• Member Since 31st Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen January 1st


Comments ( 15 )

I'd love to see the bonus.

we acted fast

That didn't take long.:coolphoto:

Still waiting for Garble and Smolder....:pinkiehappy:

Oh wait I'm working on that...:facehoof:

Imagine being in the teacher's position at this school and catching these two in the stairway. What would you do?

Munro #6 · Jun 30th, 2019 · · 2 ·

the twins are so cute, very good story

i also would'd mind a sequel but that's up to you ;)

Pickle shook his head. "I want to see you feeling good, it makes me feel nice."


I would have liked it better if the two of them I had learned about it first together don’t care for the non canon older brother. As such it is kinda eh in my opinion. As such with her acting weird you kinda make it seem like she has been experiencing puberty not having straight up sex with the older brother. So as such it gets a downvote from me not to mention the younger brother would have know a lot earlier what they were doing from the noises they would make and as such he would ask one of their parents or one of his teachers what they could be doing.

:rainbowlaugh: Damn, that was fast. I knew sooner or later these two would get this treatment, but I certainly didn't expect it to be this soon!

Good story small problem that probably won't show up in the squeal like how easy it is to get away with incest sex just going to wait and see I guess

She learned about sex the previous year because that's how long she's been getting fucked by her older brother.

Everyone knows that people even complain about it

If you are interested, we'll love to see a sequel to this masterpiece. I have a feeling that Barley has been having sex with their older brother a while now, and the older sister might get involved with Pickle as well. I think that there is the possibility of a foursome occurring if the sequel happens.

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