• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 8,094 Views, 360 Comments

What You Can't Tell Anypony Else, or Rumble's Reluctance - The Elusive Badgerpony

Rumbleloo! But not your usual Rumbleloo...

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Comments ( 45 )

Social Services wasn’t sure what was dangerous anymore.

Well, there's this crazy guy I know who punches drunk mares who're coming on to him...

Kidding aside, he needs therapy. For professional reasons alone. Did you know that a large portion of doctors who work with traumatised people have mandatory sessions with a therapist of their own? It's required to help them not to break under the emotional stress like a dry twig.

3036866 It seems in a fit of irony, my attempt to avert There Are No Therapists has come back around and played it straight. :pinkiecrazy:

See this makes more sense. And I hope you do finish. I can feel your drag.

I feel as though Social Services has been emotionally compromised. He is not fit to continue in his field of service :I

Somehow this story reminds me of the anime School Days . Perhaps you drew some inspiration from it? The way I see it Rumble shows the classic signs of a schizophrenic sociopath. Severe mood swings, treating ponies as objects (i.e. forgetting Scootaloo's name after supposedly being in love with her), delusions of love, rape...hmm yep VERY mentally unstable. This story is going to end like a train wreck. Either Rumble's gonna get stabbed by somepony or he'll end up in the loony bin. :pinkiecrazy:

Why is Social Services not locked up in a padded room? That kind of person should not be allowed to interact with people, let alone children.

I'm actually kinda sad that this story is coming to it's end, call me a terrible person for liking it, but I really actually do.

like it's fucking Lassie with a dope leg.


Made me lol.
This story is sorta guilty pleasure, I hate what it is about but I am to far into the story to just quit. So please please end this soon. I am all in favor of offing Rumble, I know it "wasn't his fault" but you can't harm Dinky and expect to live.

From what I've heard, there are a lot more Social Services, in the social services than they really want to admit. He's justifiably angry, not crazy at all. Perhaps he's impulse control isn't great, but he's dealing with some genuine shitbags on a daily basis.

And that scene with Cheerliee, just perfect. I suspected she wasn't a pervert and ashamed of her past. I know a girl who's doing something similar and I think it will come back to haunt her in her sleep, but you gotta pay the bills somehow.

Don't feel too bad about using the exposition, the only other way to do it is for Social to run around for 3 chapters, painfully piecing the story we just read together. Who wants to read that? Although it might be fun to watch Social yell at a few clueless adults... Nah, just cut to the chase!

God damn, Social Services is a really fucked up individual. He's also my favorite character so far. Will we be seeing more of him in the next few chapters?

Call me crazy or whatever you want, but i ended up here out of curiosity about clopfics. But after catching myself awake at 5am in the morning to read this story to its current state, I am craving for more.

The way you create your characters, the way you describe each and every of their thoughts to perfection and the way this story is paced, I was stunned and amazed. As an example, the part where Scootaloo is about to confess everything to RD and you keep repeating the same sentence over and over again between the actual story, it just gave me full insight to how you imagine this'd have looked. I can't exactly explain how, it just worked wonders. In short, I have never experienced this style of writing and I am a huge fan!

Just thought I'd give some feedback on your soon-to-be completed masterpiece. I am looking much forward to whatever ending you have in mind, and I gotta admit it's a bit sad this has to be locked up in the NSFW section, 'cause you really deserve much more credit for this! Keep up the fantastic work!

Finally got around to reading this. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intentionally putting it off. Still, I greatly enjoyed this chapter. I especially liked the bit about Ditzy forgetting secrets. I'm actually the same way. My sister used me as a sort of dress rehearsal before she came out to our parents, and I was still surprised when she did so.

In any case, definitely looking forward to more. This is a thorny mass of hormones, the cycle of abuse, and something not entirely unlike love, and it's too much to ask for one damaged stallion to disentangle it. Whatever happens, I'll be there to find out. Eventually.

LMFAO it took me like 4 paragraphs down to figure out social services was a pony WTF:rainbowlaugh::twilightblush: i was like "why is the entire staff of social services angry" LOLZ:rainbowlaugh:

is derpy's soon to be husband Time Turner aka doctor whooves????

I feel like complete and total shit thanks to this story. Great job. No, really. That's a compliment. You have to have skills to make someone feel this god awful.

Well, I feel like shit now. What a way to go to sleep. :)

I know how rumble feels cuz im a colt to and I have those urges.....sometimes......but not with anyone....UHG WHY DO I SAY THESE THINGS?!:facehoof:

-side note-

the profile pics my colt he kills pony's so better be quiet

Just letting you know, I hate Alicorn OC's and I hate ones that look overdone... :trollestia:
Nah just kidding! I've seen worse. MUCH WORSE.

And the capture is up to your imagination.
Diary= that bad end you were waiting for.

Four outta five Tear stained fillys.

You going to continue this at some point? A part of me doesn't sit easy with this story, but I want to know what happens next so badly and I just....keep....reading....:pinkiecrazy:

I want to hate this story so damn badly.

I do. I want to find some way to write it off, to convince myself that it doesn't feel real.

But I can't.


An unhealthy amount of people have made that comparison. It's very interesting to me. :rainbowkiss:

Dammit this amazeing storys died, come on, lets get the holy flsh drive of greatness so we may preserve whats left of its remians.

4837705 It's not dead. Progress has just been slow. Very, very slow. I got caught up in a bunch of stuff and things. :raritydespair:

It's only mostly dead.

Good.......good..... Well in the meantime i have to ah, take care of the more..... Undesirable storys with the flashdrive of darkness trust me, you dont want to know what the inside of that flash drive looks like.

This is good. Very well done in rationalizing the mentality of these ponies in what they are experiencing.

Well, this took a... strange turn. I like the direction of the story, but I don't think there's enough space in the current word average to create a climax worthy of the darkness in this fic.

I think this might have to be my first downvote on this site, ever.

I'll fave it anyway, just so I get the chapter updates and perhaps so I can revoke my downvote, but I'm sorry.


SWEET CELESTIA,this fic is soo good but too bad is almost dead sadly.i mean when was the last time u updated this clopfic.

P.S did u forget aboot this story

To be honest, I don't know how I feel about this story. I am favoriting it to see where it goes.

Perhaps if he updated it I mite sit down and read it.... But at this point its to old and not completed to try to enjoy for me...

Shame you had to be that guy and cancel it, but this gets a fav and a like from both of my accounts!

After actually finishing what has been writen, i must say:
What the hell did i just read...? Dont get me wrong, i was a fantastic story, but just like that one sweetie bot story where the world is in caos and nopony is acting right i was a bit confused starting chapter 9 or IX. If someone else reads this, i recomend you read chapter7 and mabey 8 but no more! But by the end... Too much random stuff.

And thus brings an end to this memory, cut off for the pain is too much to bear. If anyone reads this, the story will stop here. You can guess what will happen, and it'll end just like it always does. There's no need for another chapter.

this fic is dead!:pinkiegasp: http://youtu.be/WWaLxFIVX1s BRING IT BACK OR HE WILL COME FOR YOU:flutterrage:

I wish there was more of this story, it was a great ride to read.

All I have for this story are a few words: what the fucking shit is WRONG with this Equestria. That said, here's some more. Lemme say I did NOT expect this story to be so...gritty and realistic with the trama that rape would have on a young mind, corrupting and twisting it to the point that the foal doesn't know right from wrong, love from hate, those feelings manifesting and lashing out upon others in their confusion...

Gonna be honest, I came here for the ( hopefully eventually consensual) porn and cuz it was in the impregnation group. What I got was one of the most fucked-up rabbit-holes of a story I've read since the one about a griffin....well, never mind.

Let's just say I honestly feel like shit after reading what of this story there is, and borderline crying despit being likened before to an emotional rock. My hands were trembling slightly as I held my phone to read the last chapter, and I'm still jittery thirty minutes later. I really do hope that the author returns one day to put a proper end to this story, though the 5+ year hiatus and possible comment from another account seems to disprove that possibility.

All this said, you're a good writer and your immersion techniques are impeccible, but holy SHIT this is a dark story.



I have no plans to continue this story. There are a lot of things that I did well with it but every time I go back to re-read it I see a thousand missteps. It taught me a lot, though, and I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Thank you for writing this and stopping where you did. the mind is a fucked up place and i think you hit the right (or wrong) note. I think most people, be it simular or way less serious reasons, have had leap logic, self-brainwashing and guily spirals. This story displyed them in a way quite relateable to at least myself on that front. Stay well out there, and be kind were you can.

Since the fic is abandoned, I have no choice but to assume all four died in the everfree. After all, it's filled with dangerous animals and is no place for foals. Social Services found their things in the cave, but no bodies. Everyone was sad. The end.

will it continue soon?

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