• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 14,602 Views, 720 Comments

Mis-Shapes - Grimm

The Sparkle family are going on vacation. While family holidays are often difficult, Twilight knows this one is going to be particularly bad. Mostly because her father doesn't.

Comments ( 67 )

Gah, I sympathize with Shining way too much in this. As an older brother myself, I probably would react the same way even if it's not the best or right. It can be hard for us to dispel the innocent little girl persona we make for our little sisters. If I had a tier list of pity he would be at the top for having to deal with this fiasco.

I still don't know how or where this is going and I love and hate you for that. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm voting for a fucked up 3 way. Lol. Great story! Kept me on the edge of my seat for a long time!

As it takes awhile for new chapters of this story, I'll read so much on this site in between chapters. So many authors, so many genres. But every time that I read a new entry of this, I'm reminded that you're just on a different level than most. I really wish that I could tell more people about this story, I'd shout it from the rooftops if I could. But I doubt that many of my non-brony friends would be receptive to an erotic incest-romance between ponies :rainbowlaugh:
There was so much tension between the characters in the previous chapters, and the way you finally brought a sense of hope to them was masterfully done. All hail Pink Princess! But this was only the first step. Even with the dream team, it's not going to be easy. As they said, someone was always going to be hurt. Bravo again Grimm :yay:

I absolutely agree, and your sentiment was somewhat echoed in this chapter as well :raritywink:


Never realized how much I needed this. Can't wait to see how the rest of the story unravels itself.

At least 1 pony is able to think rationally

I've said before, Shining is definitely the most fun to write in this. Now you mention it, it might have something to do with being an older brother myself, as well. But it's also that everything just slotted into place so nicely with his character, him projecting with Chrysalis and such. I also really enjoyed writing Cadance for this chapter - it's refreshing to have someone who's in Twilight's corner for a change!

Thank you, you're far too kind. It's basically impossible to talk about my writing with my friends too. I can't exactly point to this story or anything on this site if I'm ever asked what I'm proud of writing...


Oh wow, I was just thinking about this story! What a great update, it's nice to see Cadance living up to her calling. Nice to see Shining finally put in his place, too. I can't even imagine how everything could be made right.

Cadance is the real MVP. What a trooper.

And what a chapter too. Real moments of catharsis for both siblings - something which, if you'd told me you could make them feel authentic this soon before I read it I would have scoffed at. Great job.

And someone finally calls Shining out for his bullshit. He needed Night Light to be noble, unreproachable, because Velvet's 'mistake' hit way too close to home. She can't be blamed, because then Shining can be blamed.

It was never about the incest, and everything about poor brainwashed Shining having premarital adultery.

After reading GaPJaxie’s Courtesans story where Cadence is such a bitch. It’s so nice to read such a likeable yet firm Cadence again.

I would guess that this would be a very hard story to initially break, unless you have an established fanbase. Respect for your perseverance, this is not a pretty painting impulsively. But I really believe it will be beautiful in the end.

Not quite sure if this plays into things, but Shining Armor's special talent is protective magic. He's all about protecting others.

And he just came out of a situation where he couldn't protect anyone, only to be thrust into another situation where everyone is at fault to varying degrees meaning he doesn't know who to protect here either.

Maybe he's so desperate to get it right this time partly because of how much he failed before.

Hmm this seem to be heading to a happy ending than I thought. Also first thought through my head when I saw this was updates was awesome, then oh god should I read this. how much of a hypocrite do I want to feel like today. :twilightsmile:

Twilight's answer to Cadence's question is what love is truly about. Not your desires, or needs but the one you love being happy, even if it's not being with you.

No Velvet made a conscious, wrong decision multiple times. Night Light made a mistake but pressed on knowing the truth when revealed. Twilight Sparkle was probably the most wrong out of all of them, took advantage of the situation and made it worse. Shining Armor has a guilt problem but ultimately can be forgiven because he was essentially a rape victim. He's honestly the LEAST worst out of them all.

Cadence is a trooper.

Heh, several mistakes then. A series of mistakes. But she still doesn't deserve misery. Neither does Night Light, and yes, least of all, Twilight. She wanted love and she found it in a pony she would never have expected. It wasn't wrong to seek that out again, even if it was her father. Incest is really not that much of an issue for equines, they have around twice the genes humans do so breeding in the family line doesn't cause the same problems as it does for us. It sure as hell wasn't wrong merely because he was married, as both Night Light and Velvet had already committed marriage ending events.

And Shining being a rape victim doesn't excuse his horrible behavior, it just helps explain it a little. He's still being awful to both Twilight and Night Light, because he wants his father to be the type of pony who could forgive what Velvet did, which is really just him needing validation once again that Cadence was right to forgive Shining.

Shining Armor: "Twilight just needs to stay out of Dad’s life. And I’ll go talk to him and make sure he stays out of hers".

He might be right. If you're in a hole, first thing to do is to stop digging. It might be best that Twilight and Night Light avoid each-other, at least in the medium-term.


Incest is really not that much of an issue for equines, they have around twice the genes humans do so breeding in the family line doesn't cause the same problems as it does for us.

The real reason incest is wrong, isn't risk of genetic disorders. If that were the reason, a lot of marriages would be "wrong". It's because of the way incest effects family relationships, and all.

It sure as hell wasn't wrong merely because he was married, as both Night Light and Velvet had already committed marriage ending events.

Twilight's responsible for her own actions. Whatever wrongs Night Light and Velvet may have committed in the past, Twilight's her own woman.


The real reason incest is wrong, isn't risk of genetic disorders. If that were the reason, a lot of marriages would be "wrong". It's because of the way incest effects family relationships, and all.

There's nothing inherently wrong with marrying your own brother or sister that isn't also wrong with marrying your childhood friend you grew up with next door. You have a similar level of closeness, hell, you probably had sleepovers, they might have been your first experimental sexual partner as you learned about sex. Same deal with parents. If you developed a close relationship with a father or mother figure, and then marry them, congratulations, you are guilty of incest transference. Freud would be so proud.

The dynamics of the relationship and the closeness thereof are not the problems, although yes, that can make for unhealthy relationships, and yet, you can also get that outside your own home with very similar problems.

Incest has been a thing for a very, very long time, there's lots of reasons to frown on it, but the most problematic one is the genetic trouble, at least for humans. Horses are a whole other story. For them, having a herd that includes sisters and daughters is entirely natural. We might change that up by buying and selling certain ones, but left alone, they seem to manage fine.

Twilight's responsible for her own actions. Whatever wrongs Night Light and Velvet may have committed in the past, Twilight's her own woman.

Of course. But the perception seems to be that Twilight, if we ignore the aforementioned incest, is being a homewrecker. I'm saying the damage was done. If a person in a broken marriage ends up in a new one, you don't blame the new woman, you blame the partners who broke up. That was on them. Twilight certainly wasn't helping this plan to reconcile them, but she's not required to. She didn't break it.


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, with the incest thing. But it might be worth pointing out: The Ponies are only horses, in the same way that we're apes. Using horse behavior to judge Pony behavior would be like using gorilla behavior to judge our behavior.

But the perception seems to be that Twilight, if we ignore the aforementioned incest, is being a homewrecker. I'm saying the damage was done.

And I'd say that perception is correct. There's already damage to the home, yes. But Twilight's throwing grenades at the home; that's going to do a lot more damage!

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, with the incest thing. But it might be worth pointing out: The Ponies are only horses, in the same way that we're apes. Using horse behavior to judge Pony behavior would be like using gorilla behavior to judge our behavior.

A fine point, but using gorilla behavior to judge humans does actually work in a lot of respects.

Similarly, using horses to help judge how a pony society would develop is certainly going to yield better results than trying to use our own. Yes, they are intelligent, but they have an entirely different situation going when it comes to certain things. They are fully comfortable walking around naked, just as an example. Why would we assume they share all of our hangups?

And I'd say that perception is correct. There's already damage to the home, yes. But Twilight's throwing grenades at the home; that's going to do a lot more damage!

She's pursuing a man she's chosen for herself, and actively discouraging him from going back to the mate who hurt him. You're right, she's trying to demolish that home, but only after she's already got the one she cares about out of it. And I will repeat, she didn't drag him out to begin with. He left because he wished to.


Similarly, using horses to help judge how a pony society would develop is certainly going to yield better results than trying to use our own.

I think that's kind of an apples and oranges comparison. Horses and apes are animals. We're men, and so are the Ponies. I suppose: Equestrian society might be a cross between our society, and horse society.

And I will repeat, she didn't drag him out to begin with. He left because he wished to.

Twilight kind of did drag him out. Before Twilight, Night Light was having sex with prostitutes. Taking a mistress is a somewhat more serous matter, especially when that mistress is your wife's daughter.


Twilight kind of did drag him out. Before Twilight, Night Light was having sex with prostitutes. Taking a mistress is a somewhat more serous matter, especially when that mistress is your wife's daughter.

Oh. Um... you might not have read the prequel. I suggest you do. See, Night Light went to only one prostitute. I'm fairly certain this was made clear in the earlier chapters but I'll remind you: Twilight was his prostitute. It was supposed to be anonymous, as it was in the dark and she had a blindfold on, but she recognized his voice. Yes, she decided to confront him with that knowledge and to basically insist they continue having sex, but he was the one who inspired that feeling within her.


Oh. I forgot that Night Light seeing a prostitute was an isolated incident. But I think my point stands:

Twilight pursued Night Light. She seduced Night Light. She changed his minor "had sex with a prostitute once" adultery (he didn't know Twilight was the prostitute), into something much more serious.


I think your point is: Because of a freak accident, Twilight had sex with her dad. It wasn't their fault, but Twilight realized it was him while it was happening. So she devolved romantic feelings for him, and acted on those feelings.

I get that. But I've had romantic feelings, that it would have been inappropriate to act on. So I didn't act on them. That's just life.

Well, it comes down to intent. Twilight didn't go with the intent of confronting him with that knowledge. She'd actually been avoiding him entirely, but she'd hoped he would come back and pick her again. It would have allowed her to have guilt-free relations with him and not ruin his life. But, unfortunately, Shining forced the issue by inviting Twilight along on this "Let's save our parents' marriage" getaway.

Night Light pushed the issue by asking her what was wrong, presuming that she knew about his shame: that he and Velvet were on the rocks. She only told him because he demanded to know, and she in turn told him how painful it was that he never came back for her like he promised.

She would have been fine with only that much, but he never returned, and she was left feeling rejected, even though there was no way he could have possibly known.

You might want to do a reread. It's a fascinating story and only becomes more so knowing about later events.

Oh crap, I remember closing fimfiction tab on my browser by accident but never opening again, that's why I lost the premiere of this AMAZING CHAPTER OMG!!!!!!

And the best part of this, it didn't took a whole year (or more), so congratulations my man :yay:

About the chapter, it's the first time I end up with a sense of closure, like things evolving to a conclusion after a looooooooong period of doubts and problems. Cadence carrying the family is a nice touch.

Have a nice day/night, thanks for this great chapter and see you the next time.

9360283 Three weeks.
For three weeks, every time I looked at this chapter marked 'unread' in my Priority Reading library, I kept saying to myself,
"Not yet."
Like the last chocolate in the box, I kept putting it off.
A $300 bottle of 30 year old whiskey, saved for a special occasion.
I knew it was going to be good. So SO good. But I kept telling myself I wasn't ready.
"Not yet."

Well today I called out of work sick. I had the house to myself. And I saw the unread chapter in my library once again.
I wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe some clop, maybe not. But I knew that no matter what, it was going to be good.
So SO good!

And bruh,


I wasn't ready.

There are no words.

This is art, plain and simple. This is the literary equivalent of perusing the great works of The Louvre.
I feel like Cameron Frye in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, staring at
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, by Georges Seurat.
And here I sit, likewise on my day off like Cameron standing there in that museum, I am struck with utter awe.

There is really nothing else I can say that hasn't already been said by everyone else here, including myself. However, I will paraphrase Roselucky Seven's comment of my own work, as it encapsulates my feelings here just as well:

"If you could fuck writing and produce offspring with it, I would pick Grimm's stories."

- Shakespearicles

Aw man, that's really kind of you to say so. Thank you. Sincerely. This story's proven to be very hard to write, and fear of not meeting expectations is a big part of that, so I'm always super pleased when it does meet them. I'm glad you're still enjoying it, and thanks for sticking on the ride for so long...

hope this gets updated soon


"If you could fuck writing and produce offspring with it, I would pick Grimm's stories."

If you could fuck offspring and produce writing with it, it would be one of Grimm's stories.

9536654 I suppose that would depend on the writing. But it might be possible if said writing were knocked up by The World's Strongest Writer.™

That chapter end reads like the scene from... I think it was the Godfather... Two guys in boat on lake....cut...one guy in boat..... Ouch

Well, you done it, you convinced me i need a bittersweet folder... it doesn't fit anywhere else :I
(admittedly, it goes from sweet to bitter (mostly bitter) back and forth quite a lot) :p

So, there's any more to this? Because it seems like we're nearing the climax - no pun intended - and I want to know. I need to know.

I know you're going to finish the next chapter before the show ends.


Remember when you promised to write the next chapter within a year?

I’m still waiting too

That has to be the hottest long description I have ever read. Added to tracking.

Am I retarded? Because I thought I still had a chapter to read. Was a new chapter published then removed?

We all still have a chapter left to read.
The last chapter.
We are all still waiting.

There's only one more? For real?

Hay hears my advice for them to salve the problem... Why don't they form a " 3-sem heard" like in the stories I've read in pony stories, it's about 2 ponies who love the same stallion and want him for one's self, but the stallion loves booth of them alot. So they formed a heard (3 pony's who want to be together) and got Married too.

So if Twilight wants to him to be happy and wants to still be with him, and if Velvet still wants him to forgive her and be with her again, and since Night "still" kinda love his wife and loved Twilight..(which means he loves booth of them) why don't they form a heard together like a 3 pony relationship (like in the pony story's I've read) have a night of sex together a three-sem (I don't know how to spell it right OK!) they can enjoy it till morning, they talk on serous matter in the morning, (Cadence pleas keep Shinning restraint and keep him on a tight leash!) and I sure once they finish talking, problems all sort out, and made some serous agreements, going home and father Night probably going to Twilight's home for a week. (and keep it under rapes and hidden secrets just between the Sparkle family only!)

So...what do you think of my advice for Twilight and her family?

I will be patiently waiting for when you finish this one day. It is an interesting story and I hope things will work out in the end. :pinkiesmile:

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