The festive season has come to Equestria once again! The time for celebrations, family, friends, food and decorations - and this year Pinkie Pie has found the best decoration for the holiday season. Maybe this new variant of mistletoe is a little strange but the glowing red berries help ponies find it in Sugarcube Corner so they can kiss underneath it. It's perfect! That is, until ponies who kiss beneath the mistletoe start developing strange, disturbing symptoms of an unknown sickness ...
Total Words: 11,184,878
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks
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This story is a sequel to Black Sun
"Avert thine eyes!" screamed Luna.
It was, of course, too late for that.
This story is an expansion to my talented friend Novelle Tale's story Black Sun, and was written in 24 hours for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group's 'Expanding Universes #4' Contest, where it placed fifth.
The coverart was a generous gift from my other very talented friend Shas
Story is finished and chapters will be posted over the course of this week
They didn't mean for the Elements to do that.
Now everything is Nothing.
All they have is each other.
They're trapped.
Time is running out.
Her Majesty's Starship Philomena is a generational ship designed to save ponies from the devastation of Equus and ferry them to a new world. The trip will take 150 years: the first generation will carry on the memory of the old world, and the third will set hoof on the new world.
The second generation is ash and engine grease: those born in darkness and destined to die in darkness, who will never know the bounteous fruits of which the hydroponic gardens bear only echoes and promises. Twilight Sparkle is one such middle link, tasked with maintaining the hardware of the ship's onboard AI, Celestia.
gold medal in thousand words iii (slice of life)
cover art is an edited screenshot from neon genesis evangelion. shoutouts ritsuko
russian translation courtesy of zebrowski
Everypony is gathering in Canterlot for Princess Celestia's funeral to say one final goodbye.
Everypony except Applejack.
The planet Equus will be inhospitable in just a few short years. All the creatures on it are preparing to leave for greener pastures. All, that is, except Spitfire.
This fiction is canon compliant. It takes place several years after "The Last Problem".
Second place winner of Science Fiction Contest III.
At the request of Dr. Quest Colton, the following data logs and observation notes have been compiled about the case study surrounding Subject 1 and the highly infectious anomoly that now plagues ponies in the hundreds. It is the doctor's hope that these files will eventually help us find a cure before all of Equestria suffers this horrific end. Subjects 2, 3, 4, and 5 are also presenting troubling afflictions and will be recieving case studies of their own. Princess Twilight's sudden death could not have come at a worse time for us all.
(Thanks to VladiVoices for the amazing art!)
Hope you enjoy my first MLP Infection AU :)
Here's a link to the Youtube adaptation of this story:
The Sisters' Moon.
For generations the ponies of Equestria called eclipses by the same name, even while divided by fear and hate. All celebrate it the same way, displaying their affection and love for their close friends and family. To this day, nopony remembers why.
Sunny Starscout discovers this mystery when she and her friends prepare to celebrate their first Sisters' Moon together in the Crystal Brighthouse, and she wants to know the story behind the holiday that bound them even before their reunification. Her only lead is an elderly pony who might just have the answers she seeks.
Bonus prize winner in the Beans Writing Group's "New Blood" contest, for the bonus prompt: "From the beginning, you know the end."
Cover art by the amazingly-skilled Little Tigress
Now with a reading from RainbowInfinityReadings!
Many thanks for the prereading help from:
Pilot Light
Featured 7/31/23 - 8/4/23
The separation of Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi after Twilight's downfall should not have happened overnight.
But thanks to a startup biotech company called Canterlogic Pre-Natal Technologies, it did.
This is a story of how Canterlogic grew into the largest company in post-Twilight Equestria, and the ponies affected along the way.
The main chapter takes place in G5 Equestria, roughly a century before Sunny Starscout's time.
WARNING: This is probably the most emotionally difficult story I've had to write. This story contains discussion of eugenics which readers may find highly disturbing. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS STORY DO NOT REFLECT THAT OF THE AUTHOR.
Time after time, through chaos and through wars, Princess Celestia prevailed.
Of all the terrible forces she could have fallen to, Flim Flam Industry was the last one anypony had expected.
With thanks to gardrek for editing (3-6) and PinkieDP, Ice Star, and Odd_Sarge for prereading help.