• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,963 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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The Dinner

It wasn't long before Dad managed to arrange to make that dinner appointment Scrooge insisted on. The three of us dressed our best, at Mom's insistence. Dad tried to point out that Scrooge was a family friend and as such it was okay to dress casual, but Mom wouldn't hear of it. Then again, when you work in international law enforcement, I suppose it makes sense to want to make a good first impression on one of the most famous businessmen in the world...especially when they own approximately 20% of the entire world's wealth (conservatively speaking) and that's just the assets that can be measured in money...not to mention that being around for a century and a half means he's got political pull in every country in the world. Still, he seemed to like my first impression, even if Mom looked like she nearly had a heart attack when I told her about it and showed her the signed picture...

Coco glanced around the table, trying not to stare at the lavish feast laid out and instead focus on those attending. Scrooge McDuck was at the head of the table, of course, with Sly and Carmelita nearby. Scrooge had originally come down in a blue doublet and the same top hat he'd worn when he'd confronted Coco...but then he'd caught sight of the guests.

Carmelita wore a shimmering black dress that hugged her figure, hanging from one shoulder and going straight down to her ankles with a slit up one side. Sly was wearing a suit and tie. Coco had an adorable cornflower blue dress that flared slightly at the hem. Even Deik-Beck had been dressed up with a bow tie, top hat, and monocle.

Scrooge had promptly stated that he wasn't going to be underdressed to his own event, and then marched back upstairs. He'd come back down in an understated black doublet and foot wraps - webbed feet didn't really work with shoes - though retaining the same top hat. His nephews - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - were dressed similarly, though each wearing a tie in red, blue, and green respectively...the only way Coco was able to tell them apart, she hated to admit. The only other member of the household present was a canid by the name of Duckworth, who happily brought drinks, fresh plates, and whatever else anyone required. He showed a surprising level of efficiency, as Coco barely had time to register distress at the meat course - what to the others was a rather succulent beef stew - before her bowl had been swapped for a tofu stew that looked just as delectable and didn't make Coco uncomfortable to eat meat. Coco could eat meat easily, but it always made her uncomfortable to do so, for some reason.

Coco and Deik-Beck had been seated with the triplets, and the five of them were already thick as thieves, as oddly appropriate as it was to say. Upon learning that the Coopers were a family of thieves, they'd immediately started badgering Coco with questions about her 'heists' and other similar adventures. Coco had answered, though with some embarrassment and trying to be as modest about it as possible, and had countered with questions about living with Scrooge McDuck. This had led to tale after tale of one adventure or another that left her breathless to conceive of it all. The trio also seemed fascinated with Deik-Beck, especially upon discovering he actually could eat. They continuously gave him small morsels, constantly trying to figure out where the bits went.

Scrooge was engaging in conversation with Carmelita as this happened. "So you're with Interpol, ay?" he asked carefully.

"Y-yes sir," Carmelita responded nervously. "An Inspector, based primarily out of Paris."

"Fox...Fox...ah, I know the name!" Scrooge proclaimed suddenly. "Conrad, Seiver, and Robin, yes?"

Carmelita's eyes widened in surprise. "My father, grandfather, and great-grandfather," she murmured in awe. "You...know them?"

"Ha!" Scrooge barked proudly. "Knew them? Been on cases with all three o' them! Good to see that tree's still growing strong. You've got the same hunter's eye they did when last I met them." He glanced slyly at Sly. "Ah take it ya ain't told them about all this yet?"

Carmelita glanced down nervously. "I..."

"No worries, lass! I ain't about ta spill the beans!" Scrooge hastened to reassure her. "Still, ya ain't got nothin' ta worry about. A good cop goes after the baddies and protects the good guys...no matter what side o' the law they're on! That's one thing Megraw and I agree on! And yer family, too." He leaned in conspiratorially. "Ya shoulda seen the trouble me, Conrad, and Conner got up ta huntin' the worst o' the worst tagether."

Sly nearly chocked on his drink. "M-My father?" he gasped out in surprise. "And Carmelita's?"

"Aye! Adventure makes strange bedfellows and all that, not that those tales ever made it inta any official report!" Scrooge confirmed. "Course, their friendship was surprisinly strong. E'en after Conner went back ta his crew, he never forgot his friend, and neither did Conrad. They used aliases...but they were each other's best man."

Carmelita did her best to regain what composure she could. "Well...at least I don't need to worry about too much fatherly disapproval..." she murmured under breath. And maybe Coco could meet her grandfather, she thought to herself silently.

Sly decided it was time to change the subject. "There's something I've been wondering, ever since...well, since you wrote me about the tradition of trying to rob you after Bentley, Murray and I left the orphanage." His face fell slightly at the mention of his friends, his family, but he quickly pressed on. "How are you still so spry at 150 years old?"

"That's mah secret, lad," Scrooge countered with a sly smirk. "And that's one area tis best not ta pry."

"I only ask because the only other experience I have with someone living so long-"

"Ah, Clockwerk," Scrooge interrupted understandingly. "Yes, ah can see why ye'd be concerned. No worries, though, ah don't use anything like that devil, praise be the last trace o' him rests at the bottom of the sea fer all eternity!"

"Beep!" Deik-Beck peeped up worriedly. Coco glanced away from the table.

"Could you not speak so callously of that?" Carmelita hissed firmly. "Coco's still coming to terms with what she did."

Scrooge's face fell. "Mah apologies, lasses," he offered, both to Carmelita and to Coco. "As long as ah've been around, ah've come ta terms with there bein' some people the world is simply better off without...and that there should'na be no regrets fer what ye have ta do ta deal with those when fate forces yer hand." He placed his hand against his chest. "Ah may not be hate fueled like that monster, but ah guess mah soul isn't as clean as I'd like ta think. I've...forgotten what it was like...ta be so innocent."

Coco looked up at him. "It's okay, sir-"

"Ah!" Scrooge interrupted. "Not sir! The Coopers have been mah friends fer five generations! Far as I'm concerned, that makes us family. So ta you, like the boys here...ah'm Uncle Scrooge." He smiled warmly at the little filly.

Coco found herself returning the smile as the coldness that had settled in her chest from the mention of Bentley and Murray faded. "Okay, Uncle Scrooge!" she replied happily.

"That'a girl!" Scrooge praised, reaching over to ruffle her mane affectionately. Sly and Carmelita both managed a warm smile, feeling much more relaxed now.

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