• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



After Rainbow Dash's rump meets lightning one time too many, she feels like her reputation in town is ruined as ponies start laughing at her misfortune. Her self-esteem in tatters and her loyalty waning, its up to her friends to help her. Please review!

12/22/11 EDIT: Updated with corrections, revisions and an added scene in Chapter 11

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 115 )

I'm really enjoying reading this. I can't wait to see how it all ends!

dinky is so cute i have just died from the DAAWW :heart:
very good fic keep going:twilightsmile:

why is ther no other comments :flutterrage: this is a good fic good job bronie:twilightsmile:

loved it very well done sorry to see it end but hay it was good wilst it lasted:heart:congrats to you my fello bronie:twilightsmile:

amazing, good job :heart:

Spectacular fic; I enjoyed every chapter.
Thank you for the excellent read! I loved seeing this deeper side of Dash.

A Fim Fic where Rainbow is not an accused lesbian or a freaking obvious lesbian
She's not ether in this one, I want to see some more from you.

No lesbianism? I am diappoint :trixieshiftright:

Seriously, but I'm going to read anyhow :twilightblush:

Wow. Rainbow is... Wow. What's with her? She's gone plain crazy over a little laugh. More people laughed at Gilda. Then again, she has the flaw of being over the top of everything.

DINKY! Do want so much ^.^ So adorable :rainbowkiss:

Hehe. Also called a slant rhyme. Emily Dickinson loves them.

Muppet Movie reference? Muppet movie reference! :yay:

Good stuff to say the least :)

Wow. Rarity is in the zone. And Rarity and Fluttershy... :yay::raritywink:

Additionally... I smell Gildixie on the horizon. This pleases Photo Finish. :coolphoto:

"Who dares wins" nicee...

"She had come to learn the difference between when Rainbow Dash was pretending to be dumb just to get ponies off their guard, pretending to be dumb because she was too lazy or impatient to think and wanted somepony else to do it for her, when she was pretending to be outrageously dumb to hide the fact that she actually didn't understand what was going on, and really being genuinely dumb."

So...Rainbow Dash is Zaphod Beeblebrox from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? :rainbowlaugh:

This is a great story- you've done a really good job with characterization, and the plot is interesting and well-executed. I love it!


Heh, I was wondering when someone would catch that! Honestly, though I think it fits Rainbow Dash and a lot of people in real life who aren't dumb but just for one reason or another do not, will not or can not think things out.

But if anypony is Zaphod Beeblebrox...it's probably Pinkie Pie. =P

Thanks for reviewing!


Words Rainbow Dash lives by.


Words Rainbow Dash lives by.


Words Rainbow Dash lives by.


Oh, come on.
I said come on. :duck:



Oh, come on.
I said come on. :duck:



Dinky cuteness is required as part of your daily supplement.


Fluttershy's a sweetheart and a gem. :heart:

Ditzabeth Eleanor Doo. Mine soda hath shot from my very nostrils on that one. And a flashback to when I got in trouble when I was little. You hear your entire name called out in THAT tone, you know the game is up. Total win. :rainbowlaugh:

Ergo waffles. Oh my God. And it was just a throwaway line. That was ten pounds of awesome in a five pound bag. I am definitely enjoying this. :)

I just want to say you have a talent for a very nice, subtle turn of phrase. This is a very well done piece of work.

I enjoyed this story immensely. One heck of a fine piece of work...writing, character, pace, all WELL done. I salute you. :)


Heh, it just seemed like a Pinkie line!


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it. I look forward to future works from you as well.

Hmmm. Why does Chaos have the feeling that Trixie will appear sooner or later?

Thank, or buck
:ajsmug: Thank
:ajbemused: Buck
:ajsmug: THANK!
:ajbemused: BUCK!
Stop it, you bipolar mare!
:applejackconfused: What. Did. You. Just. Say?
.. Good bye. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

The End. The End?:rainbowhuh:
Silly fanfic. There's still a chapter left.:pinkiecrazy:

Of course my favorite character would appear! HER::trixieshiftleft:
The entire conflict of the fic is directly proportional to something betwee these two: :trixieshiftleft: and :rainbowwild:
Not having her in the epilogue would be CRIMINAL!!
You sir, get a MEDAL! :heart::pinkiehappy::heart:


Aww, thanks. I kinda wanted to draw the parallel between Rainbow Dash and Trixie.They both have their pride and it clearly matters to them, even to an excessive degree. I also wanted to highlight the differences: Rainbow Dash has friends that she feels deeply loyal to and they to her. Trixie doesn't and so in the end, end up with nothing. Trixie is what Rainbow Dash could've been, I think sometimes, save for her core character of loyalty and bravery.

Well, that was an incredibly entertaining and enjoyable read. This fic, a few consecutive cups of hot cocoa with marshmallows and a warm blanket were all I needed to wear the evening away!

Your characterizations were spot on, and even when you threw more obscure characters into the mix the result was as believable and natural as an actual episode. You obviously have a very rich and creative imagination - I couldn't have come up with half the punny pony place-names you did, for example! Humorous situations abounded, too - you truly seem to have a knack for, really, pretty much sticking some of these awesome characters into a room together and just letting them interact and play off each other, letting the story practically write itself. (Not to downplay the effort you no doubt put into writing these scenes, mind you!)

I admit that I had trouble accepting the starting premise for this aesop, though - Rainbow's angst over such a minor incident, and the way it haunted her, seemed a bit blown out of proportions. But you totally ran with it and turned it into a compelling and believable, episode-worthy tale of friendship anyway. Some of my favorite bits were actually Rarity's dramatic speech - really letting her shine - and Celestia's imparted wisdom at the end, particularly the way that tied it all in to the so-called Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome all the other Elements have suffered from. That really convincingly grounded it in the ponyverse as we know it, for me.

There wasn't really anything that bothered me stylistically, except for one thing: dialogue attribution. You tend to always end a spoken sentence with a period, followed by a capitalized sentence to describe who was saying it. By the writing rules I'm aware of, that isn't correct. It may be nitpicking, and there may also be other conventions where this is perfectly fine, but it's something I really had to watch for in my own writing before submitting to EQD, and now I cannot unsee it. At least you were consistent about it, though, which makes me forgive you. :raritywink:

Thumbs up and <3 from me. I'll definitely give your other stories a read, now!

OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygooooosh!!!! The author of 'Morrow' read my story! And she liked it! So awesome!! :rainbowkiss:

Thanks so much for the review! Hm, I'll have to look up that rule about quotations and what not. Thanks for the tip! You rock so hard! :heart::heart:


Haha, don't know why you're getting all excited, last time I checked I'm a total nobody. :twilightsheepish: But I'm flattered that my opinion matters to you. I just had some time to kill and decided to see what the kind pony-people who commented on my story had themselves created.. There's just so much great content out there, and that seemed as good a place as any to start!

About the quotation marks: I'm referring to the conventions listed near the start of EQD's Editor's Omnibus. Very handy reference, that!

Hearing that an author who writes incredibly well likes your story is a pretty big deal, at least for me. I'm a huuuge (as you may have noticed) Rainbow Dash fan and I tend to draw my inspiration by other authors' portrayals of her, to supplement my own.

I do hope you find the time to read my other stories and can only hope that you enjoy them. Thanks again!

Rarity's spiel there sounds almost... shakespearean... I approve! It's the sort of imagery I favour mind... Might be colouring my stance slightly. But that matters not. Well done!

It's actually a quote from Teddy Roosevelt. It just seemed like something overdramatic, if true, that it seemed like something Rarity would say.

>> Trinary

Well. You learn something new every day. And yes, it is definitely the sort of thing Rarity would come out with...

Your characterization is spot-on--I'm jealous!

"Rarity look affronted at the connection between her and warts but was saved from responding by Carrot Top opening the door."

That was the only error I could find. I'm only two chapters in and loving this story! I can't believe I didn't find it before now.

So much for the Fourth Wall.

I was laughing my ass off one paragraph in. You have a talent for writing Pinkie Pie!

This has officially earned a spot in my favorites. 5/5 stars.

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