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Anon decides, despite every bit of logical sense, to boop an angelic pony after exploiting her for chores. This could only end well.

After all, boredom is overrated, and the temptation to boop a cute angel pony is too great! Who cares if you could potentially be smited by pony-God, right?

Now if only you weren't literally being sized up by God himself... And said angel is trying to convince him why you should marry.


Art stolen by Badumsquish. Give their adorable art some love~
Also obviously the angel pony is theirs, lmao, hope they enjoy the story

Oh hey, in featured on release day again!
... And apparently later featured on EQD!

Here's me quietly shilling my Ko-fi, shhh.

Chapters (1)

You are Anon, and you own a musket for home defense. When four rapscallions break into your house. "What the devil!?" You do what must be done. Now you have to explain to Twilight why this makes sense.

Edit: Featured? Thank you everyone!

Reading by Wuten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Hab2Ff1cI

Chapters (1)

And then they kissed. And Trixie’s heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

Trixie is on the verge of saying something to Starlight. Finally. But then she sees Sunburst and Starlight together, and her world begins to crumble.

Written for the Quills and Sofa 'drama' contest.

Chapters (1)

Hollow Shades is a small farming and lumberjacking community, a tiny bubble of Equestria existing on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Things have been hard-going since the lumber mill was closed down and the town is slowly dying out. A young filly named Corn Crib however might have found a solution when she makes a bargin with a talking scarecrow she meets along the road. But who is Lord Barleycorn, and how can he possibly breath life back into Hollow Shades?

This is a lighthearted story that contains lots of OCs outside of Ponyville. The mane six will appear, but not until later chapters.

First time featured was May 23, 2014! I can't believe it! Thank you everyone! =3
Now with its own TVTropes page!
Picture was made by my friend Escopeto. He did a fantastic job of representing my story.

Chapters (49)

This story is a sequel to The Last Decree

I, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria, do hereby sign the Equestrian Heritage Act, approving its clauses and motions, effective immediately.

First Place entry in the Quills and Sofas Expanded Universe contest, written as a sequel to Zontan's The Last Decree.

Cover art by Snow Quill.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 6/18/21

Chapters (1)

The day has finally come: Celestia's Nightmare has overtaken her. Daybreaker is on the rise, and all of Equestria will burn.

Her first target: Ponyville, home the Elements of Harmony.

But Daybreaker didn't count on one thing. See, she's really hot, and some ponies are just really, really horny.

Chapters (1)

After living with Nightmare Moon for a while (due to extenuating circumstances), Anon starts to notice a few oddities in her behaviour. Ones he understands all too well, and ones that are fresh on the mind.

In an effort to help her before it gets any worse, he drags her out of Ponyville for a night to talk about life's problems. And maybe cuss out her sister once or twice.

Chapters (3)

~~~You asked, you receive. Bonus chapter up~~~

Twilight has successfully created fake government jobs to help her terminally broke friends be less, uh, terminally broke. All they have to do is pass a simple little background check, just an easy little formality really. Should be no problem for these national heroes, right?



I guess the constituent parts of the cover art might be property of the federal gubbermint, but, honestly, I feel like I've spent enough on ATF tax stamps to make me stealing their crisp PNGs an equal exchange.

Chapters (2)

Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong with the Equestrian economy.

And it's all Discord's fault.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy wasn't expecting to find a snow globe in her closet; even if Angel Bunny pointed it out to her, it most certainly didn't come from him. The most obvious candidate is Discord, but if so - why is it there? Who is it for?

And why does the snow globe have a figure of her inside it, dancing amidst the perpetually falling snow?


A very belated Hearth's Warming gift for the ever lovely Nailah. This story was written for Jinglemas 2020; For more information about Jinglemas, check out our group!

All of my thanks to Flashgen for his help.

Chapters (1)