• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 43 )

This is an interesting one. I'll give it a look over during my lunch break


Me next Luna!

.... please

Oh damn, where are all those dislikes coming from?
I wasn't expecting that!

If you ask very nicely... :raritywink:

6608019 I smell fear.


No idea where those dislikes came from. Good story, and certainly nothing in there worth the downvote. I know it's not much, but I upvoted.

Maybe people are scared of the new 'Sci-Fi' tag.

Oh, don't worry about me. ^.^ I've had enough successes that one failure isn't going to hurt my feelings.
I'm just curious as to why so many people downvoted when I didn't think this story had any particular downvote-bait in it.
All I can guess is maybe it just caught a lot of people who hate anthro clop. Or maybe the AU and Sci-Fi tags are gathering some hate, especially when combined with clop.

As I've come to expect from you, this is well written, but anthro always turns me away. :twilightoops:

Ah, maybe that's why I get downvotes.

Oh well. It was specifically asked for in the commission, so that's what it's going to be.


I dunno'... My thought process was more like:

"Anthro? Bleh... Wait, it's from dirty little secret? Never mind, I'll give it a go."

Heh, reputation does have its benefits. ^.^

I'd love to see a sequel or continuation of this where Chirp earns a bit more intimate encounters.

Maybe someday, maybe someday.
I'll probably sequel/expand some of my more popular stories first, though.

Nice story, I don't see why anthro sends so many people away, also, Halo references much?

I actually have no knowledge of halo.

6621252 oh, lol *derp level reached 9,000*

At least is isn't over 9000.

6621252 the power armor seems VERY similar to Mjolnir prototypes read about in the books, save the ability for anyone BUT the wearer to remove it.

Heh, well, power armor is power armor.
There's only so many different ways it can be depicted.

6621922 Oh but there are. Just look at things like the Hulk Crusher Iron man suit, or the symbiotic version of his suit.

Again, very solid clop! Good set-up, and I appreciated how focused you kept the sex scene. People often make the porn mistake of trying to cram every possible thing into the story, and everything gets rushed or muddled.

Also, I'm inordinately pleased by the longevity of the Fluffentuft line.

Aside from the great story the advancement in the story is amazing aspatially the power amor.

Thanks! ^.^ And the Fluffentufts will, of course, live on forever.
There's just no stopping them.
And Luna wouldn't have it any other way.

I did worry that I went overboard on that.

Would i be correct in assuming you drew inspiration from Fallout 4? Seemed that way to me at least.

Nope. I've never played any of the fallout games.

Heh, wasn't aware so many people disliked Anthro. I guess I just have odd tastes :twilightsheepish:

Well, a lot of people dislike clop in general, so there's that as well.

there needs to be a sequel.

There does?
What would be in it?

6746751 After his shift, banging Luna, of course.

is this a one shot or could there possibly be a sequel? Im hoping for the later of the two.

Well, it was a commission, so not likely to get further action without my Patreon supporters pushing me for it.

ah, I see. Forgot about commissions.

Here's a reading of it

Oh, neat! I’ve put a link to it up!
And you know ... I think I’ll start making blog posts for these. I think readers deserve it.

Oh well thank you. That means a lot

Listening to it now...
Sheesh, you’re reading it so ... luridly. :rainbowlaugh: Even the totally innocent parts are read like it’s the very steamiest part of a sex scene. ^.^

8527029 I can't be too loud cause I record at night. So I stay in sexy voice.

Can we just appreciate how advanced equestria is?

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