Small changes · 7:23am Jul 18th, 2017
As you guys can see I've made some small changes to the first chapter:
1) I stopped using the 2nd person to make "general truths", since it sounded weird.
2) Vinyl's THOUGHTS are now written in italic (thanks to Flufux for the tip). It will be easier for you guys to understand who's talking/thinking, and I won't have to write "Vinyl thought" anymore....
Yeah I could've thought of this earlier but I just didn't.
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
This is a fanart of me by one of my friends (the same person who draws my cover arts). I don't actually look that young, I just asked her to make me an avatar and she did her thing.
Who is the kid in your avatar?
BOY! Thank you for the compliments my guy, really appreciate it!
Thank you, thank you!
Hey dude, love the stuff you've been doin' here, keep up the awesomeness and I hope you have a wonderful day/night.