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It's official. Twilight Sparkle has entered the highly competitive world of book writing.

The only problem? Her stories are far too complicated, confusing, and long for most ordinary ponies to even understand -- Twilight's close friends included.

Now Twilight must try her hooves at something she thought nearly impossible.

Writing a simple story.

Chapters (1)

It's Spike's and Starlight's anniversary, and Spike buys the perfect gift for his beloved.

But then he sneezed.

Collaboration with FamousLastWords

Chapters (1)

Following Twilight's coronation, Starlight suddenly finds herself owner of the Friendship Castle, and has to figure out what that means, for herself and her friends. And then an unusual changeling comes knocking at her door...

Now has a translation into Chinese, courtesy of user xieyuesanxing. Thanks much!

Chapters (1)

Spike and Starlight became friends the moment life put them in the same castle. As they grew closer over the years, they didn't think anything could break their friendship.

Unfortunately, all it took was one night to throw that belief into chaos. Now, they have to not only work together but battle their own doubts and insecurities to figure out a way to fix the broken bond between them.

Edited by Curify

Artwork by lockerobster

Note: This story deals with some mature themes and may not be comfortable for all readers. Just a heads up.

Chapters (4)

Finally, the MLP movie is in theaters. You've been waiting months for this film and now that it's out, you must see it! However, you're a bit self-conscious on being declared a brony by everybody, so you may need some help on making a decision on whether to see it.

That's what shoulder angels are for.

Chapters (1)

Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)

Their secret affair was always forbidden, yet at the same time, they were meant to be. Such a horrible paradox. This is the story of the beginning and the end of Princess Celestia's tragically perfect love life.

Comic spoilers btw
also don't ask how this happened 'cause i have no idea

Chapters (1)

One day, Saitama wakes up bored, only to find a portal in his room. Being Saitama, he doesn't investigate it with scientific curiosity: he walks straight through it. On the other side, he meets an odd young female pony who is somehow as strong as he is. Surely the two will come to chat cordially with one another?

Of course they get into a fight.

Cover art by alumx used with permission

Very likely falls within E-rating. T-rating is just to be on the very safe side for a couple of darker lines.

Day 21 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (1)

It was a peaceful morning in the cottage, until Fluttershy woke up to an elder god smothering her with a large pillow.

And ponies wonder why she takes issue with Thursdays.

Chapters (1)