• Member Since 29th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 4th, 2021


I'm a twenty-something welsh guy who writes and reads things.

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Okay, Really Need to Talk About This · 10:35am Nov 13th, 2018

So as anyone reading this has no doubt noticed, we're approaching the one year mark since I last updated Research Project: Sparkle. Again.

I'm writing this because it's been on my mind again - it always is, to one degree or another - but I don't want to go making more false hope by updating it and getting everyone excited for a continuation that, for the foreseeable future, probably won't happen yet. This is going to be pretty mixed news so temper your expectations.

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Report Axquirix · 960 views · Story: Research Project: Sparkle ·
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Just posting to say I read what there is of Research Project Sparkle and thought it was pretty neat. If you have notifications set up on new comments in some way you might even see this!

Sorry for missing by 3 weeks and a day, no seriously I am sorry to of missed you Axquirix. I do honestly try to come by once a month at least to check up on you. Admittedly it is mostly to see if you have suddenly found both the time and motivation to write the next chapter to Research Project: Sparkle (that my tracking folder somehow missed). But alas I'm not that hollow, I do also hope you are doing well with your engineering prospect and your life in general. Stay safe out there.

yeah this is a dead page alright

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