• Member Since 4th Jan, 2015
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Pithy Statement

Comments ( 191 )

Another monthly commission funded via Patreon. Thank you everypony for taking the time to read and I hope you had fun!

A little background for this world, that would have been awkward to write into the story:

The fight to remove Sombra from the Crystal Empire was more than just throwing a mare, there was a drawn out battle, and our leading mare was a soldier in that. She tried to save her squad from the Dread Stallion, and paid a huge price. Now she has another group of ponies she cares for, even if the relationship with them is "complicated."

The changeling invasion, too, was more complicated. At the end of it, not all changelings were ejected from Canterlot: only the ones the love spell deemed "bad." This left Canterlot as being home to some few dozen of the bug-pones.

Technology has driven a touch further, shored up with magic. Automata were made to spare pony lives in military clashes, but when their creators wrought too well, Equestria found itself with a few hundred fully sentient mechanoids.

Why does this matter? Well, there is more to this room than just what is immediately apparent. This world is strange, and Solid's bar is filled with the strangest. Sit down, have a drink, and don't mind the small pile of pinecones, timber-wolves can be... stubborn about their habits.

*reads description* wing sex wtf??????????:pinkiesick:

You have my attention.

Awww, big, cuddly Solid. :heart:

Awe now sweet!
Calling it now, Chitter Chatter is a changeling!
Keep going! ;)

Chitter used her magic to heft a glass up, a cloth floating to join it.


Sit down, have a drink, and don't mind the small pile of pinecones, timber-wolves can be... stubborn about their habits.

At least their horseapples are pine scented!:rainbowlaugh:
Is this the infamous Horse Eisley Cantina?
Surprised there isn't a Breezy 3 piece band playing in the corner. (As they don't take up much space)

One chapter not enough...more please?:unsuresweetie:

Looking forward to a second chapter

one guy can sum up this fic so far.

Is ian a midget or is solid as tall as an actuall horse?

7874190 Solid is a BIG mare, think of a unicorn on scale with Troubleshoes.

this is sweet, i hope Ian isnt being played and these mares are genuine

This really needs to be updated a lot more often. A unicorn, a thestral, a changeling, a timber-wolf and an android, all that's really missing is a gryphoness and 1 each of the other intelligent races for a complete set.

OMG Chatter ate him with her butt :pinkiegasp:

7884407 It is funded monthly via patreon, but generally, once I get all the monthly commissions out of the way (I do those on weekends) I start a commission loop off to do extra chapters for those who want to pay for them. A Stallion Contract was on top of the list this month. :twilightsmile:

Hehe, Chatter got pet, that's adorable!
We think just about anyone should like to know they taste good.
Keep going! ;)

Why am I sooooo invested?

this story is strange :rainbowhuh: but I like it :derpytongue2:

"Hey, don't sweat it. Nopony is perfect in here." She tapped a forehoof on the bare and glared at Chatter.

The 'Bear' (snicker) might be upset by this!:pinkiehappy: (sorry couldn't help it.) bar?

Bear walks into a pub and orders a pint, barman serves him up. Bear downs it and says "Keep em' coming." After a while the barman notices Bear is more than a little tipsy and refuses the next serve. Bear angry growls "Give me another beer."
Barman replies "No, you're drunk."
Bear enraged bites a huge chunk outta the bar "GIVE ME ANOTHER BEER. (hic)"
Barman states "No, you're on drugs."
Bears eyes cross as he ponders "What drugs?"
Barman says deadpanned "What about the Bar-bit-u-ate!!"
(Yes I know, off to the 9 circles of Tartarus I go.:facehoof: )

"I have to wear a cloak if I want to go outside, ponies actual squeal in shock.


Ian is getting a teasing for his love, he should get a little back in the form of plot comments or verbal clickbaiting.:duck:


*Siren noises*

Bare is not synonymous with bear.
Bare means naked/ lacking/basic.

Grammar Nazi away.

7917434 That's more than I can Koala bear!!:rainbowlaugh:
My demeanor has now Dropbeared through the floor!:derpytongue2:


Nope, the grammar Nazi already left

Damn it, now we have to wait for more.

7920037 Another will not be far away. Canary in the Coal Mine gave up one of his weekly slots this week so that we could have this chapter (took a chapter of Once Bitten). So there will be another chapter of this later in the month.



And I shall continue to ask questions for Shining Chitin. You seem to put quite a lot of passion into your replies and I hope you enjoy the questions.

If all goes well I will be able to start donating soon.

7920085 I love the questions, usually leaking little details I plan to leave out of the story, and try to keep in character. So keep asking! :twilightsmile:


I shall endeavour to continue my pseudo-journalistic approach to the questions.

Let's hope that Chrysalis comes up with a solution to the problem of Shining no longer producing edible love unless Changelings can feed directly from the energy of other Changelings in a vampiric manner, though that's getting a bit grim.

Good premise for a story though, a Changeling that only feeds on Changelings. "The adventures of Countessa Proboscis" XD

Well things getting instance good work keep it up

Haha, Momma Solid. :heart:

"Pets… all well and good. I like my stallions cute, but not breakable. Your strike me as both."


:facehoof: Just realized Click Clack is a warforged.

Also, a bit of advice I find useful: When you're petting, keep in mind the places that feel good to you and map them to the recipient's body.

Haha, careful there, one might think you're under mind control... :rainbowwild:
Keep going! ;)

aww, ian is finding a home

That so cute good work keep it up

Is rake a reference to "the rake"?

7943045 No, her name is a reference to "Rake thin".

7943096 Oh okay. Just when you said she was boney, white, and like a wild animal. I just assumed.

Ian could count the ribs on Rake's sides, her hips and shoulders looked boney; the mare looked like she was named, rake thin. There was just something about her, the way she moved, the way her eyes and ears flicked at every sound. Rake was closer to being a wild animal, than a pony.

bony (unless that's how it's spelled where you live)

Rake fell sideways when her climax hit, rolling off the bed and hitting the floor with a groan and a laugh. Her body tingled all over, she hadn't climaxed but she felt really good and ready to.

Which one?

7944014 All fixed. Thanks, as always! :twilightsmile:

Almost halfway through the introductions, right? Then we can finally get the contract presented? Ian is certainly coming around to it...
Keep going! ;)

How many ponys heard the howling I wonder?
Welp, my question chip just melted. Off to ponEbay to get a new one!:derpytongue2:

His bare feet were quite on the stairs down, although Solid was making enough noise for both of them.

Not really a question, just advice: 'Ian, don't forget to tell Screech you need some meat protein too, just not the bug variety, also look for splinters, don't want them going septic.':derpytongue2::pinkiesick:

7976616 All fixed! Thanks. :twilightsmile:

Can you give a drawing of click clack please

Yeah, bots do look cooler without armor sometimes. Kinda gives off that "naked" feel, right?
Only a few days before they extract a yes from him? That worries us a bit, but hopefully allows them to strengthen the forming bonds a bit when issues come up...
Keep going! ;)

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