rulers are four demigod females with a fifth on the way up, which kind of really points out to the whole 'matriarchal species' thing being true in Equestria.

How is it misogynistic when society is ruled by women, and there's an army of biology-crazed females who would like nothing more than to rape a bunch of males who are so scared of them and the law that they are barricading themselves in a building like it is a zombie apocalypse?

The problems in OUR society are not immediately problems in another society even on this same planet, let alone on another planet with a sapient species that has entirely different biology and background.

Stop to think how hard this is on the stallions, too. Receptive females all over is likely putting them in a rut state, just they're at least somewhat lucid enough to realize it and exert willpower, so the law has been passed to punish them for giving in to their own biological needs, placing the burden of resistance, of fleeing from mares, of saying no, staying out of any place or situation where they might not be capable of resisting or getting away, entirely on them or else despite that they, like the mares, are likely raging with hormones that takes unusually strong willpower to fight through. The guys are getting a REALLY bum deal out of all this, and everything is their fault if they give in to biological imperative like the girls are.

Which is the whole point of the story. Rumble's inadequacy as a member of the breeding population is exactly what makes him special here as he can give in to his desires all he wants without hurting anyone and no legal backlash, while also helping crazed mares calm the flip down some.

People putting way too much thought into it...

That went from zero to one-hundred real fucking quick

Aaaannnnddd another one of your fics put into my library. I'll have to start a separate shelf just for your work.:moustache:

It will be a dirty shelf...

You DO realize this is a generic clopfic, right?

That must be a curse and a blessing for him. Still, sounds like one hell of an orgy and a fun time.

Heh, yeah, just a few paragraphs before the clop starts. ^.^ The best kind of clopfic.

Will it also be a little and secret shelf?


Definitely more blessing than curse.

Oh, woman up and grow a vagina, DLS. If anyone should be moaning like they're having a sandpaper dildo shoved up their backside, it's me. I'm the one who's getting fucked, not you. You're clear of of the internet AIDS. I envy you, madam. I absolutely envy you and your clean backside.

Sorry. I'm very salty right now.

The “little” part depends on how many fics are going on the shelf... if you make more, I’ll need more dirty little shelfs, or one big dirty bookcase!

Secret? Aww hell naw!:rainbowlaugh:


I'm very salty right now.

:rainbowderp: I see that.

Krimble #28 · Dec 6th, 2017 · · 2 ·


Stop to think how hard this is on the stallions, too. Receptive females all over is likely putting them in a rut state, just they're at least somewhat lucid enough to realize it and exert willpower, so the law has been passed to punish them for giving in to their own biological needs, placing the burden of resistance, of fleeing from mares, of saying no, staying out of any place or situation where they might not be capable of resisting or getting away, entirely on them or else despite that they, like the mares, are likely raging with hormones that takes unusually strong willpower to fight through. The guys are getting a REALLY bum deal out of all this, and everything is their fault if they give in to biological imperative like the girls are.

Basically this. "It's your fault I raped you. You didn't try to resist hard enough. When you became the victim of gang-rape, that meant that you took advantage of me, and the law will back me up."

What kind of hellish dystopian shithole do these ponies live in?

I'm sorry. DLS. Congrats on your story. I'm going to go so I don't spoil it for you. Please forgive me. I'm just angry with something else right now. Honestly, congrats to you and for getting into the Featured section again. :)


Now, I wasn't coming down on you or anything. Apologies if it seemed that way. The topic is something of a hot button these days. Enjoy what you enjoy, how you enjoy it. I just felt like giving my opinion, and nothing more.

Fair enough. Have a nice day, hmm?

It’s true I’m losing my edge? :fluttercry:
Time to be 10x edgier! :rainbowwild:

I was skeptical at first, but I am glad I clicked on this story. I may not be interested in clop, but this was definitely very good. Good job DLS, you dun good.

Edit: Sorry bout that, forgot that I put writer instead of your name DLS, many apologies.

8593213 I'd like to point out that contrary a lot of what goes on in porn here on FimFiction, horses do not go into rut. Rut is mostly a cervine thing that includes many physiological changes besides just an urge to breed.

Honestly, this whole idea of mares overpowering a stallion and forcing themselves on him is kinda silly, considering how much bigger and stronger a stallion is than a mare. I'm not saying it couldn't happen in a world of sapient equines - especially when magic gets involved - I just find it really...weird. And going back to (terrestrial) equine 'societies', a stallion doesn't have much to do with raising foals, because as you pointed out, equines are matriarchal. So, IMO, this premise makes for good clop, but not really a good basis for solid worldbuilding.

Then again, DLS has made it clear this was clop and we're putting too much thought into it. :rainbowlaugh:

Heh, ‘writer’ is fine, too. ^.^
I’m curious, though, what value someone who isn’t into clop sees in a story like this?
Is the clop just so good you end up enjoying it for the titillation, or are you just enjoying the non-clop elements, even though there’s very little of that in this story?

Is it bad I was kinda hoping he'd get home at the end, and have mail saying that the test results that said he was infertile were just found to be contaminated in some way, and that he actually wasn't infertile?

An infertile having sex with no consequences? There a chance you could write more?!

There’s always a chance.
If you wanted to increase that chance, there’s always my Patreon...


Dirty Little Secret has a bit of a thing for dystopian universes. :twilightoops:


Dirty Little Secret has a bit of a thing for dystopian universes. :twilightoops:

Blame my patreon supporters. Lately, I’ve only had time to write what they vote to the top.

Well, I pay attention less to clop more to the detail...and I enjoyed it very much. and based on the detail alone I can definitely say that if someone who hasn't read lemon/clop/smut/etc....I foresee wet chairs, and rising heads in their futures

I dare to say that this was a primal fantasy of mine. The little Scootalo ship was a nice touch, too.

On the shelf!

A fantasy of nearly everyone, probably. ^.^

so essentially, even if the stallion is raped, he is still in trouble.

Rutting and cumming without consequences? How can it not be!:p

not gonna respawn not gonna respawn
buck it

Yes I know that is a option i knew it when I wrote it im just saying the guy can't pass on his genes to the next generation

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