Great Reads 103 stories
  • Great Reads 103 stories These stories are even better reads than the good ones.
    Created by WorkNLurk
    - May, 2018
Found 97 stories in 70ms

Total Words: 3,385,270
Estimated Reading: 1 week


  • Top 10 10 stories My Top 10 personal favorite stories that I've read on the site.

  • Great Reads 103 stories These stories are even better reads than the good ones.

  • Good Reads 88 stories Good stories (at least in my eye). Some are sappy, some are inspirational, and all are just plain awesome.

  • Will Read 19 stories Self-Explanatory


  • Featured 24779 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rainbow Dash's late afternoon errand run is almost spoiled by a particular orange filly who finds her mentor and idol to be the perfect sleeping spot after a long day.

Sure, Dash could put her to bed, but why waste an opportunity for some quality time?

Now if only her friends would stop noticing what she's doing.

Chapters (1)

Trixie Lulamoon is still a lonely mare.

Sure, she learned the error of her ways, made a close new friend in Ponyville... became an integral part of that community... even ended up having her time in the spotlight when she helped to save the whole nation from Chrysalis's return!

But the ponies of Equestria are slow to forgive, and the life of a showmare on the road is a lonely one. She's watched her friends find love and start families of their own, all while she consoles herself with a glass of cheap wine before slinking into her hammock in her cold, lonely wagon.

It's even worse when she's on tour. Especially worse when she's in Manehattan. The city is tough, and even tougher to former villains. She wasn't looking for love while performing there, just looking to close out her summer tour and get out, keeping her head down in the process.

But love would find her.

A handsome, hard-working reporter, Bawdy Jot, has been assigned to do a story on the blue, boisterous showmare... and he's been surprised by the depth of Trixie's character that was revealed to him as he did his background work. And when he actually meets her, despite a rough greeting, he discovers that they get along quite well!

But love never makes things easy. It isn't long before he's stuck between a rock and a hard place - his editor has instructed him to make his story as negative and accusatory as possible...

How will he manage to do such a journalistically unethical act... against a mare he's falling for?

Will this show fail before it's even started? Or will Trixie and Jot overcome their star-crossed start?

There is a version of the story with NSFW chapters HERE
(Should be uploaded within 24-48 hours of the SFW version, if the above link isn't active)

Includes art by

Editing help from:
Snu from the Barcast
and others!

Cover-Art By annielith

Contains: Romantic lovey-doveyness of Trixie and an OC

Chapters (10)

In a ploy to convince her parents that she’s straight, Twilight asks Microchips to become her pretend boyfriend. Without telling her real girlfriend, Sunset.

Microchips calculates a 99% chance that he dies tonight.

Judge’s Prize winner in the Equestria Girls Spring Fling Contest.

Pre-read by my heterosexual life partner, Posh.

Chapters (1)

In the days following Starlight Glimmer's recent reformation to the ways of friendship, Spike figured he'd see her around more often. However, he didn't expect her to start going out of her way to spend as much time with him as possible.

Determined to get to the bottom of it, Spike decides to figure out what might be going on in Starlight's head.

Cover art is a screen grab from Season 6, Episode 1.

Featured on March 2!

Chapters (1)

Ever since Smolder revealed her affinity for the fashionable and cute to Ocellus, they've had secret tea parties where Smolder gets to indulge her interests and Ocellus gets to feel trusted. Symbiosis in action!

At their special Hearth's Warming secret tea, Ocellus notices that Smolder is acting strangely. She has no idea how deep the problem goes.

Written for Level Dasher for Jinglemas 2021

Chapters (1)

“We need like, magically entwined rings. Six of them. Forged together. Enchanted together. Together forever. Like we’re going to be. And I don’t think that there’s anything like that that we know about. So no marriage for now.”

Smolder scratched the back of her neck. “Actually...maybe...I know a spot?”

“You’re kidding,” Gallus said.

“I was holding off on talking about him until it was time to propose,” said Smolder. “He’s an old fart who lives in a cave on the borders of the Dragonlands. His place is kinda camouflaged to non-dragons so the professors don’t really know about it and neither do your species’ governments.”

“Well, I know what we’re doing today,” Ocellus said. "Committing crime for the sake of my five fiancees. You know, this is one of the few things that I think both Chrysalis and Thorax would be proud of me for."

Commissioned by Ice

Chapters (1)

Sometimes you get scared and need to sleep in somepony else's room. It's okay. It happens to everypony. Sometimes, it even happens to everypony all at once.

When it does, excessive cuddling ensues...

Takes place during season 1 because it wouldn't make sense anywhere else.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and friends gain access to this website, but quickly find themselves trapped within a paradoxical situation.

Check out the comic where the cover art comes from!

Posted with approval from the staff.

Update 3/19/2021: A couple days after publishing this story, and after Fluttershy injected a hacking payload into the mainframe utilizing a quantum subspace frequency modulation algorithm, we were able to access hidden meta-data for this data endpoint and successfully remove ourselves from the causality loop. I am writing this message to preserve our efforts before we sever the connection, in the off chance that something like this ever happens again. With Love and Friendship, Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (1)

A commission for spoonlol!

The Grand Galloping Gala. A night of wonder and fun for all its attendees. Well, almost all of them. Gallus is more than happy to just stand in his corner and pretend the world doesn't exist. That way he won't have to confess his feelings and more than likely deal with getting turned down by the girl of his dreams, Silverstream.

However, maybe there is a chance of success if only he could figure out the right way to go about talking to her on the 'mushy romance' level. Asking someone else with more experience for help isn't the worst idea, right?

Edited by: Soaring and Jack of a Few Trades
Preread by: Ice Star

Coverart by: darksly

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Somnambulism

Gallus and Smolder have formally begun a relationship, and start out by going on a date. But of course, the first date is always the hardest...especially when they still aren't entirely sure how they want this to work.

But maybe the date's just what they need for that.


It's been a bit sporadic about it, popping in then back out a few times, but I guess saying this was featured on 10/17/2020 still counts... (now watch, it'll immediately vanish from it again now that I've added this. EDIT: yup, see, already gone again!) :rainbowlaugh:

Sequel to "Somnambulism". Reading it first is encouraged, but shouldn't have to be required--you should still be able to follow along anyway.

Chapters (8)