• Member Since 26th Jan, 2016


Found the show in late 2015, and fell in love with it. I also like D&D (3 and 3.5), Fansty novel and movie, Sci-Fi movies. MarbleMac is Best Ship and Flashlight is a fair second

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This story is a sequel to Fairy Tales of Equestria

Fairy tales have been treasured by many and passed down from generation to generation. But these fairy tales are a little different from what you think. Enjoy more of these classic stories with an MLP twist.

Chapters (7)

Miss Koi's Alternate Universe of Connecting One-Shots/Stories for Disneyfanatic2364's Alternate Power Ponies Fanfic Universe (Go check out DF's story first before reading this!)

Cover Art By: Timexturner (Go check her stuff on Deviantart:))

Editor: AM Shark (Check out her amazing Fluttercord stories if you need more Fluttercord in your life, which you always need to do in my opinion;))

Chapters (2)

In a world where Sunset Shimmer did not go through the mirror, she tries to become a better pony.

In a world where Sunset Shimmer tries to become a better pony, she helps Celestia's new student, Twilight Sparkle

In a world where Sunset Shimmer helps Twilight Sparkle, well... a lot of things change

(cover by NightFuryStriker)

Chapters (4)

Big Mac is a wealthy stallion turned into a beast after being cursed by an Enchantress. Sugar Belle is a simple baker living in a nearby village with her widowed grandfather and avoiding the affections of the town hotshot, Feather Bangs.

One day, she finds herself at the castle and encounters the beastly stallion and his enchanted staff.

What follows is a beautiful and unexpected love story that proves love can overlook any appearance.

Based off Disney's version of 'Beauty and the Beast'.

NOTE: This is an alternate universe!!!!

A Sugarmac fic.

Chapters (10)

In an alternate ending of the episode 'Growing Up Is Hard To Do' , something goes wrong and the Crusaders are now stuck as adults. How will they deal with being children in older bodies, and how will their friends and relations react to their new selves?

That's what we're here to find out.

Chapters (5)

If you have ever wondered about the types of fairy tales ponies read in Equestria, this story collection is for you. They are similar to some fairy tales you might have heard of on our world, but with a pony twist.

Chapters (2)

Celestia has never used her full power.


But that might be about to change. Chrysalis has contacted her and requested a meeting out in the middle of nowhere. Celestia expects a trap. In fact, she's hoping for it.

Featured: Because you guys are way too nice to me. Thank you all!

Now with a Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-mundo-de-fosforos-923171362

Chapters (1)

A strange phenomenon has happened in Westview, New Jersey. The whole town and the people in it have seemingly vanished, and anyone with a personal connection to it or its inhabitants seem to have forgotten that it ever existed. Even stranger, an unusual broadcast signal has been coming from inside, revealing what looks like a 50s sitcom world, and at the center of this world are two Avengers, one of whom is supposed to be dead. It's up to Captain Twilight Sparkle of SWORD, Agent Flash Sentry of the FBI, and astrophysicist Dr. Moon Dancer to learn the truth and help all involved. Will they succeed? Inspired by WandaVision.

Written for FlashLight Week 2021 Day 7.

Prompt: Rewrite

Chapters (4)

While several creatures are fire surfing, they wonder how the sport came to be. Luckily, one pony there knows the origin story.

Chapters (2)

We follow the course of the cute couple, Twilight and Flash Sentry, though their years of dating. But from the couple, arises another couple, that slowly come together. Who are these two others? Read this breathtaking romance and you just might see!

This story is also published by moi on wattpad

I am proud to announce that thatoneguy82 is now the co-author of this fic!!!

Chapters (1)