• Member Since 5th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Sweet Tooth Suzy

I'm looking up into pure sunlight!

Hello, hello, hello!

Welcome to my page! My name is Jess, and I have been browsing this site for many years. There is not much to see here, as I am here with but one intention: to read stories, as I am not an author myself! But I will say that I'm proud to be part of this wonderful community. :)

P.S. Twilight is best pony. :twilightsmile:


Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

"Unique stories that you can't favour"? Well, thank you for displaying your interest. I am honored to have your attention, ancient one.

Thanks for reading and enjoying "Every Five Hundred Years." I really appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed my story Open Letter. Out of curiosity, how would you reply? :duck:


what a cool gif of Princess Twilight! :pinkiehappy:

I like to imagine she's in that state when she's putting atoms together to create the world and her friends again.

I look forward to whatever you decide to put out in the future!

Sadly, my future writing is hanging by a thread. There are things in my RL I've been neglecting because of my writing. I think I need to return to them. I somewhat hinted at my issues in my blogs.

People like you make me want to return, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to. Well see, I guess.

I have a proclivity for writing myself, but I don't know if that follow will ever yield any fruit in the future, if you catch my drift. :twilightsheepish: Perhaps one day when I actually sit down to watch the entire FiM series I will attempt a fanfiction of my own, but there are so many talented writers here already that it's very intimidating to me, haha! We'll see, though.

The good thing about writing is, even if you screw up, there's no harm in it; you just learn from it.

it was a very unique and interesting story, one that actually pulled off a type of "inconclusive/cliffhanger-ish" (I guess?) ending very well

I wanted to introduce a readability value to the story, hence that ending. There are hints in the story that imply what happens in the end, but the reader has to put them all together in order to understand the ending.

I quite enjoyed the explanation of how Twilight's magic worked and whatnot.

Many authors just say, "It's magic, I don't have to explain s***."

Personally, I don't subscribe to that view. I want magic to be explored and understood.

I really look forward to reading some of your other stories too, especially Darkness in Sweetie Belle and Celestia Visits Nightmare Moon, after defender2222's Faith and Doubt. :rainbowkiss:

Darkness in Sweetie Belle was renamed to Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul in the full version of the story.

Celestia Visits Nightmare Moon actually inspired another writer to write a sequel. You can find a link to the sequel in the long description of the story.

It seems to me like you enjoy dark stories. What draws you to the dark abyss?

Oh, what a cool gif of Princess Twilight! :pinkiehappy: You're very welcome for the watch (I look forward to whatever you decide to put out in the future!), and thank you for the follow! :twilightsmile: I have a proclivity for writing myself, but I don't know if that follow will ever yield any fruit in the future, if you catch my drift. :twilightsheepish: Perhaps one day when I actually sit down to watch the entire FiM series I will attempt a fanfiction of my own, but there are so many talented writers here already that it's very intimidating to me, haha! We'll see, though.
Anyway, you're welcome for the favorite too! I thought it was a very unique and interesting story, one that actually pulled off a type of "inconclusive/cliffhanger-ish" (I guess?) ending very well without leaving the reader feeling completely unsatisfied, and I quite enjoyed the explanation of how Twilight's magic worked and whatnot. I really look forward to reading some of your other stories too, especially Darkness in Sweetie Belle and Celestia Visits Nightmare Moon, after defender2222's Faith and Doubt. :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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