Oh mah Gawd... · 5:25am Jul 13th, 2015
In a song video for Rainbow Rocks. I noticed that Sunset wasn't with them.
Why that.
I was in a rocky start, but I like to say something make me relies that Sunset, She-Demon turned Hero has the same characteristics as Kevin Hart, the movie star comedian. Sunset and Kevin had a rough time when they were introduced. Sunset for the first time you meet her, she's mean, short-temper, a queen bee, and the biggest bully in CHS. Kevin Hart was a funny comedian, but he said inappropriate jokes. As time went on, they changed their ways of the actions, attitude, and the choose of
Y'all just knew I wouldn't pass this up!
Happy Sunset Shimmer Day! Hope ya feel the cool embrace of autumn wherever you are (or spring I suppose if you are on the south side). I love this time of year, especially because it's hot as Tartarus where I live so the cooler weather is a MUCH welcome breath of fresh air. I plead guilty though on already enjoying pumpkin recipes early. Been making/enjoying pumpkin cookies for a few weeks now.
Or really, not yet. But finally uploaded the newest chapter to my fanfic, "Sunset: Vignettes." Chapter IV is probably one of the hardest ones I have written as I have to balance things. On one hand I am trying to see how Christmas could possibly be in Canterlot while on the other hand I try not to be overly religious as possible. The balance somehow doesn't come easy, but Christmas after all wouldn't be Christmas without somehow mentioning or at least alluding to its religious nature.
Well, I unfortunately don't have any writing to give you guys, but I found an artist that does some absolutely amazing Sunset art, so instead I'll just post some Sunset.
Heya folks! Remember that time, last year, when I ran a Sunset Shipping Contest that received over 50 entries?
It was an absolute blast, we got a ton of great stories out of it, and our website was blessed with an overabundance of Sunset Shimmer.
But who’s to say we can’t do it again?
Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys
I commissioned an image of Killer!Sunset's form as Nightmare Sunset.
Credit for the art goes to Irina. Show her some love!
Got a nice surprise this morning, in the form of a fic reading by WubCake.
Since I took a bunch of time writing 'For However Long' as my entry into the Sunset Shipping Contest, I won't be posting a Featherfall chapter next Wednesday. I keep to a pretty strict writing schedule and this story bit into that a little so to make sure it doesn't dissolve I'm going to resume normal postings on the 5th and onward.
That said, I hope you all enjoy my little side story. It isn't Featherfall canon obviously since Sunset is still leggy.
Yeah, it's out, but it feels like I didn't put my best effort into writing it. Ill continue the train, but might have to do another Not Our Sunset six month break.
Just kidding, I'll keep it going.
Okay, I'm done.
"Sunset Shimmer, this is my sister Luna that Twilight and me told you so much about. Luna, this is my adoptive daughter Sunset Shimmer that I haven't told you anything at all about, up until now. I have to do Princess things now, you two have a nice evening." Princess Celestia smiled, waved, turned around and left in a motion so fluid and practiced even Discord himself wouldn't have been able to get a word in before she had already half disappeared around a corner and down the next hallway.
The Birth of A Magical Unicorn
In starless void lost, I drifted alone
I knew only loss, my heartmate now gone.
Awash in despair, my existence was pained.
I wished her return, her soul’s joy regained.
Alone in the void overcome with grief
Devoid of all hope, no thought of relief
I sought only darkness and sufferings’ ends,
My soul in darkness eternity spends.
Adrift for all ages, ageless in death
A non darkness dot appeared as a breath.
So, a few notes for those who have this story in their bookshelves/tracking. I've had a few back-and-forth comment replies on the story musing about a potential sequel to this (by the way, if you don't want to be spoiled for the possible events in a sequel, don't read the comments).
OK, so I had this idea for a Sunset Shimmer fic, but I'm so horrible at wrighting that I'd end up just butchering it. So I'm going to put my idea down below and anybody who wants to, can use it for their own fic, as long as they give me a link to it. Also, if you think my idea sounds familiar and now of a fic that already exists that uses it, give me a link to it please.
My Idea:
I will admit that from 2006 to 2010, this was totally me with Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
Too bad the series' comebacks are rather lackluster.
Not that I have a problem with putting the "plastic instruments" portion of my gaming life behind me.