• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 12th, 2024


Comments ( 121 )
Comment posted by KelloggsKookieKrisp deleted Jan 10th, 2016

Yay cloperella is back!

This is a beautiful, wonderful and absolutely picturesque definition of a good Spike x AJ pairing. It had all the right elements to show how well these two can go together in the right conditions, and had just the right mixture of erotica with emotional resolution that it felt like a complete package. Thank you so much, Rella. It's a beautiful present. :twilightsmile:

Real smart, Spike. Tell the mare hitting on you that you want to do her little sister.:derpytongue2:

Oh my god, that might have been the line that made me laugh the most when I thought about it. There's a lot of people who are all gung-ho about getting laid for themselves, but really protective of their family getting seduced. The thought crossed my mind of Spike shooting himself in the claw without realizing it, and I had to put it in there.

And then the sequel happens, where Spike goes to the farm to talk to Applejack again, only to learn she's out of town for the day...but the Crusaders are there, and more than happy to see him...

And then Applejack comes back, hears Spike wanted to see her, and goes to check on him and the Crusaders...at the worst possible moment!:rainbowlaugh:

That's an intriguing idea actually. Not quite my style (because it's kind of borderline cheating or being dishonest), but I could certainly see someone else doing a story like that and making it work. :twilightsmile:

How is it cheating? At no point in this entire story did Applejack or Spike imply that this was going to be a permanent arrangement, or a romantic one. The entire air and set up of the story was two good friends deciding to unwind together with some adult fun. This was literally a 'Benefit', with a step into FWB territory.

Based on everything presented in the story - complete with the line "Wanna cross one mare off your list?" - says Applejack fully expects Spike to seek such companionship beyond just her, but that she's open to such if the time is right. She even stated flat out after the scene that it wouldn't be something they did everyday.

Now, if he made a date to spend time with Applejack, only for her to have to cancel last minute, and he then went to Apple Bloom...that would be straying into cheating. But unless/until then, that's not the case.

...sorry. The Plot Lawyer in my head tends to escape to defend fun story ideas. Besides, given the CMC got their Cutie Marks at the same time - in the same thing - it makes sense that, as they grew, they'd want to do everything together.

Well, I still wouldn't be comfortable writing that type of story. I wouldn't feel the need to discourage anyone else from writing it themselves however.

Pity. I think it would be really good in your style.

Really well done, as always. Going over some of your other works I love noticing your attention that you pay to the characters of your stories. The details that not only enhance scenes and interactions, bUT also the care the one sees that was obviously put in to make them such high quality. Heh, the age of consent notice was really on the nose. I immediately pondered which chucklehead that was thrown in for.

Just Yes...and now, if you'll excuse me I'll go and fuck the living daylight out of my girlfriend.
Sorry for being such a barbarian!

Hot, but not bothered, and shaken, not stirred.

Or you could, say... make it a threesome with AJ and 'Bloom.

Hey, just sayin' what everybody knows, deep down, that they want.

Now that is something I'd be more comfortable doing. Not guaranteeing it'll happen, but I'll definitely keep it in mind.

New Story Idea:

Rainbow Dash eats a Big Mac. :pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by Messiah Complex deleted Jan 10th, 2016

The only reason anyone would read this is because of the cover art. You make me sick.

That's weird, my comment above was deleted.

Hmm, anyway. Good stuff like usual.

Edit: Ah, i double posted it by accident. Nvm.


That's cool. I see stuff like that around here surprisingly little.

Which is weird considering, well, this fandom. You even see more straight wincest than stuff like that, which is insane.

I have no qualms with fictional incest whatsoever. In fact, there's little hangups I have with erotic fiction as it is, even if I'm not keen on it.

6820868 Welcome to Fimfiction, where we don't GAF about you're opinions or fetishes :twilightsmile:

Very well written. Most people don't like so much story with their clop, but to me it helps me give a damn about what I'm reading. Applejack and Spike is one of my favorite ships, and you did it real justice here.

Thank you. Sometimes it's tough competing against clopfics that jump straight into the saucy stuff, because that's all the patience they have to write, and that's all the patience a lot of readers have to read. I told myself from the beginning that I was going to strive to add some sort of sentiment or story even in the stuff that I was writing primarily for fetish fuel, and I may have changed a lot since I first started out, but that's one thing I think has remained consistent. I'm glad it reaches a number of people who enjoy some character exploration before the hot and heavy stuff gets underway, even if those people might be outnumbered by the ones who don't have patience for that.

I'm surprised I don't see spike x applejack more often. I mean Spike and Twilight are the two characters I could see being shipped with any of the main cast, but Spike has daydreamed kissing Rarity twice (I think) only to snap out of it making kissy faces at Applejack. Personally I'm more of the Spike x bloom or sweetie shipper but I still find it weird I've seen so little AJ x Spike.

That was a great read.

Next up, Spike finds out that Rarity is stress out and takes what he learned from Applejack and helps Rarity get it out of her system.

I'm not a huge shipper of the two either. I love both of the characters, but I've just not seen them share enough screen time to form an initial connection (except for the one episode in season 3 which was very disappointing).
Still, it was nice to try something a little new.

Spike's quest to fuck everything that moves in Equestria is off to a great start. :moustache:


Oh, neither do I. Fiction exists to have what we can't, after all.

I am, after all, in the wincest group. So, it is rather self-evident that I am, ah, far from disapproving.


A very noble endeavor, it is!

And now I must give into the weakness that is fatigue.

Comment posted by Messiah Complex deleted Jan 11th, 2016

Some of the details at the beginning -- such as the rationalization behind the heat wave -- seemed a little unnecessary. The story itself is pretty good and the actual clop is well done. I actually like the touch of realism in that Applejack did not simultaneously orgasm at the same time as (or because of) Spike's.

6820868 I don't believe that. I am aware that stories with images may be a little more popular, but it is not a big enough decider to have a massive affect on the stories. Plus, Cloperella has over a thousand followers with less than twenty stories. So clearly they are doing something right that people are responding to.


And i just realised that you could set up fkr a fic with the CMC in thjs premise. Just have Bloom make a comment about how her friends might enjoy this too, then AJ agrees or somesuch.

If my prose weren't 8 forms of terrible, I'd try to write it, but it is so...

6821970 Sex is one of the easiest things to sell. Anyone with a keyboard and a third grade level of the English language could do what she does.

Okay, first you said it was the cover art, now you're slamming me for writing clop at all.

6821979 i.imgur.com/YFmVgPP.jpg
Except that's not true at all. It's incredibly hard and taxing if you have any modicum of standards.

As for you, 'rella, the story behind it was done well enough... but the clop itself was really nice to read. You have an awesome way with words and it certainly shows here. Well done! :pinkiehappy:

6821979 guess that explains why you don't write clop then mate.

Very nice. Even with Anthro not being my sort of thing, I find this to be well written. Bravo.

6820868 >notices that story has more views in a day than their stories get in 3 years
>gets jealous and blames the cover art for the views
>physically repulsed by the existence of someone more popular than themselves
>doesn't seem to have any grasp on reality at all or any degree of empathy... or indeed any social skills at all

Psychopath detected activating block button

Don't you listen to those meanies Cloperella. This story is amazing and you have real talent, I'd love to work with you if I ever got the chance :twilightsmile:

Just read this. Great premise with an amazing climax. (Pun not intended). Keep up the awesome work.

"In an effort to cool down, Spike (eighteen years old, the legal age of consent in Equestria) "

It's like you're standing up and yelling "IT'S NOT FOALCON! IT'S NOT! HE'S LEGAL, SEE? SEE?" It's really...clumsy.

"He’d visited the place a number of times in the past with Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship in Ponyville, whom he served as her assistant for upkeep of the castle. "

You could easily put a reference in here to the amount of time that's passed. Or mention his appearance had changed. Or have AJ reference it specifically before anything naughty happens. There's plenty of ways to handle it that would work far more smoothly in the narrative.

Philosophic Clop.

Judging the author's story based on a picture and not the content, sadly there is no vaccine for toxic people such as yourself. Also writing something is more productive than starting a internet argument, twat. Even a kindergarten drop out could do that...


The word you're thinking of is "envious". Jealousy is to be afraid of losing something you have, envious is to bet upset over something someone else has.

6822415 >literally just read the Wikipedia article

You can be jealous of someone's success.

You can be envious of someone's success.

Yes, envious would be the better word in hindsight (possibly), but it IS commonly used in exactly the same place as envy regardless of how wrong it is.

And remember, you already have views, you just don't have as many views, so it completely fits in with the concept of jealously anyway (although Cloperella isn't directly taking your views which is what jealously should technically apply to they are vaguely indirectly making your views as their stories are being read rather than yours so your total viewbase decreases as people can't read two stories at the same time, so they are taking your views and therefore you're jealous, not envious, at least of that part).

If you story was sitting in the featured box you'd be getting views like this after all. So nope, you tried, but jealous is just as correct here as envious, you both do the same task, but they've appeared and are now doing a better job as the views show and you're jealous about it as you think what they're doing is less skilled and easier and you lose potential views because you aren't there so you're getting mad on the internet over it, so yeah.

Try again mate.

6820868 Now what the hell is wrong with a saucy story? Granted I haven't read this yet so I can't say if the plot is decent but hey, it has a butt-ton of views and tails thumbs ups so it can't be that bad~

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