A "Ponified" version of the classic motion picture. I've seen the other fics of this movie, but wanted to write my own.
The Mane Six are summoned to a mysterious island to sign off on a special theme park being built there by the Manehattan mogul, Applejack's Uncle Orange. With the CMCs in toe as well, they find themselves in a biological preserve where super genetic science has resurrected the great extinct creatures, the dinosaurs. The ponies are skeptical yet enthralled by the giant creatures until Derpy Hooves with schemes of her own shuts the park down, and the dinosaurs escape. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash become stranded in the park with the CMCs, while Twilight and Fluttershy struggle to turn the system back on and save their friends. It's an adventure in friendship 65 million years in the making.
A fanfic based on the movie, rather than the novel. I've added some original parts as well.
I like this story hope to see more
Oh, there's plenty more. The next several chapters should be up soon.
cool cause most people just give up on these type of storys
Has an interesting beginning, but you seem to the forcing it a bit much.
In several parts you tell the reader what's happening rather than showing them--like when Uncle Orange is introduced, you should had him take off his hat and have Applejack exclaim, "Uncle Orange?"
It would have flowed better.
Something minor to think about.
This was good I love it
I love the way Jurassic park fails to take into account humanities ability to literally kill everything. Seriously, Homo sapiens is the next mass extinction. Already here in Australia, 45% of all native mammal species have gone extinct in the last 100 years. Humans don't just control nature, we destroy it. We are like a virus, taking up all the resources in one area until nothing is left but dirt and microbes. 90% of all forest habitats have been utterly destroyed since 1850 and there is a garbage pile in the pacific the size of greenland.
I have to say I like this story so far, but there are a couple of things that have been bothering me. First, cows are sapient in Equestria so how is he feeding cows to them and not being charged for muder. Next Equestria has creatures that are the size of dinosaurs in it (eg dragons) that could handle them so why hasn't he hired any to help with the dinosaurs. Finaly why did you select Octavia for the warden guy, it seem you chose her just because you liked her when there are plenty of already canon characters that would have fit the role better (eg Daring Do). Now I don't want you to take this the wrong way I do enjoy this story it's just these thing have been nagging at the back of my mind.
Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.
Originally Dr. Whooves was going to be the game warden, and Octavia or Vynil Scratch was going to be the scientist. Then I found another story that had them in those roles. I didn't want to copy someone else. Daring Do was considered, but that would be really weird to have Rainbow Dash's idol as a major character. Also, Daring is still a fictional character at this point.
I never intended the story to be cannon, just a fun crossover.
I terms of the cow, what other animal from equestria could be used to feed the raptors?
makes its hard to justify what is sentient in equestria. all animals in the show have some degree of self-awareness, as shown by fluttershy.
Yay more keep it up man
The T-Rex chapter will be up in a minute.
But wait... Cows have been shown to talk in multiple episodes... Oh my god! Call the guard! Murder, murder!
Somehow I can see pinkie doing that to get a Rex to come out
Heh, I wrote one of these! Check it out if you want, I'm sure this one is better than mine though.
oh sucks to be derpy
that my favorite part in the movie
four words: test-tube grown cow. unintelligent home-grown meat. that's what i think.
shaving can crushed. so, movieverse only....okay then.
Nnnnnoooooo!!! Derpy!!! Welp.... That's as far as I go.
I am loving this story! Keep up the good work!
hey have you played the Jurassic park the game
I haven't played it as I'm not into today's video games, but I've seen playthroughs on YouTube and it's a great game. I love how it stays true to the original movie.
There's actually another JP fanfic on here that takes aspects of the game, I think it's called Jurassic Ponies. It's more like the book in its writing than mine.
* girly scream* YAY!
Is that Fluttershy's 'yay' or Ned Flander's 'girly' scream
I don't know why, but I expected Spike to turn into the T-Rex and save everyone from the raptors.
Let me get this straight, You really think it's a good idea to kill Applejack's uncle?! What the dadgum hay are you thinking?! That's Applejack's family we're talking about!
Oh and by the way, they used a Spas-12 shotgun in Jurassic Park, not a rifle!
To make my point, If Uncle Orange is playing the role as John Hammond. Then he's suppose to stay in the bunker, NOT GET EATEN BY THE RAPTORS!! So in others; I want you to rewrite it to where Uncle Orange doesn't get eaten!
Eh I didn't much like seeing uncle orange die plus I kind of had a silly image of two hoofs dropping down on twilight
Thanks for the input. The reason I had Uncle Orange die was to make things more dire for the Mane Six; the dinosaurs are escaped, they don't have Spike, and everypony else is dead, so they're really on their own. Also Uncle Orange is different from Hammond in that he's not remorseful at all about what's happening. Hammond eventually realized what he had done, whereas Uncle Orange has remained incorigable. He's more like Hammond in the book.
The story was going to have some original parts.
4309719 I don't think that's gonna happen.
Aww...I don't like Derpy being a villain. She's too sweet.
But I'm enjoying the story anyways so I'll keep reading.
Again...poor Derpy.
LOL...Pinkie singing Weird Al's Jurassic Park song. Nice to know that she can be chipper even when talking about somepony's horrific demise.
How did i not know this existed!? I'm gonna read all of this tonight. Have a Like and a Fav because troll.me/images/ancient-aliens-guy/dinosaurs.jpg
Great chapter! Instead of the raptor thinking clever little things it would have been funny if you put 'clever girls'. You know like a call back to that line in the movie.
*Clap clap clap* This, my friend, was one helluva crossover. I loved it. Great job!
You did a great job man on this crossover adding your own still and still able to follow the story of the movie I hope to see new ideas and crossover from you hell maybe you can do an aliens or the mummy
Derpy doesn't strike me as a Nedry-esque character. Trixie might have fit better into the role. She's quite intelligent, good at deception, and would likely be swayed by the prospect of millions of bits.
Would have been even funnier if it was who got covered in dinosaur snot. Can you imagine the epic freak-out?