• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 20,646 Views, 3,414 Comments

Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Just Girls Talking...?

Author's Note:

Fair warning, the premise of this chapter is a little out there. Try not to take this one too seriously.

(And before anyone takes me to task for the content of this chapter, I'll just point you in the direction of the entire NLACverse. Kthxbye.)

The hot July sun blazed down on Sweet Apple Acres.

"Ugh," Scootaloo complained as the Crusaders lay on the cool grass by the old creek pond. "It's so hot..."

With the weather as hot as it was, Apple Bloom was dressed in a light T-shirt and shorts and was barefoot; Scootaloo had on knee-length canvas shorts and a tank top, and Sweetie Belle was overdressed for the weather in a pink skirt and black-and-white striped crop top with sandals. She was sweating more than the other two combined. "My stupid bra's gonna give me a rash," Sweetie Belle whined.

"An' that's why Ah don't wear one yet," Apple Bloom said. "Not till Ah need it."

"You kinda already do," Scootaloo pointed out.

"Yeah, you'll probably get a worse rash than me," Sweetie Belle said. She fished a handkerchief out of her pocket and dabbed at her forehead. "Ugh, I'm so bored! But it's too hot to do anything."

"We could go to the movies," Scootaloo suggested.

"Nothin' good's playin'," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, but at least the movie theater has air conditioning."

"And costs too much!" Sweetie Belle complained. "I need to save my money for that sale next week."

"An' Ah can't afford it right now, now that Granny done made me pay fer mah own phone bill," Apple Bloom muttered.

"Ouch," Sweetie Belle said.

The Crusaders sighed. Scootaloo plucked a few blades of grass from the ground, then flicked them away one by one.

"Ah know!" Apple Bloom said suddenly, sitting up with a mischievous grin. "Ain't nobody around for miles an' this here pond's surrounded by trees...let's go fer a swim an' cool off!"

Sweetie Belle pursed her lips. "But we don't have bathing suits," she said.

"Who needs 'em?" Apple Bloom said dismissively. "We can go skinny dippin'! Ain't nobody gonna know."

Scootaloo stiffened. "Uhh..."

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. "You mean, just...get naked? Out here in the middle of the farm?"

"Why not?" Apple Bloom said. "Me an' Applejack used t' do it all the time when Ah was little! Ain't gone fer a swim in this ol' pond in a dog's age, but if'n there was ever a day fer a good ol' skinny dip, today's th' day!" She stretched her arms over her head. "Like Ah said, ain't nobody gonna see, an' it's just us girls, so why not?" Even as she said it, she stripped off her T-shirt and started unbuttoning her shorts.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Scootaloo said nervously.

"Oh, come on!" Apple Bloom said, kicking her shorts away idly. "Like Ah said, it's perfectly safe! We're all alone out here, an' ain't nobody ever comes this deep in th' farm except us Apples!"

Sweetie Belle blushed, but kicked off her sandals and stood up, stripping off her shirt. "W-well...I guess it couldn't hurt," she said. She carefully folded her top, then started to slip out of her skirt. "C'mon, Scootaloo!"

"I...I can't," Scootaloo said, turning away from the other Crusaders.

Apple Bloom frowned as she peeled off her panties. "Why not? You ain't afraid of a little swimmin', are ya?"

"It's not even that deep a pond," Sweetie Belle said as she unhooked her bra. "You can just wade, tread water—"

"It's not that!" Scootaloo said. "I...I just don't think it's a good idea."

Apple Bloom snorted. "Oh, come on! We've done way crazier things together than this! Whut, you think you got somethin' we ain't seen before?" she added teasingly.

"We're all girls here, and we're best friends!" Sweetie Belle said as she stretched, the sun beating down on her bare body.

"You're not embarrassed just because you're flat as an ironin' board, are ya?" Apple Bloom asked. "Because we're your friends, we're not gonna tease ya for it like Diamond Tiara does."

"It's not that," Scootaloo said again.

"Well then whut's th' problem?" Apple Bloom asked, marching around to face Scootaloo, hands on her hips. "Why don't you wanna go skinny dippin' with us?"

Scootaloo looked away, head bowed, and sighed. "Because I'm not a girl," Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle blinked at that, looked at each other in confusion, then looked back at Scootaloo, who was refusing to look at either of them.

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Whaddya mean you ain't a girl, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom cried. "Course y'are! We've been friends since fifth grade, Ah think we'd know—"

Scootaloo stood up, walking a few steps away. "In all that time, have you ever seen me naked?"

"Yeah, of course!" Apple Bloom said. Then she paused, frowning. "Ah think. Sweetie Belle?"

"Umm..." Sweetie Belle's brow furrowed.

"You've seen me shirtless, but you've never seen me totally naked," Scootaloo said. "I know because I don't change with the girls. I go out of my way to be the first one in and first one out or the last one in when everybody else is gone."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gave each other uncertain looks. "But..."

"And I've never seen either of you naked either," Scootaloo said. "Well, until just now when Apple Bloom got right in my face." Scootaloo's face flushed.

"Wait, wait, wait," Sweetie Belle said. "How can you not be a girl? You're in girls' gym classes. You were in the special health class for all the girls! You wore a dress to the Fall Formal!" She shook her head. "No, Scootaloo, you're a girl!"

"I'm really not," Scootaloo said.

"Well you ain't a boy neither," Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo shrugged. "I'd take off my shorts and prove you wrong, but that'd make things more weird than they already are."

The other two Crusaders looked at each other again, uncertainty and hesitation on their faces. "No, this...this doesn't add up," Sweetie Belle insisted. "This is a joke, right?"

"It's gotta be," Apple Bloom said.

"It's no joke," Scootaloo said. "I'm not a girl. I'm a boy. I've got a dick and everything."

"But...your mom and dad, and...and Rainbow Dash and...and everybody! I mean, everybody calls you a girl!"

"Yeah, how can you say you're not a girl when everybody knows you're a girl?" Apple Bloom demanded.

Scootaloo let out a frustrated groan. "Because my whole life, everybody keeps forgetting what sex I am." Scootaloo stood up, pacing, arms flailing, all the while never looking at either of the other Crusaders. "I tell people I'm a boy, they forget it within ten minutes. My own parents think I'm a girl! Even though I've never been into anything girly, they say I'm just a tomboy, that it's fine for a girl to be interested in more guy stuff, and so forth and so on. All the teachers at school think I'm a girl."

Apple Bloom frowned. "How can your parents not know if you're a girl or a boy?" she asked. "Ah mean, they'd kinda be th' first ones t' know..."

"Because they wanted a daughter," Scootaloo said. "They wanted a daughter so bad, but Mom can't have any more kids because something went wrong when she was pregnant with me and they had to operate on her. So..." Scootaloo shrugged.

Sweetie Belle's eyes turned sad. "That's...that's terrible..."

"So yeah," Scootaloo said, hands jammed firmly in pockets. "As far as my parents are concerned I'm a girl. I gave up trying to get them to stop treating me like a girl when I was seven. They register me for school and stuff as a girl, so it's pointless to try to tell my teachers I'm not a girl."

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom exchanged a look. "But...we've been your best friends forever an' we're girls," Apple Bloom pointed out. "If you're a boy, wouldn't...wouldn't your best friends be—"

Scootaloo snorted. "What, sex has anything to do with who you can be friends with?"

"W-well...no, but—"

"You're my best friends because I like hanging out with you and we have fun together and you don't care about stupid things like what I've got in my pants," Scootaloo said. "You girls are the best friends I could ever have, and..." Scootaloo clenched a trembling fist. "That's...I don't want to lose that."

Apple Bloom walked over and laid a hand on Scootaloo's shoulder. "An' you won't," she said. "We don't care. Ah mean, sure, Ah've got a whole bunch'a questions now, an' Ah'm sure Sweetie Belle does too." She looked over at Sweetie Belle, who had hurriedly gathered up her clothes and was quickly dressing, her face burning red. "But ain't nothin' gonna change our friendship. You...you know that, right?" Slowly, she turned Scootaloo around to face her, offering a hopeful smile.

Scootaloo smiled back. "Yeah. Yeah, I...I know. Friends forever."

"Crusaders forever," Sweetie Belle added, scrambling over fully-dressed. The two girls pulled Scootaloo into a group hug.

After an awkward moment, Scootaloo coughed. "Uhh...Apple Bloom? Aren't you gonna put your clothes back on?"

Apple Bloom snorted. "Heck no! Ah'm still goin' skinny-dippin'. It's too dang hot!"

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