• Member Since 25th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen March 18th


French guy doing french stuff.

Blog Posts

  • 156 weeks
    Why I have not been writing

    Hello all,

    Yes, I’m alive, you know the drill… But why have I been almost completely absent since I started working on “Silent Love : Part 2” ?

    I have something to tell ya’ll : I’ve made a mistake. Do not worry, I have not angered any mafioso and am not currently in hiding to escape certain death. Yet.

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    8 comments · 329 views
  • 222 weeks
    Bet you weren't expecting a fuckin' update

    The title says it all. New chapter.

    Covid has nothing to do with the hiatus. I'm just stupid and dumb.

    2 comments · 248 views
  • 249 weeks

    Finally! After all this time! Go check it out!


    0 comments · 242 views
  • 257 weeks


    Vinyl and Octavia are back on your bookshelves for the second part of "Silent Love"! Catch it right here.
    I'm so glad I'm back to writing their adventures!

    Lil' change of plans: "On The Run" will be on hiatus for some time, to get the right ideas to flow in my head. Sorry to those who were expecting the next chapters! I swear it will come back eventually!

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    0 comments · 273 views
  • 299 weeks
    Chapter depublished

    Hey everyone.

    As some of you may have seen, the chapter "Preparations and Anticipation" has been depublished for a few hours.
    I fixed the issue with the mods, it is now back online. I don't know if you received a notification or not. If so, I am sorry.
    Everyting's good now, back to normal.

    See you guys later.


    3 comments · 311 views

Small changes · 7:23am Jul 18th, 2017

As you guys can see I've made some small changes to the first chapter:

1) I stopped using the 2nd person to make "general truths", since it sounded weird.
2) Vinyl's THOUGHTS are now written in italic (thanks to Flufux for the tip). It will be easier for you guys to understand who's talking/thinking, and I won't have to write "Vinyl thought" anymore....
Yeah I could've thought of this earlier but I just didn't.

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Latest Stories


Why I have not been writing · 8:44am Jul 30th, 2021

Hello all,

Yes, I’m alive, you know the drill… But why have I been almost completely absent since I started working on “Silent Love : Part 2” ?

I have something to tell ya’ll : I’ve made a mistake. Do not worry, I have not angered any mafioso and am not currently in hiding to escape certain death. Yet.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7

This is a fanart of me by one of my friends (the same person who draws my cover arts). I don't actually look that young, I just asked her to make me an avatar and she did her thing.

Who is the kid in your avatar?

BOY! Thank you for the compliments my guy, really appreciate it!
Thank you, thank you!

Hey dude, love the stuff you've been doin' here, keep up the awesomeness and I hope you have a wonderful day/night.

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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