Top 10 10 stories
  • Top 10 10 stories My Top 10 personal favorite stories that I've read on the site.
    Created by WorkNLurk
    - July, 2019
Found 9 stories in 92ms

Total Words: 459,147
Estimated Reading: 1 day


  • Top 10 10 stories My Top 10 personal favorite stories that I've read on the site.

  • Great Reads 103 stories These stories are even better reads than the good ones.

  • Good Reads 88 stories Good stories (at least in my eye). Some are sappy, some are inspirational, and all are just plain awesome.

  • Will Read 19 stories Self-Explanatory


  • Featured 24763 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

As a filly, Twilight Sparkle used her incredible magic to hatch a dragon egg. That dragon then became her lifelong companion, friend, and even sibling: Smolder.

Now Smolder has a chance to learn more about her own kind by meeting a dragon born and raised in the Dragon Lands. She has to figure out what to do next and what that could mean for her--and her family.

A one-shot contest submission for Secrets: A Swapped Roles Contest

Chapters (1)

It’s vacation time! And much to the chagrin of everycreature but Ocellus, Professor Rarity has given an assignment: use your unique skills to provide a service for your friends.

Ocellus has a great idea! In order to help propagate love, her service to her friends is the chance to take a practice run at admitting their feelings to their crushes, a task made easy by her changeling magic. It’s a great idea!


This story takes place shortly after She’s All Yak.

Chapters (6)

Sleepwalking--the act of walking while not conscious of it or aware of it, during one's sleep; to walk and/or perform other actions while sleeping; to somnambulate.

Which for Smolder, that alone is bad enough. Crawling into bed with Gallus while she's sleepwalking though...that's a whole other level of awkward.

Third place winner in "The Discovery" Young Six contest.

Featured by 2/5/2020.

Audio Reading done by No One And Nobody

Chapters (1)

Silverstream has never been a half-measures kind of girl. So when Gallus returns from a rotten trip to Griffonstone in need of a pick-me-up, she's prepared to do whatever it takes to lift his spirits. And she knows exactly what she must do.

Hijack the Wonderbolts in his honor.

Cover Art by Hioshiru
Thank you to Meridian Prime and semillon for being handsome. And for helping me put this story together.

Chapters (4)

After realizing her dream of earning her cutie mark—in the company of her best friends, no less—Scootaloo’s life should have been on an upward course. Instead, she sees herself on yet another crusade, one which will lead her to question her friends, her family, and what it means to love, and be loved. — Takes place immediately after "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" (S05E18).

New to the story? Start with the Recap Chapter!

Chapters 1-36 written by jowijo. Chapters 37+ written by myself. Information here.

(Need more? Scrapped chapters)

Dreams of Ponies (21-36)
Level Dasher (36)
brokenimage321 (1-23;31)
Eruantalon (21 & 22)
JackRipper (26, 29, 31)

I Thought I Was Toast (31-37)
TheGreatEater (1-24)
Krack-fic Kai (37)
jowijo (37)

Chapters (45)

I am Spur. I'm a fourteen year old teenage filly who lives on the bayou with my Ma and Pa. Most of you know me because of my little sister.

My little sister was Cozy Glow. One of the most reviled villains in Equestrian history.

(A/N: This story is particularly dark, so I've been told. Read at your own risk.)
Contains series finale spoilers. Cover image credit.

EDIT: My first featured story, 10/16-10/18/2019! Hooray! :yay::pinkiehappy:
EDIT: Featured again, 10/29, 11/17/2019, 4/6/2020, 5/26, 8/18, etc! :twilightblush:

Some praise for My Sister, Cozy Glow:

I had just finished watching the finale, which killed my incentive to write, but upon reading this, I'm glad to say that it brought it back. Thank you for writing this, MicahDebrink. --IReadYouWrite

Man, there's so much emotional depth packed into each and every word. --Thought Prism

This fic is far outside my usual fare but I am still enjoying it immensely. --SockPuppet

Chapters (15)

Gallus doesn't want to go home for summer. With a little gentle persuasion, he gets his friends on board to keep him out of Griffonstone, though none of them are quite sure how to do it; that is, until Silverstream hatches a scheme.

All he has to do is join the Hippogriff Navy. It's not the relaxing summer away from school that he hoped for, but hey, it promises to be interesting! Who knows what three months as a sailor could bring?

Adventure? Certainly.

Self-discovery? For sure.

A sea battle with a band of renegade pirates? Anything's possible.


Pssh. Yeah, right.

Edited by a crew of scallywags who mean the world to me. In no particular order: MissyTheAngle, Freglz, Muggonny, Semillon, FamousLastWords

Special thanks to Pascoite for his assistance.

Cover art commissioned from the incomparable Marenlicious!

Curious about how the next chapter is coming along? Check my user page for regularly updated progress reports!

Chapters (18)

Smolder and Ocellus spend quality time together after cheer practice and encounter an eldritch entity bent on consuming Smolder's soul. They also play Connect Four.

Special thank you to Miller Minus for his feedback
Cover from poneko-chan, I just inverted the colors because no other art I could find was working

Chapters (2)

Cover image:

When Starlight meets Sunburst for a date at an amusement park in Las Pegasus, it makes for a day of fun and romance. What they don't know: Trixie and Maud are are in Las Pegasus as well to play secret matchmakers for plenty of awkward and warming moments. Will Starlight get her first kiss from Sunburst?

Author's Note: A very special thanks to Dr. Indy for all his help in editing and making this story happen!

Chapters (16)