Dismayed by the price of royalty, a changeling princess turns her back on her heritage and unintentionally falls in love while trying to build a life for herself. Will she return to her people, or will this newfound independence make her turn her back on her species forever? Pairings: Chrysalis/Shining Armor
More soon, right?
Keep up the good work! I want to see how this goes.
Excellent work so far Lollipopchica, hope to see more chapters soon. -thesomeonefromsomewhere
Is that a Pokémon reference I see?
Okay, this has been an enjoyable story so far. My biggest complaint is that you are suffering from a terminal case of Lavender Unicorn Syndrome. Especially when you refer to characters by their eye colors. You might as well have named Chrysalis's secret identity "Harlequin Eyes," with how many times you use it.
And an editor would also really improve things here.
This absolutely has to be one of the best Chrysalis/Shining fics that I have read. I love how it deals not only with their day to day life, but also their familial situations. I like the idea that his family wants him to get together with a princess but he'd rather get together with someone he likes rather than someone with status.
Well crafted chapter, with a pleasing end.
That's really sad.
What...? Oh come on! Why is it every Chrysalis x Shining Armour fic I run across is either devoid of substance, clop or ends in tragedy!?
Sorry, as it really is a good story, entertaining and engaging from start to, well, almost the finish but these sorts of endings do nothing to me but leave me frustrated and miserable.
Edit: My bad. Just found the sequel.
Reserving judgement. 
Should be "about".
Can't wait
I really hope that there's at least a non-depressing ending to all of this.
Pretty sure you need a sad tag on this. There is nothing not sad about the ending to this story.
Just what is Chrysalis?
"Vadek", unless the first time the name is said it is wrong.
I don't know why this has a poor upvote to downvote ratio, so I decided to give it a try. One thing that annoyed me slightly is the use of words in place of Chrysalis like "teal haired filly" and similar things. It is OK to say "Chrysalis".
"It'd" or "It had", no "It'd had" that is just saying "It had had".
Then why is it implied Chrysalis ate a lot of apples and oats when in the White Tail Woods?
Someone likes Borderlands.
Is there a missing comma here or just forgotten words?
Comma, lower case "it".
How would have land on his back if punching in the back of the head?
Lower case "he".
Lower case "he", comma after reminded.
Lower case "she".
Hoof prints to make noise, "prints" should be "steps".
Lower case "don't".
This sounds odd, I would suggest not using it as a replacement for a name.
You use this phrase way too much.
You don't capitalize after a comma, that comma is replacing a period.
Unneeded space.
There are a number of grammar errors here and there I have noticed but the story itself seems good. The repeated use of phrases describing Chrysalis instead of using her name or her assumed name is annoying. They are used way too much.
*looks at chapter menu*
Just one week.
We get it, now you can slow down on your use of it.
Don't say it, use a horizontal bar to show there is a scene change, like this:
This sentence needs rewording, and why are changelings pegacorns now?
I am beginning to think Chrysalis' name is really Harlequin Eyes.
It is unclear what two stallions, I am assuming Aero and Firestar.
What difference are those?
Good chapter, nothing much else to say.
This story feels like it has been under appreciated in my opinion. I have so far enjoyed the premise and execution.
Lower case "somepony".
Again, these should be marked with horizontal lines or make it all italics with extra space separating it out.
So now Chrysalis has to fight with who she was and what living with ponies is making her become.
I get the feeling Chrysalis was just roughed up a bit since she did not disappear for more than a day. Cordelia however suffered a lot worse.
I don't think you can really say Chrysalis has a black heart anymore.
This part feels like it should be in quotes.
Is his name Cerulean Maned or Shining Armor? I really can't tell.
Good, didn't feel forced. Chrysalis has really changed from her selfish ways.
Closing quotation.
In an earlier chapter it was stated that a changeling could recognize another changeling if they were close. Why didn't Chryssie notice Ono?
I liked this, well thought out, pacing was good, nothing felt rushed. Though some follow up as to what Shining's family thought of Chrystal just disappearing would have been nice. This was a depressing story, but a good depressing story. Sucks to be a changeling queen in this universe, their whole life is just misery till they go insane and are killed by one of their daughters.
6058971 maybe it slows the lost of love energy?
5008307 I like to think of it in the catagory of Homer and his wine-dark seas, but yeah, noticeable tic is noticeable. But seriously, ponies don't have maws, horrible wyrm things do. Even most changelings don't have dentition worthy of the word - other than maybe Fluffy from Of The Hive.
Hmm, intriguing. Will continue reading.
Should I read the story this is a prequel to first, or can I continue with this?
Looks like Chryssie is busy playing that stallion-shaped fiddle.
Poor Chryssie. D:
Well, good damn it, Twilight!
This fic is going to make it cry once all this collapses on Chryssie, isn't it?
Aww, I want to be angry at Odonata, but she's just doing her job.
The feels... And seeing as it's almost the ends, I think the feels are only going to increase.
Another good chapter. I like that there's no clear good and bad side here, the changelings are desperate and Chryssie is being selfish, but, on the other hand, is it fair to crush the need if one because of the need of many?
Poor Chryssie. This entire chapter and it's feels... Yeah, no wonder she became so bitter.
I wonder how Shining's family felt too.
There should be more of 'Celestia didn't want to be Princess' too.
Buck the Hive Mind. Buck the Hive. Buck the Queen.
I thought she was sixteen or something.
But they could blend in and catch just as unaware too.
The idea of washing clothes by hand scares me.
There's a story there I hope we see. Hopefully involving a red, strong stallion scaring the bejesus out of her.
Is she disguised or au natrual?
That's silly. 'Lings have bodies made of organic matter, they should eat for the same reasons as ponies. Love should fuel magic or something, but food is pleasurable.
If I keep asking questions like such, will they still be answered?
He has fine taste in mares.
She on a mission from her Queen to find Chrysalis, not get wrapped up with random stallions.
It is undoubtedly the cheapest, least nutritional love a 'Ling can eat/consume.
I hope she's not giving anything to the Hive. She left it for a reason.
But the roller coaster line is eighty minut-OH! That's not what he meant...
Good Guy Shining.
He cares for her, can't she feed off that love?
...Clever boy.
Tsundere Chrysalis.
It's all going to her thighs.
And she calls Madam Brass a flirt. Lucky bastard.
Ponies and their Marks are the laughing stock of the entire world.
6652913 I just assumed all women knew how to play.
As ponies, I would expect inhuman sounds.
Cerci? Vain? Say it isn't so.
"Are you Shining's girlfriend?"
She's got a point.
And a Mary Sue, I wouldn't let my son anywhere near her.
He wants something better than Princess of Obsession.
I like how blunt Chrysalis is at times. Sort of a counter to the sneaky/manipulative Chrysalis often portrayed, and how a wife of such a naive stallion gets her point across.
Just because a duel to the death has two main characters, doesn't mean either of them survive. Fortunately the stakes were lower today.
Bow chika bow wow.
He's a flat character but can have any mare he wants.
The Guard has a reputation for corruption. Not many are, but you never know who, and they extort their power in big ways.
He needs her like Applejack needs to be humbled.
Changelings need someone.
Yeaahh, he's got her for good now.
7322497 Why yes they will! She's disguised... just a very lazy disguise. Lol. And as far as feeding off SA's love, yes she can and eventually she does. Thanx for your interest, though! QC is a bit of a brat, but I don't consider her evil. I tried to make her less of an archetype and more like a strong willed teenage girl, which is probably still archetypal in a way, but at least she's balanced out. She's 16ish, more 17ish going on 18 by the end of it. I like your comment about AJ, btw. Lolol. Oddly enough my sister says the same thing.
I hope she's warming up to Chrysi.
She can be so cute when she's angry.
Lost, the Movie
I would bet Shining has zero alcohol tolerance and he's making himself more vulnerable.
Perfect response.
Ugh, just <squee> him already!
D'aww. Her first kiss.
Nonsense. 'Lings are a tribe of pony like bat ponies and unicorns. Different, but not.
That sounds like a helpful answer.
He doesn't care about her. This fic is making me question how the two were supposed to get together in the first place. Was he pressured into it? That's a terrible way to start a relationship.
Good for you.
You know nothing Shining Armor.
Damn cheap cop-out. Thankfully you didn't drag it out too long.
I heard there's this one mare who forces ponies she knows nothing about to fall in love. Talk about a fricken psycho.
What are you doing? Handling weapons grade D'aww like that? Be careful, someone's liable to get hurt.
I really need to see your license for distributing Sweetness this strong.
Very good chapter. Hoping to finish it soon.
I told the Princess to keep an eye on her daughter when she was here.
Piping's a bitch with hands, but with telekinesis it should be a breeze.
Ron and Lavender, sittin' in a tree-
Love is a powerful drug
"You should lock your door if you have a visitor Shining.""You're not too good at this sneaking around thing son."
All couples fight.
The Elements of Harmony banished a mare to the moon for a thousand years. They turned a draconicous to stone for longer, without harming either. I will never be convinced that the Elements of Harmony do not use dark magic.
Eh, what else is new? It's a term of endearment to her.
Oh man, of broke out of my basement again didn't it?
Too bad she's found a place to fit in now.
I thought that was Equestria Daily.
Good pony folk? More like racist scumbags. Ask Zecora if you question their racism.
This is what I'm here for.
With the way Thor and Odin treated and lied to him all his life, I don't blame him for being a jerk.
Maybe she can make a new best friend like Moondancer, or Beatrix Lulamoon.
"Does Chrystal know? What am I saying
That's what love does to a person.
Forgot the quotation marks.
This would be a great time to change into her 'Ling form.