• Member Since 17th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Just your average guy in a mid life crisis.

Blog Posts

  • 92 weeks
    So ive been thinking..

    I'm kind of considering re-writing some of the previous chapters. When I look back at them compared to my writing style now, it feels really off and would like to line it up with the more recent chapters.

    Nothing too substantial probably, adjustments to pacing, character interactions and how the flashbacks are played out are main concerns. The plot itself is going to remain unchanged.

    I'll see what I end up deciding to do though

    0 comments · 142 views
  • 201 weeks
    Break Time.

    Going to be taking a bit of a vacation because point A: My birthday is tomorrow and I have plans for the week, and point B: I'll need some time to go over the major plot points in the current chapters.

    This doesn't mean I won't be writing at all this week, I quite enjoy it as a hobby. Maybe, and that's a BIG maybe, I'll do a birthday chapter that breaks off from the main story as a bonus chapter. But I'm lazy af and it probably won't happen, but hey! It's a thought.

    0 comments · 159 views
  • 207 weeks
    A bit of a hold up.

    So, the hurricane put a bit of a damper in my progress for my story, so it may take a little bit for me to catch up on updates. I won’t go into detail, but what I will say is that power has been out for a while.

    Actually, if this pattern keeps up I may just write a chapter every other week instead. Makes it easier, but takes a little longer. I’ll let you know if it comes to that.

    Have a nice day/night.

    0 comments · 138 views
  • 209 weeks

    No chapter will be published this week for 'A Life, for A Life', as life had started to get a little busier, and I've been having some doubts about the story, I won't lie. I'll be sure to make up for this though, and I hope you guys and gals out there that actually follow my story don't mind the wait.

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  • 211 weeks
    So, about my first fimfic A Life for a Life..

    I'd like to thank everyone for the support and encouragement.

    So far it's been an absolute blast writing these chapters, and it really feels like my "character" is alive and really part of the world.

    Progress is going really well, and for it being my first time actually publishing something I think it's going pretty great so far. I'm still sort of getting used to using this site as well, so I may make mistakes or not know a lot of things, but I'm working on it.

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So ive been thinking.. · 4:17am Oct 15th, 2022

I'm kind of considering re-writing some of the previous chapters. When I look back at them compared to my writing style now, it feels really off and would like to line it up with the more recent chapters.

Nothing too substantial probably, adjustments to pacing, character interactions and how the flashbacks are played out are main concerns. The plot itself is going to remain unchanged.

I'll see what I end up deciding to do though

Report Zinnia · 142 views · Story: A Life, for A Life ·
Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Thank you for adding Sex Therapy to your favorites!

hey! No prob!

Hey, no problem! Thanks for that. Hope you look forward to more content coming from me.

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