“But I'm a constant headache, a tooth out of line,/They try to make you regret it, you tell them, no not this time,/It's just a constant headache, a dead pet device,/You hang me up, unfinished, with the better part of me no longer mine.” -Joyce Manor, ‘Constant Headache’
Sequel 1: “Now Or Never Now”
Sequel 2: "Everyone But You"
Spring break has started for the School of Friendship, but Gallus and Smolder are still on campus as they wait to be picked up. And what’s a better way for the two of them to past the time than exchange insults to one another?
Cover art commissioned from Amy New.
If these two aren't constantly insulting each other you're doing it wrong tbh. This story does it right.
Oh I see you made it Cannon to your other story from that bar fight during the hearths warming eve nice
Just wait in a couple of years smolder you will become a teacher 😊
You know I do like how smolder and gallus always insult each other but yet somehow they laugh it off somehow and it's really cute that they have a feeling for each other and it's even cute in the end smolder gave him a kiss well this was a cute story Happy Valentine's Day and happy Hearts and Hooves Day
This is sweet. Reminds me of one of my own stories a bit. Happy Hearts and Hooves day!
One of those stories where you spend pretty much the whole time going "OH JUST KISS ALREADY, DANG IT!"
Seriously though, it's as 10679743 said--this is pretty much the only way to write Smollus, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Very cute, nice work
Yes ! Another fic for the "smollus" ship! Thanks forma sharing!
Quick question would I be able to use this concept and add another part to it or no? I will credit you that’s for sure!
comedy gold
Cute fic. I like it!
i come back to reread this and find that half of it reads like a fusion of The Three Stooges and Statler and Waldorf
my sides are on the dark side of the moon
This was super cute. And though I never read your other story, these kids getting into a bar fight makes all kinds of sense.
sickeningly sweet
Fixed, thank you!
Perfect flirting inbetween these 2