Wednesday – 7:45pm
So I normally don't use my journals for anything other than research purposes, but I've decided to set one aside for something more personal.
If asked why, I honestly wouldn't be able to give a good answer. I guess I just felt like a change, and taking up a personal diary of sorts seemed like a novel idea. Rarity has a journal of her own, and she's told me before that pouring her private thoughts out onto the page can often be a cathartic experience. So maybe that's it. Maybe I started this journal to ease my mind a little. I suppose it's as good an excuse as any to write about what's actually bothering me.
I had a dream last night, and it's kind of been weighing on me a bit for some reason. Now that I'm putting words to parchment, it feels a bit silly. I can barely remember what I actually dreamed about, but what I do remember I can't quite get out of my head. It's just a vague memory of me standing atop the highest balcony of my castle. I'm looking up at the sun for some reason, when it suddenly vanishes right out of the sky, leaving everything in complete and utter darkness.
I'm not sure what was going on before that, and I don't remember if I saw anything afterward. What I do remember, was that my body started to get uncomfortably hot—like I'd been wandering the Saddle Arabian desert for hours. I know it's possible to experience a change in temperature even while dreaming, but in my case, the sensation was too intense to be normal. At least, that's what I felt, anyway.
But that wasn't the end of it. There was one other thing I recall from that dream, and that was the whispers. I don't remember exactly when they started, but as the heat rose, the whispers grew louder and louder. I couldn't understand what was being said and, truth be told, I'm not sure I want to. I can't put into words how creepy the whispers were. Words couldn't do it justice. What I can say for sure is that it wasn't the nigh unbearable desert-like heat that woke me up, it was most definitely the whispers.
I did wake up sweating, but it wasn't one of those cold, just-had-a-nightmare sweats. It was just regular old hot summer sweat. Gross, but manageable. It really is turning out to be a scorcher, though. Summer just started not too long ago, but if this keeps up, we might have a heatwave on our hooves, and those are never fun. As hot as it is, I'm tempted to just write that weird dream off as my brain trying to cope with the rising temperature.
Maybe that's what it is, maybe not. Either way, I don't think I'm the only one being affected by the weather. I think Spike is having some trouble dealing with the heat as well, which is definitely weird given that he's a dragon. He shouldn't be having any issues, and I'm not actually sure if it is the heat, but I think something is off. The little guy spent all morning wandering around in a daze, barely able to keep his eyes open.
Now, it isn't strange for Spike to be a complete zombie when he wakes up. In fact, it's a pretty common occurrence—especially when he spends all night helping me with one project or another. The thing is, he usually perks back up by the time he's finished breakfast. Today was different. He was still out of it when noon rolled around. I asked him if he'd had any trouble sleeping last night and he hadn't. He told me he'd slept like a baby dragon.
Neither of us was sure what was going on and in the end, we never figured it out. Spike wound up going back to sleep a little after two in the afternoon, and he's been asleep ever since. I know dragons are infamous sleepers, but Spike is still a baby where a dragon's biological development is concerned. He still has a good few decades before his sleep cycle stretches out into something like this.
It's a little worrying, but I'll wait and see what happens for now. In the meantime, I'll check a few references on dragons and weird sleeping habits before heading off to bed myself. Here's hoping I don't have any more weird dreams.
following this for the unusual feel of the story.
Oh yeah, new the7Saviors time