Meta Knight is God Tier 12 members · 0 stories

Meta Knight has read so many words

Meta Knight just surpassed 50 million words read. What is this? This is like the most words read for any user on the site, except for Chaos, who may have a questionable reading method.

He also has high comment rate and is pretty friendly.


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Meta Knight just surpassed 50 million words read. What is this? This is like the most words read for any user on the site, except for Chaos, who may have a questionable reading method.

What about Skeeter The Lurker?:rainbowhuh:


Why is there a group for this?

Apparently TLC is hoping to do an episode of My Little Crazy Obsession based on bronies. This show is not known for its very friendly portrayal of its subjects. They will likely completely brutalize brony culture and make us all look like freaks. I know we're not all freaks, so here's what you do:

If someone comes to your house or your forum saying they're from TLC, slam the door in their face before they can even get a word in. Spread the word of this possibility to every brony you know, to every corner of the internet. Do not let them get their hands on a single pony collection. Keep them from airing the episode at all, because if they do, we'll be ruined. There will no longer be any hope of appearing as a "normal" brony.

Sorry if I'm breaking the message board rules of this group, I just think this is really important. I don't want to be labeled as a freak, and I know most of you don't, either. So please help.

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