• Member Since 26th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Found the show in late 2015, and fell in love with it. I also like D&D (3 and 3.5), Fansty novel and movie, Sci-Fi movies. MarbleMac is Best Ship and Flashlight is a fair second


Maybe just a little more · 2:32am Dec 14th, 2021

Well, the Rainbow Key Arch is completed in the My Little Mages AU, at least my take.
After some thought, I might consider doing more.
I do, here is what I plan,
This AU's take on Three’s A Crowd, Make New Friends but Keep Discord and Dungeons & Discord? as Bonus Chapters to My Little Mages: Erisomachy
This AU's take on No Second Prances, All Bottle Up, To Change a Changeling, A Horse shoe-in as entries to My Little Mages: After Effects, The Great And Powerful Amendments

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Report Foxhelm · 266 views ·

Review of "Memories are Made of This" · 10:24am Nov 13th, 2020

While I would prefer to post this as a comment on Banshee531's Yugioh EQG: Omega Zenith, However as things currently stand, I can't. Check out my previous blog if you wish to know more and or reach out to Banshee531.

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Report Foxhelm · 351 views ·

Retcon Alert · 3:13pm Apr 8th, 2019

Everyone who reads my series, well the show has made Grogar canon, which means rewriting The Revenge of Nightmare Moon:ajsleepy:.
Well, I when I get to it, I hope you enjoy the changes and my answer to the Season 9 opener

Report Foxhelm · 404 views ·

Taughts on Cozy Glow · 5:31am Sep 29th, 2018

If you haven't seen the season 8 finale early, turn away now. SPOILERS ALERT!

Okay everyone still here has seen it and the ending.

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Report Foxhelm · 746 views ·

Was Fall of Equestria prophetic, given the Season 8 premier? · 9:21am Mar 26th, 2018

That's not a rhetorical question.

To get everyone up to speed, 'Fall of Equestria' is a series of fanfics that is based on the premise that our beloved Equestria was overrun and conquered by a war-loving, misogynistic, sex-drive tribe of caribou.

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Report Foxhelm · 648 views ·

Are Unicorns prone to Villainy? · 11:35am Mar 6th, 2018

No seriously, are they?
In fact, are every character with horns prone to become evil?

Because if you look through the series every villain and repeating antagonist have horns.
Let's start at the beginning, Season 1 and Series Opener the villain was Nightmare Moon is the fallen form of Luna, and she's an Alicorn. We also have in the season, The Great and Powerful Trixie, who returns as an antagonist in Season 3 with Magic Duel and antagonistic to Twilight in Season 6 No Second Prances

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Report Foxhelm · 446 views ·

Cast Change in My Little Mages · 11:15am Sep 21st, 2017

In last week's episode; Daring Do, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash learned the tale of Somnambula. And with that, I cannot in good faith keep Somnambula as she is presented in My Little Mages: The Revenge of Nightmare Moon and by extension, the rest of my My Little Mages work.
So I am going to have to change the cast.

(Here's hoping they don't use Catrina or Grogar... )

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Report Foxhelm · 627 views · #Somnambula #Gen1 #Season7

We need more Smiles · 8:43am Nov 15th, 2016

Given all that has happened and is happening since the 2016 election in the US and around the world, We all need to stop. Take a step back and remember, we came to this site because of the love we feel for the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

To everyone let's recall the wise words of Ponyville Party Planning Premier Pony, Pinkie Pie

Report Foxhelm · 243 views ·