• Published 23rd Jun 2016
  • 4,822 Views, 37 Comments

Anything For a Quick Buck... - darf

Spitfire is college-aged and in need of cash, so it's off to the porn studio despite her aversion to stallions. Can she repress her urge to gag to earn the money she needs for tuition? Tune in to find out!

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Comments ( 37 )

and tho she's never been


darf #2 · Jun 23rd, 2016 · · 5 ·


>being upset by grammatical prescriptivism
>in any year

7329829 >using memetext
>actually making it green
w e w

7329848 oh wow do they actually call it 'memetext' now? how many reaction tubes can i get with one of these 'memetexts'? is it worth the same as a bitcoin?

7329857 >hay did u no the pone in ur avatar spells ur name? >le meme arrows

This smacks of allegory.

7330194 i've realized everything i write does. go back and read... well okay don't actually, but if you read every story i've ever written they're just cheaply disguised versions of my life. i re-read 'The Crying of Diamonds' today and realized it was about me--spooky stuff :x

7329802 7329829 I was about to point this out too, but then I remembered having looked through your history and finding well-written stories dating all the way back to twenty fucking twelve, and realizing that any grammatical/spelling shorthand on your part isn't because you made an honest mistake or had a lapse in attention, but rather because, at this stage of your Fimfiction veterancy, you probably just don't give a shit anymore.

I don't know why, but this greatly endears you to me, and if it is in any way inaccurate you can go fuck yourself because Cantankerous Clopfic Writer Darf is my new headcanon and I'm stickin' to it.


I mean, it's a common occurence; writers putting their own experiences into their work, but I found it more interesting in this context since you've made a resurgence. Also, because of the stuff that you're being commissioned for.

darf #10 · Jun 23rd, 2016 · · 1 ·

7330265 nope, you're on point, tho you've capital 'D'd the darfmeister again. 'thru', 'thot', and 'tho', in addition to being love-letters to the 'th', are modifications of standard spelling as fights against prescriptivism. even rainbow/Dash had 'intentional' 'grammatical errors'. honestly, it's like these people have never read Joyce... :p

7330270 i know, isn't it so fun w/ that lens? go back and read anything i've written and imagine it really happened to me, BECAUSE IT PROBABLY DID. that's some fucked up shit. or it's a metaphor or something. i'm gonna blog about this but i wanna talk about it w/ Horizon first.


Is this the case with things that you've had commissioned, or just the things that you write on your own volition?

7330312 the commissions are usually workings thru of the commissioners psych issues or problems w/ sex. my own stuff is resolving my own emotional issues.

7330303 In my defense, I usually see your avatar before I see your username, and in your avatar, the D is capitalized, which leads me to capitalize the D when I write it out.

…Though, then again, so is the F, and I never capitalize that. Maybe my instinctual habit of capitalizing proper nouns acts as a kind of cognitive force-multiplier that resolves in me deciding to capitalize the D but not the F.

…or maybe I just like big D's, I dunno, fuck off, you cantankerous ol' grammar hipster.

Is the chapter title a Dire Straits reference?

7330329 ahahaha please let me frame

…or maybe I just like big D's, I dunno, fuck off, you cantankerous ol' grammar hipster.

and hang it over my workstation. this is testament to the importance of my craft--the world needs my big D!

7330338 I should be scandalized by the notion of you hanging a quote of me saying "I like big D's" over your porn-writing headquarters. I should be, but instead I'm just mildly amused.


Hey, Catharsis is catharsis. Do what you need to in order to get yourself to a better mental state.

I almost wonder at the Dark tag on this. It's not that it's not fucked up, it's just ... empty sex, rather than grim sex. I mean, there's a definite grimness, a definite cynicism, in that emptiness ... which is why the Dark tag might not be wrong exactly. But considering the shit the Dark tag has seen — with consent and the lack thereof, especially — this is a much more subtle wrongness. Disquiet instead of horror.


Yeh....Dark tag has seen some things man.

I did like the Straits reference in the chapter title.

Oh fuck, when did you get back? It's been like...forever since I saw something from you, dude/ette. Good to see you!

7332355 few months ago now i think? it's been a bumpy road, but i think i'm here to stay again. thanks for the welcome back! :)

The romance tag is a little ironic, I think :) Otherwise, +1!


So. This is my first time actually commenting on a mature fic, so...let's go.

Truth to be told, I've only ever read two dark sex fics by darf, some of which are among the most fucked-up things I've ever read on this site. This story...doesn't reaches the levels of horror that "Not Now, Big Brother" or "Rarity's Secret" because it wasn't designed to, but the way you wrote about the range of emotions that Spitfire experiences in the story, from the disgust to the apprehension, anxiousness and the intense feelings of regret she experiences in the end is still quite decent on its own terms.

One of the few things I dislike is orientation-incompatible sex, for obvious reasons, but this story description didn't deter me from reading the story, no. If anything, I was convinced by the description that I could and should go into it. For some reason, though, I'm just more drawn to stories or art that features this kind of sex. Sex where the victim's sexuality are ignored and trampled on for the sake of pleasuring the initiator, at whatever cost. Maybe I'm just fucked-up that way.

I really appreciate the way you managed to write the foreplay and sex scenes while detailing the way Spitfire sees the actions and the body parts of the stallions, that is, in a gut-churning and revolting manner. The sex itself was devoid of intimacy and any positive feelings, with only pure physical motion, the routines and the facades Spitfire had to keep up. The execution fits the scene and the context. Well done.

One thing to note was the spelling errors, but from what others have said, I guess that this is more of a personal style, so I won't go into detail on that. There's also the bit about the erroneous placement of the Romance tag, which in itself would be hilarious if the story content wasn't so damn sad.

All-in-all, to summarise, in my amateur opinion, this was a decent fic. Nothing along the lines of those two fics like I mentioned, but Spitfire was somebody I could sympathise with.

To be honest, like I said, this is my first time at actually commenting on a story topic, and...I don't want to come off as a douche, so any feedback I could receive about my comments would certainly be helpful.

Thank you.


7331744 That's what I thought too! But it isn't supposed to be.

7333832 hey, this is a great, sensitive comment with tons of good feedback. thanks for sharing your thots! :)

I am slowly going insane while reading tho and thot. I get it's a stylized choice, but you wouldn't tolerate someone saying yu instead of you...

Okay 'thot' is a slang acronym for "that hoe over there", it is not thinking in the past sense. The word you keep using thot for is spelled "thought". Sorry but that really bugged me through out the whole fic.

7334136 i absolutely would! i'd tolerate 'u' and 'ewe' and 'yuu' and maybe even 'xiu' if you felt like it. aren't we all about love and tolerance here? :pinkiesmile:

7334399 Once upon a time, mister Darf. One upon a time...

Comment posted by Hodgepodge deleted Jun 28th, 2016


i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again

i think i'm here to stay again


I.... don't know how to feel about sad spitfire sex

Well, considering I was already in a low mood, (I'm as sick as a Plague-carrying Rat at the moment) this didn't really help. The Grammar was... Strange, but good in its own way. The storyline was realistic and understandable, the execution was brutally driven, and the characters were not cardboard cut-outs.

In short, have a Like, you very mean person... Spitfire is one of my favorite ponies, so this was sort of painful for me to read. You are a great writer though, Mr Darf, keep it up.

So she got paid for sad sex and you got paid for making her get paid for sad sex. Nice little chain you've forged here. Now you just need someone to pay someone else to pay you to write about someone getting paid.

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