• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Crimson Valor


I'm Still Alive. · 2:24pm Sep 22nd, 2013

Yes i'm still here and writing whenever possible. The reason things are slow can be explained easily using 3 letters and roman numeral: GTA V.

Yeah....that whys.

I'm still looking for people to help make this story better, so if you're interested, hit me up with a PM.

Anyway, I'll try to write instead of GTA V, but we both know that wont happen.


Thanks for the patience.

Crimson Valor

Report Crimson Valor · 376 views ·

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Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

Thanks for the fave!

Thanks for the favourite on Fallout Girls, I try to update every two weeks!

Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite on The Right Man in the Wrong Place. :twilightsmile:
I hope you continue to enjoy the story as new chapters are released.

Thanks for faving A Second Chance :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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