Will Read 19 stories
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Total Words: 325,064
Estimated Reading: 21 hours


  • Top 10 10 stories My Top 10 personal favorite stories that I've read on the site.

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  • Will Read 19 stories Self-Explanatory


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Shining Armor comes back home after the yearly Equestria Wargames Competition only to find his citizens panicking, his royal guard failing and his daughter on the throne with his wife nowhere to be found.

Or Cadence leaves her ten year old daughter in charge of the Empire and goes on vacation.

Written for the Cadence is a Terrible Mom Competition

Special Thank You to Skijarama for his reading of this story!

Special Thank You to Baineblade For Editing and putting up with my comma fetish and random capitalizations.

Original art by Its-Gloomy

Chapters (1)

“But I'm a constant headache, a tooth out of line,/They try to make you regret it, you tell them, no not this time,/It's just a constant headache, a dead pet device,/You hang me up, unfinished, with the better part of me no longer mine.” -Joyce Manor, ‘Constant Headache’

Sequel 1: “Now Or Never Now
Sequel 2: "Everyone But You"

Spring break has started for the School of Friendship, but Gallus and Smolder are still on campus as they wait to be picked up. And what’s a better way for the two of them to past the time than exchange insults to one another?

Cover art commissioned from Amy New.

Chapters (1)

It has been quite a ride, millions of people around the world have for many years enjoyed the world and the fandom of My Little Pony.

It has however come to an end..

Will we always be able to escape to that happy place of adventure and friendship? Will we always remember? Or will the show glide into happy nostalgia?

Twilight and her friends are about to find out the answer to that very question.

Chapters (1)

After Hearth's Warming Eve dinner, the Student Six gather privately... to discuss who else was considering sabotage...

Follow-on to the episode The Hearth's Warming Club

Chapters (1)

The headmistress of the Friendship School, Starlight Glimmer, is worried. Where did Cozy Glow come from? Who or what made her to be the force of evil that she was?

In her quest for answers, Starlight uses reflection magic to interrogate a shade of Cozy, a reflection, but finds that even as a mere memory, Cozy wields more power over Starlight than she had anticipated.

Rated Teen. Written for the Cozy Glow short story contest.

Chapters (1)

Being trapped in stone doesn't give a little filly much to do. She has a lot of anger and regrets over her situation, but the one thing she misses the most was the love and comfort of her first, and perhaps only, friend.

This story is posted for Short Story Cozy Glow contest of 2020.

Additional Genre Tags: Slice of Life, Drama, Tragedy,

Note: as of 7/15/2021, there is now a reading by a youtube named Anthropomorphic Nerd who read this story >here<. Go check it out and give him some love if you're interested.

As of 1/8/2025, a new reading by Takeshy is available >here<.

Chapters (1)

Following Twilight's coronation, Starlight suddenly finds herself owner of the Friendship Castle, and has to figure out what that means, for herself and her friends. And then an unusual changeling comes knocking at her door...

Now has a translation into Chinese, courtesy of user xieyuesanxing. Thanks much!

Chapters (1)


For months on end, COVID has run rampant through the country, corrupting and desecrating life as we know it, never ceasing, never failing, fueled by collective stupidity and chaos.

So naturally it's the perfect time to go back to school. Happy travels, kids!

Death, sex, and violence tags are mostly for jokes.

This story sucks. I'm only keeping it up because other people seem to like it.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is old and sick to death of being on 'wing rest'. She knows she's got more left to give, and she wants to give the world one last sonic rainboom. No matter what the cost.

TW: suicide mention.

A retrospective look at Rainbow's life, as told by Rainbow as she goes on one last herculean journey. Originally a speedwrite for the 100th contest for Quills and Sofas, now doubled in length and fleshed out more. Special thanks to all the Quills and Sofas members who edited, especially Flashgen.

Chapters (6)

It all started innocently as the game to win it all. Weary after so many matches between one another, Rainbow Dash and Applejack decided to break the stalemate once and for all! And the game to win it all is a game neither of them have any experience with.

Getting a date for the Spring Dance.

And their mark? Flash Sentry.
Time limit? Two weeks
Winner takes all.

What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (6)