• Member Since 26th Jan, 2016


Found the show in late 2015, and fell in love with it. I also like D&D (3 and 3.5), Fansty novel and movie, Sci-Fi movies. MarbleMac is Best Ship and Flashlight is a fair second

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It's a dark and rainy night in Canterlot. A frustrated Flash Sentry arrives over at a local diner to blow off some steam. And who else is there but a familiar old friend from school...

Story takes place in Shatteredverse. Does not require any reading or understanding of universe details. Inspired by Wubcake's Tea Time With Adagio video.

Chapters (1)

Limestone Pie: a 20-year-old homeschool graduate who can't imagine life outside of working her father's quarry.

Flash Sentry: an 18-year-old senior at Canterlot High with no bloody clue what he wants to do in life.

On the surface, these two seem like an unlikely pairing. But when a chance encounter over heavy music pulls them into an unexpected love triangle, the pair find a spark of attraction that rocks.

An early version of chapter 2 appeared in the November 2015 Writeoff, "Like the World Is Ending." Custom cover art by Captain Wuzz! Pre-reading by Dubs Rewatcher, 621Chopsuey, and Soufriere! Featured on Equestria Daily 25Apr.2017! :pinkiegasp: Also featured by Seattle’s Angels! :coolphoto: And at long last, featured on FimFiction 06Jun.2019! :heart:

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to A Sky Full of Stars

After months of waiting, Flash and Twilight finally welcome the newest member of their family, and their loved ones couldn't be more excited. The title is a reference to this song: https://youtu.be/-E8pcpWU1Jk Feel free to listen as you read for mood music.

Written for FlashLight Week 2022 Day 7

Prompt: Family

Chapters (1)

A witch curses six princesses, transforming them into songbirds. Their curse can only be broken by their youngest sister, who has gone missing, and it is up to the squire Flash Sentry to find her. Inspired by the Brothers Grimm's "The Six Swans" and Basille's "Petrosinella."

Written for FlashLight Week 2022 Day 1

Prompt: Fairy Tale

Chapters (1)

A month after Luster Dawn transferred to Princess Twilight Sparkle School of Friendship, she stumbles across a male student who was less receptive to the idea of friendship than her. At first, Luster wants nothing to do with the delinquent, and yet after bumping into him several times and watching him from a distance she sees that maybe there is more to this young man all the while she can't help but hear a ticking clock around this student.

Notes: This story is not intended to be part of the My Little Mages AU, but can be considered a sequel to My Little Mages: The Ultimate Obstacle.
This is my first story of mine with an OC of mine as a major character.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Anima Gaea Semperlibera

Many are the slices of life stories of Twilight, her friends, and their families. Presented here Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tell the the stories of Rockfoot, Somnabula, Mistmane, Mage Meadowbrook and Flash Magnus.

A retelling and combining of Campfire Tales, Hearth of Information and Daring Done? with the focus on the tales of the Pillars.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Shadows' Revenge

Many are the slices of life stories of Twilight, her friends, and their families. Here are several that deal with their own roque's gallery.

A My Little Mages retellings of The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Wonderbolt Academy, Rarity Takes Manahattan, Leap of Faith, Rarity Investigates, The Mane Attraction, Viva Las Pegasus, Friendship University and The Washouts

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Weight of the Crown

Many are the slices of life stories of Twilight, her friends and their families. Here are five, as Twilight's friends are tested to show that they are the bearers of their Element, even with the Elements returned to the Tree of Harmony.
A My Little Mages retellings of: Rarity Takes Manehatten, Rainbow Falls, Leap of Faith, Pinkie Pride and It Ain't Easy being Breezy. Collectively they are The Rainbow Keys.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Revenge of Nightmare Moon

Many are the slices of life stories of Twilight, her friends and their families. Presented here are three, each of one of the Cutie Mage Crusaders (CMC) and their experiences with Princess Luna as the Princess of Dreams helped each.

A My Little Mages retelling of Sleepless in Ponyville, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils and Bloom and Gloom, collectively The CMC Dream Trilogy and more of a prequel to My Little Mages: The Phantasm of Philanthropy.

Image made by Didj, support him if you can

Chapters (3)

Two orphaned cabin boys end up shipwrecked in the most inhospitable town known to man. A friendship forms between them, the local postman and his family, and an lonely mountain girl. Despite resistance from the town's leaders, that friendship finds a way to change the town and its citizens for the better. Inspired by the Netflix movie Klaus.

Written for FlashLight Week 2021 Day 4

Prompt: Secret

Chapters (27)