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it's here! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *faints from lack of air*
The first thing I thought of at the mention of "pie" was the song Cherry Pie. Good work MrWriterWriter; two chapters in and my jaw has already hit the floor.
5892892 call 911 they are two fainted patients here...
yes two...
because I'm about to faint AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... *thud*
Glad this is out thanks.
People are still making these.
People are still making these.
So how any more chapters to until Rarity blows up?
5893127 (Hears explosion in the distance.) About now.
Ahh, so it's begun.
Now, the only question in my mind right now: Is he gonna do it on a first date? He doesn't have to worry about impregnation now.
Lets get this started!

5893440 Probably 2nd base at the most.
So, maybe you meant that Spike's love life "soldiers" on. Otherwise, you are claiming that this is Spike's love life:

5895145 Whoops! heh, my bad.
5895161 Lol, thanks for fixing it.
5893024 And they shall continue as long as Twilestia and Octascratch continue to plague the front page. 'Tis only logic.
5895376 and now it's featured
So it begins.
This is getting good.
Does Spike have wings now?
5897852 no, he won't have them in this one.
Yes, I know I said I probably wouldn't check in again, but I decided against that and dropped in again.
And don't worry, I'm not here to say anything about the composition of Spike's herd!
I do wish to lobby once more for having Diamond and Silver end up with Snips and Snails. Or, at least have Snips form a utensil- and/or manega-based mini-herd together with Silver Spoon and Babs Seed ^_^
5898308 Well, unfortunately, me and DragonPony already have something for Tiara and Spoon.
Though if it helps, one of them does get redeemed.
Too bad. It could've been fun to see him help his buddies develop a herd of their own. The manega comment suggested they tend to hang out at least sometimes, you know?
Is Babs still a possibility? I know some folks also consider Twist, but that one did seems to have already found a coltfriend in that Truffle fellow. Although, that does leave the unhappy filly who didn't get to give him her card (assuming he was the intended recipient).
Maybe she likes 'em chubby.
5898461 Hm..possibly. I'll see what I might be able to do.
Nice chapter.
5900972 Cut the guy a break.
this shit coming from someone who does not have any story's of your own you got no right to bitch.
Good but too short.
i really do hope next chapter is longer, the story awesome as always btw
Keep it coming man.
Gonna need a Burn Heal for that
5898490 don't want to rush you or anything but is the next chapter almost ready? can we get a status report?
6046354 slow...very slow, unfortunately.
6046456 too bad...
i was hoping to read the next chapter soon...
6046587 well, it shouldn't be TOO long.
I hope..
6046681 you and me both
6046681 You and me both. What's the current status?
6107888 still in progress...when real life isn't sticking its nose in, anyway...
Take your time man.
When is the next chapter coming?
6107953 hi there its been more than 10 week since i last asked so here it goes.
How is the new chapter coming?
I hope life haven't been too rough on you.
6323169 I think I'm getting somewhere. Trying to do something akin to the x-games, but it's not easy...
That was an interesting couple of chapters
Keep up the good work you don't disappoint
Take you time....just don't take too much longer please
Now to end this like I do normally for comments...
If that is alright with you. 
please continue this awesome history!
Can you do something like this?
Cadence, Shining Armor, and Celestia all come visit Twilight and Spike, and as the five of them are walking through town they run into Pinprick. Do it as either a normal chapter or a bonus chapter. I don't care which one just do it please.
Wis the new chapter going well? I haven't seen any of your stories update in a while. Is something wrong?
Question: Update?