• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 30,577 Views, 657 Comments

True Love Never Changes - VashTheStampede

Cadance has kept a secret from Shining Armor. Now, on their wedding night, she will reveal it.

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Chapter 12

The sudden appearance of three large ponies in the center of the throne room would certainly have startled every pony nearby, were there any. The room itself was conspicuously empty for the middle of the morning. Shining Armor blinked and looked around nervously, the utter lack of sound and movement in the room unsettling.

“Princess, I –”

“When I received Twilight’s letter, I requested the throne room be temporarily cleared and all my meetings placed on hold. Relax, Shining Armor,” Celestia said, smiling sweetly and nodding her head slightly, “Why don’t you take your wife back up to the Honeymoon Suite while I ask for some ponies to gather? It may take a few hours, but I will let you know when an appropriate audience is ready. You should have plenty of time to prepare and… unwind,” the great white mare finished, offering a knowing smile to the nervous prince. “You will also find the halls clear on the way there. If you haven’t already, I would strongly suggest coming up with something to say this afternoon.”

“Y-yes, your highness,” Shining offered in reply, the usually confident stallion seeming smaller than normal.

“Please, Shining Armor, you’re my prized pupil’s brother and my niece’s husband. I’m your dear Auntie Celly now, no need for the ‘your highness,’” Celestia said softly, trying to hide a smirk. It was difficult to do in the governmental position she found herself in, but Celestia did like to try to ease tensions when she could. Not many ponies knew how to react to their pseudo-immortal goddess princess cracking a joke in the middle of an awkward silence, however, and she found herself more often than not having to keep the habit to her closest acquaintances. Shining Armor opened his mouth to apologize for the mistake, but a quick sidelong glance from Celestia silenced him before he could.

“Thank you… thank you so much, Auntie,” Chrysalis replied, forcing a light smile to her face, “We will be ready by this afternoon.”

Celestia watched as the couple walked away. The smirk faded, and the diarch sighed.

“Word Weaver? You can come out. I know you’re here.”

A soft shuffle came from behind a pillar, followed by the appearance of the drably colored unicorn.

“Your highness,” he said softly, nodding. Dark lines under and around his eyes indicated a lack of sleep all too common with high-ranking government officials.

“Word Weaver, I have trusted you with so many things during your years serving with me. Even Cadance’s true identity, one of the Royal Family’s most closely guarded secrets, was information you were privy to. Tell me, what should I do?” Celestia implored.

“Truthfully, my princess, I do not think that pony society is ready, not after what happened on the day of the wedding. If the Changelings had not invaded, then yes, I think so, but at this time… I don’t think it would be wise to let her secret be known,” Weaver replied, slowly, deliberately. Each word chosen with the utmost care not to offend or imply any hidden meanings – that was why he had been chosen as Celestia’s personal assistant. He was honest, loyal, and said exactly what he meant, with no fear of the Princess.

“I promised Shining Armor I wouldn't interfere, though… I can’t go back on that.”

“Sometimes, your highness, being a Princess means you have to make difficult decisions, and accepting that at the end of your day, not everypony will like you as much as they did when you raised the sun that morning,” Weaver said softly. For a moment, the room was quiet, then Celestia spoke again.

“You’re right, Weaver. I really, really wish you weren’t, but you’re right. They may hate me forever… but ponies aren’t ready, not yet. I’m trusting you on this, Weaver. Thank you,” Celestia said, her voice more subdued than usual.

“I live to serve you, Princess.”


The afternoon came. It was an oppressively hot but mercifully dry day, and Shining Armor knew the sweat dripping down his neck was entirely his own nervousness. He ascended the steps to the balcony, surprised to find… not a soul in the courtyard below. The only other ponies in sight besides Chrysalis were Celestia and…

“Princess Luna?” Shining Armor asked. It wasn’t that he didn’t recognize her, or that he didn’t know if it was in fact her, but more the fact that hardly anypony ever saw Celestia’s younger sister during the day, especially days as hot as this.

“YOU SEEM SU… my apologies. You seem surprised to see me, Shining Armor. Hath not my sister told you of her plans for this day?” Luna asked, the initial burst of amplified Royal Canterlot Voice nearly knocking Shining Armor to his rear.

“I… no, I thought I was to announce Chrysalis’ secret to the citizens of Equestria today,” the white stallion replied as questions raced through his mind. The simplest, if the most open ended, found it’s way out of his mouth moments later. “What’s going on?”

This time it was Celestia who spoke. Her voice trembled, as though she was on the verge of tears. The quiver caught Shining Armor’s attention, and he turned from Luna to looked at his aunt. She somehow looked smaller, almost the size of a normal pony, only a little taller than her sister. Her heavy, golden regalia was missing, and her crown lay on the ground before her. Her mane lacked its ethereal flow, instead falling limply around her shoulders.

“Oh Captain, my Captain, please forgive me…”

“Princess? Where is everyone?” Chrysalis asked, taking a step forward.

“I… after discussing the issue with somepony I trust dearly, I have come to the conclusion that the citizens of Equestria aren’t ready for Chrysalis’ secret. Not after the fiasco at your wedding,” Celestia said slowly, eyes down, staring intently at a joint between to tiles on the floor.

Chrysalis opened her mouth to protest, but closed it again before she spoke. Taking a deep breath in through her nose, she exhaled as she turned and looked out across the courtyard.

“I understand, Princess. It’s ok.”

“No, it’s not ok,” Shining cut in, “Princess, you promised you wouldn’t interfere with this, and now it’s just ‘I changed my mind’?”

“Captain Armor!” Celestia snapped, raising a hoof to her mouth as thought surprised at her own outburst, “I told you when you declared your intentions that I thought it wasn’t a good idea to go through with this now. I have not changed my mind. I know I said I wouldn’t stop you, but… I know you, and I love you as much as I love your sister, but sometimes I have to do what is in my country’s best interests, not necessarily what makes my friends happy. I’m sorry, Shining, I really am.”

“Princess, I just…”

“I understand, Princess,” Chrysalis cut in, “It makes me sad that you essentially lied – you can’t deny that – but… I understand what you mean. My race was never widely accepted, and after an incident like our wedding day…” she trailed off, her voice catching on a lump rising in her throat. She tried to fight it, to keep it down, but the tears forming in her eyes wouldn’t go away so easily. The first sob broke through and instantly Shining Armor was beside her.

“Shining, I –”

“Celestia, please… just… not right now.”


Fewer words had rarely been spoken between Shining Armor and his wife, but as she had lain in his hooves crying he felt nothing needed to be said. A while ago somepony had slipped a note under the door, but he had yet to retrieve it, waiting for Chrysalis to either stop crying or fall asleep before leaving her side. She had indeed fallen asleep some time ago, but he still hadn’t felt like reading the note until now. A brief spark of magic brought the parchment to an appropriate reading distance. He recognized Celestia’s hoofwriting immediately.

Captain Armor, I know right now I’m probably the last pony you want to hear from, but please read this. There will be an… availability in the far north. It is only a request, but please consider it. It’s a remote base, for now at least, and both you and Chrysalis would be able to live there with no fear of being discovered by ponykind as a whole. I know you probably hate me right now but I believe it is the best option for you and the Princess. Included are instructions for a spell to disguise Chrysalis as Cadance again. You may find it necessary at times. Hopefully not all of them. Once again, Shining, I am sorry, but at this time I don’t think…

Shining Armor stopped reading there. He knew what it said, he didn’t need to hear it again, not this soon.


Two years later…

Cadance sat atop the Crystal throne, the same as she did every day, and had done every day for the past year and a half. The last crystal pony left for the day, leaving her alone with her guards. She sighed deeply, and her horn flared green for a moment. The pink fur and delicately braided mane burned away, and she let her shoulders droop a little as she slouched. A quick knock at the door caused her to tense for a moment, but the pattern gave away the knocker’s identity. After a brief delay, the door pushed open gently, and Shining Armor trotted in, a day’s accumulated weariness falling away as he approached his wife. A quick leap up the stairs to her throne and a kiss left Chrysalis feeling equally rejuvenated – there were some advantages to love being her primary source of sustenance.

“Good evening, my Crystal Princess,” Shining said softly.

“Good evening, my Ivory Captain,” Chrysalis hummed back, pressing her lips back to her husband’s briefly, “Hey.”


“Do you ever wonder… what it would have been like if Celestia had let us…?”

“Every day, Chryssy, every single day.”

Comments ( 81 )

Awesome, new chapter!

Two different endings?


Why two endings?.... you know what? forget it, both are great :pinkiehappy: adn with this, you finish this one, epic job man, totally worth the wait :twilightsmile:

These two endings where worth the wait.

Interesting. Two endings.

1597122 This comment, and the comment thread that follows, is enough entertainment for me to figure I can skip the fic entirely. But let me contribute this in its defense:
What would a changeling story be without a few ... holes in it? :trollestia:

So it's over?:fluttershysad:
Well all stories must eventually come to an end.
But I'm glad you did two endings.:twilightsmile:

chapter 12.1 is a better ending than chapter 12.2

The two endings bit is nice, but you should probably label them. For example,
Chapter 12-A/Reveal
Chapter 12-B/Secret
See? It helps to differentiate, doesn't it?

hmm, I thought she had difficulties with her transformation spell. Did Twilight do something about that?

Ew sad ending. I'll just go re-read 12 version 1 so it is the official end for me.

Hmm. I think this ending deserves a bit more expansion. I can't see either of them being particularly accepting of Celestia after this, and would love to see how the wedge Celestia allowed herself to be talked into driving between herself and Shining Armor (and possibly Twilight as well, given the relationship the sibling have...Chrysalis might be on the fence on whether or not to be willing to put up with Celestia) might affect them even five years down the line after this.

Goddamn, I almost cried. Great job.

Personally, I preferred the first ending, although I did think that the ponies were still a bit quick to accept Chrysalis.
I was kind-of confused when I started reading this chapter.
Good job on the branching realities.

You should have put th' shorter, sadder ending first, instead of th' other way around.

I thought the same.

DAMMIT! I missed the chapter 13 (it's taken down apparently) by THREE MINUTES!

Woah bra
Mind fucked right there

Wait... If they had stayed in Canterlot, and Chrysalis had been accepted, they would've had a child... But since they left, they didn't have a child... :pinkiegasp: CELESTIA INADVERTENTLY MURDERED A CHILD! :raritycry:

Both are great, and of reasonable understanding about the end. An enjoyable series and will be missed as it ends.

the other one is better

Truly, both endings were believable, and both had merit.
But of course, the former was more satisfying.
Not that that necessarily means 'better', but... I think you know what I mean.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the story.
Thank you.

Well I just had a darker interpretation of the second ending was the spell was an abortion spell as the affects of the pregnancy was what was not allowing her to transform. But I really liked the first one.

While both endings are pretty good, the previous one is definitely a lot more satisfying.

3069646 Well said.
I'm not entirely convinced of the necessity of this additional ending, given that the "meet the family" section somehow managed to quell the feeling that it was a stereotypical "feel-good" ending, but both endings wrap up the story in a fitting and logical manner.

Damn good story right here! So much feels in each ending!:raritydespair:
As it stands though I'm a sucker for happy endings, so there's my two cents.
One of the fics that brings a bitter/ sweet taste when its finally said and done, happy to see what finally became of them both, and sad it has to end.

This was extremely well done. When I first read the summary of this story, I had no idea how you could possibly make this work given the timing of when Shining was to find out, but the notion that she played that role for 17 years makes it make perfect sense. Under any other circumstances, there's no way Shining would be that accepting, but this works.

As a side note, given what happened in this universe 17 years ago, you might want to consider the AU tag.

I prefer the happier ending, but I think there's still room for more story here, probably in the form of a sequel. Simply put, the outpouring of love for Chryssy/Cadance at her unveiling announcement was enough to convince her that 'coming out' was the right thing to do, but I strongly doubt that it would be the end of the political turmoil surrounding her. For instance, I could certain see anti-Changling groups getting up in arms about her, up to and including assassination attempts. Problems of Succession about the Crystal Empire would also come into play, as would issues of the official status of Changlings in Pony territory.

What if some Changlings want to join Chryssy's new 'hive'?

The first ending was better :pinkiesmile:

Just have no farewell. Just nobody have to leave and left other alone. It still be Good ending for me.

Chapter12.1 and Chapter12.2. Both of them is Good Ending for me. Because at least. Shinning Armor and Queen Chrysalis still be together!! No dead. No Farewell! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your story. I'm so honor to read it since first until end. *bow*

The first ending fits this story better, but the second ending is canon. In the first ending does she rule the Crystal Kingdom?

This story was nice, but it moved far too fast.

I concur, I think that both endings deserve a sequel, but I highly doubt that the author can produce two at the same time :derpytongue2:

Well, Vash will just have to select one ending as 'canon' and move on from there.


No he wouldn't. He can make sequels based on both of them if he wants. I think there's more meat to a sequel to the bad end, mind, as I did mention already, since I can see Celestia's actions driving a wedge between her and not just Shining Armor and Chrysalis, but Twilight and possibly the rest of the Element bearers as well since they seemed to be willing to accept Chrysalis and were of the belief that the ponies of Equestria would as well. As we know from the Good end, they would have been right, but the events of the Bad End could conceivably cause Celestia problems down the line. Hell, I'd love to write a sequel to the bad end myself just to see what I could come up with. But I won't, cause this is his work and he hasn't said if he plans to do a sequel of his own or if anyone else is free to do so yet.

Both are good endings, but I think the first one is going to be my head canon.

This was a awesome story,

and I like the first chapter 12 more. :twilightsheepish:

I do really hope there's going to be a sequel for this story

Desperately hoping for a sequel.:twilightsmile:

Commence read.

Well that had an interesting twist.

I prefered the first ending, thou they did accept her bit too fast, but hey you take what you can get. Also I think that order of ending should be reversed.

3119809 :trixieshiftleft:
think you can get me one of those?:derpytongue2:

:twilightblush: That depends...
:pinkiecrazy: How crazy do you want to go?

3120798 I don't know... how deep is the rabbit hole?

Red or blue?

:twistnerd:Red will make you forget everything that happens
Blue, well...
:trollestia:We'll see how far the rabbit hole goes...

3121111 why not both. pretty sure Rarity did.:raritywink:

For a second there, I didn't realize this was an alternate ending chapter and thought you'd accidentally copied a previous chapter...

And that's why I like this story.

First ending was definitely better, at least in my opinion. I just don't really like alternate endings that often, they usually end up a lot darker than the original, or at least go for the sads. :fluttercry:

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