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Anon finds himself sitting next to a particularly aggressive mare at a coffee shop,

A few rounds of quick-fire interrogation questions and eye-grilling later, you find a more softhearted mare beneath all of that professional bureaucratism.

Could this be the start of something bigger?

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Some love for the Whinnyapolis Delegate because she deserves it.

Contains: Hoof holding, kissing, and various other forms of sappy affection!

Chapters (5)

Equus iocus.

Twilight ponders the fragile nature of her sanity in today's little adventure.

Chapters (1)

Kirin coffee is the best there is.

There is absolutely nothing suspicious about it.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest II in the Comedy category.

Chapters (1)

Have you ever just been having a regular day, then suddenly, BAM, you're dead? Well, no, of course you haven't. But what do you expect to happen after you die? If the answer was getting shoved into an overly pink copy of a pony princess, you'd be lying. Worse yet, she made me an alicorn just like her, which causes a whole new set of problems.

Unfortunately, she was adamant that I stay and become her twin sister. I ditched her immediately in my bumbling confusion and fear, and who could blame me? The last thing on my mind was being here! Ponies, princesses, and twin sisters? What kind of fantasy story was that? I was on the run, hiding from guard patrols, and fighting for my next meal. However, my own hubris caught up to me in the end, and her super powerful mother, Cadance, found me and made me see how stupid I was being. And Cadance, is an absolutely crazy powerful pony, with an even more powerful maternal instinct. So when it came down to her word against mine, she was really hard to convince, and she wasn't taking no for an answer.

(AKA, Super wholesome, fluffy, found family. And me having fun tugging on heartstrings.)
(Cover image by: me)

Chapters (29)

Being somepony's friend can require accepting the... quirkier parts of their personality: something Rarity is all too aware of, especially when it comes to the work involved in accepting hers. So discovering that Fluttershy possesses -- shall we say, a 'special interest' -- simply means that the designer needs to accompany her to the convention. Just to make sure the pegasus isn't going to get hurt.

But a mare of dignity and taste does not casually wander into a 'special interest' gathering and emerge unaffected. And as it happens, neither does Rarity.

Rated C for Conifer Crackfic.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

Have you ever had a dream that just seemed so real, that it was impossible to say for certain that it was even a dream at all? A dream that, despite all of its impossibilities, seemed to re-write your entire perception of reality, re-writing your sense of what—and indeed, who—you are? Accepting change is hard enough as it is. But when you're a somebody who wakes up as a somepony, how do you cope with the impact such a drastic change has on your mind and body? With changes like these, it must surely just be a lucid dream—albeit a suspiciously accurate one—just brimming with potential and ripe for exploration. So you might as well suck it up and make the most of these distressingly…unusual circumstances, and seize this psychological adventure before you wake up and the dream ends.
After all, this couldn't possibly be real, so the dream must come to an end eventually…right?

Chapters (25)

Rob the earth pony has not had an easy life. Alongside his crippling social anxiety, dead-end job, and general poor looks, he also suffers from a severe aversion to a certain facet of songwriting. Sure is a good thing his fellow citizens of Maretime Bay aren't prone to bursting into spontaneous musical numbers!

... Is that an electric guitar I hear on the horizon?

A surreal (horror?) comedy about xenophobic radicalization.

Warning: Contains excessive and potentially traumatic quantities of rhymes! Caution is advised!

Proofread by PoisonClaw and Max Bet.

Chapters (1)

You are an avid enjoyer of MLP:FiM, despite the show having ended a number of years ago, and Princess Luna, to you, was always best pony. One morning, following a long day of work and an even longer night of drinking, you find that very same lunar goddess helping herself to a warm shower. In your shower. In your home.

Sex tag for naked Luna and probably going to be implied stuffs later on. No actual sex, sorry.

Featured: 05/13/2022 thanks guys!

Chapters (2)

Earth-pony Twilight Sparkle has always been a little "out there". But while testing her latest crazy idea, she finds that there are places even farther than that...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series:

Chapters (1)

It's tough, living with your past mistakes. Even harder when no one else will let you forget. They say that's what the alcohol is for. Shame, really. Sometimes you don't want to drink anymore. Sometimes all you need is a hug.
-Fizzlepop BerryTwist

Chapters (1)