With a special potion, Rainbow Dash gets more than she bargained for on April Foal's Day.
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Everybody knows Gallus is moping. He has a pretty good reason, too; heartbreak is never easy. Why else would he actually be studying by himself in a library, after all? Unfortunately, the Student Six are in charge of putting their own spin on a Hearth's Warming pageant, and that means they need everyone.
So how do you coerce the participation of a reluctant griffon? Kidnapping, of course.
This story was written for Quills and Sofas Secret Santa Speedwrite contest, and tied for first. It was written for Cara, with the prompt (beware spoilers): Fluff with Gallus (maybe a Student Six polycule?)
It's Hearth's Warming and Smolder would like to invite a certain young dragon to a dance but she can't get the words out, can her changeling roommate help her make this the best Hearth's Warming ever?
Many thanks to Rixizu for editing.
This was written for The Bricklayer as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!
It's Hearth's Warming in Equestria, and Smoulder is looking forward to returning home to the Dragonlands for the Feast of Fire. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond her control delay her departure, which annoys her greatly as all her other friends have left.
Hey, at least there's another dragon in Ponyville with whom she can hang out.
Written as part of Jinglemas 2020 for TheAncientPolitzanian. For more details about Jinglemas, click here..
'What d'you mean, 'roses are red'?' Twilight’s two closest confidants, Starlight and Spike, help her realise that there are some things she can never comprehend, some things she will never see, and some things she must learn to live with - but her reaction is not what they expect.
Author's Note: This story was featured on the 18th to the 21st of December 2020!
In an alternate ending of the episode 'Growing Up Is Hard To Do' , something goes wrong and the Crusaders are now stuck as adults. How will they deal with being children in older bodies, and how will their friends and relations react to their new selves?
That's what we're here to find out.
It's Starlight Glimmer's first birthday after her reformation, and she's made a party that could rival one of Pinkie's parties! But it becomes very clear to both her and Anon that things are going to go much differently than what was planned.
Prompt was started on /mlp/, just decided to run with it and write a wholesome fic.
Cozy's plan to infiltrate Twilight's School of Friendship is going well, but the manipulative little filly knows that she'll need to up her game if she's truly going to be part of the inner circle here. Her solution? Try and get a little bit closer to Twilight's number one assistant.
Starlight and Trixie enjoy spending time with one another, and often they will just spend entire afternoons having pleasant conversations together. One such afternoon brings just such a talk, as the two mares decide to finally settle, once and for all, the ultimate question. Who was really Twilight's arch-enemy?
When Twilight and Spike are foalsitting Flurry, she finally learns to say something new. Wooray! Right? No, probably not.
With chaos, drama and cute little Flurry, Twilight has a lot on her hooves now.