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I really don't understand why I just read all of this;encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrZ3vMwvbpL58jCc5muZus97qoXYaZtaCZxWWOaAR7aAgfz4Jk All i know is that I like spitfire as a dominatrix, which makes my head go
I don't get it. Why does this has so many thumbs down?
It's very good.
This... Was totally awesome.
that was...different, well now we really know why Dash wants to join.
nobody likes bisexual dominatrix stuff
i homewer respect your fetishes
for example i have a bird fetish
cool huh
Im scared...but intrigued.
here goes nothing!
Not sure what state of mind you have to be in to come up with this. I don't know what to think.
So much regret....
Mh, not bad. Not bad at all. As far as clopfics go, this is fantastic. Very well written and an interesting twist to the fucking routine.
I will wake up dead now

Nice take on the sex routine!
I'm enjoying male on male action more than I should though.
Please... continue.
This fic was great, I guess that not that many people would be into second person perspective, but this was wonderfully described. The details were put where the story needed them the most and I personally thought it was excellent. I would read a second chapter, you just might want to warn the reader what it entails though.
I really don't get why this story is getting such negativity. It's well written, highly clopable, clearly represented by tags and rating. Doesn't compute.
i think people are maybe just feeling a little uncomfortable with their sexuality when they read about a sexy domineering spitfire forcing them to be soarin's cocksock.
i'm surprised too because i think it's the best thing i've written, but haters gonna hate
the important thing is that my requesters liked it
As a straight male, I am a little uncomfortable with how much M/M clop I've ended up reading lately.
*shrugs* Take a thumbs-up.
401289 It's just hell of confusing, because the story was very readable and yet i've seen better receptions for stupid fanfictions that are gramatical disasters. Not to mention, i ignored the fact that i was getting my cock socket slammed by Soarin' the whole time and enjoyed the sexy atmosphere the story offered my imagination. I am very strait, but this story didn't offend me in the least. I wasn't like story was trying to convert me into a faggot. Sheesh! Keep up the good work. Sweet dreams are made of these, who had a mind to disagree?

I think if someone was to sequel this it be called.

Cupcakes: The clopfic (Soarin' & Spitfire!)
What I'm trying to say is, slavery?

Damn here I was thinking I was only straight... I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!!! ...can't say i'd refuse this job though now
Not sure if I like, but it was pretty well written, to say the least. You made gay stallion sex actually somewhat enjoyable to read. Good show, jolly good show. Can't wait to see if there will be more.
man, this was just...wow
Awesome :3
Me Gusta.......kinda
I demand a sequel or more of the kind (might I suggest applejack/Macintosh on OC)

well.....this is was.....different

*random assistant hand me a pistol*
thanks. *loads gun then shoots assistant*
Good story. It was so good i killed my assistant. Im not a sycopath. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH
*yells at random pony*GET ME A NEW ASSISTANT!!!!!!!
I Go
Not sure if I'm straight anymore
Why did i read this?

No, just NO
i luaghed my ASS off at this.

yet, i do believe this is the best clopfic i have read in a very long time.
keep up the good work!
"its not gay, when its in a three-way"
Nope. Still not gay. Great story, though.
Best clop I've read. More like this.
This was awesome. I love your style, and your characterization of Spitfire as a dominant yet friendly team captain. Thanks for writing!
Oh, yum.
I'm pretty sure you have to gay or bi to get the best out of this.
I honestly do not understand how anyone could thumb-down this wonderful piece of fiction. This was not only one of the best clop-pieces I have ever read, but one of the best pieces of smut EVER. I mean that sincerely, as a woman who had read a good thousand or so different erotic books and fanfiction, this gets top-billing.
As a bisexual woman and Domme with a penchant for male/male sex, this went right to the heart of my fantasies. I have always wanted to play like this with my boyfriend and some other hottie. Fuu~! I wish I was Spitfire!
There are SO FEW threesome stories where the woman is in the most control and orchestrating the action. There are even fewer with a man as the ultimate submissive of the three, and practically none of these are MMF. So, thank you! Thanks sooo much.
I would love to see a sequel. Especially one with pegging.
400083 I do
Please moar of this o.o