• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here


Comments ( 296 )

Commence read.

Comment: Oh, Lyra... That was pretty dirty.

There aren't enough Lyra fics out there.

Usually takes a lot to turn my stomach but goddamnit this thing managed it.

Lyra-fic! :pinkiesmile:

And then they fucked. And then they fucked again. And then they fucked a third time. Downright kinky, this one. Good show.

Lyra!!! I love her,though this was in all honestly a bit nasty, I was seriously very impressed, I'm not one for HIE or the other way around but for Lyra.....I'll make an expection. Really enjoyed it....even if it was really nasty, I would have made her take a shower right after the first round.

Kinda grossed out, ..:pinkiesick: Just a little boner right now.
But still gonna fav it. Don't know why.

This was gross, nasty, disgusting, awful, and I hate second person fics...

but this was so freaking erotic.

Always delivering. Absolutely impeccable.

This needs a human tag, methinks.

Reactions were as follows:


Well, written, though, darf. Good job.

Can girls actually get like that? Like really? lol

I'm torn between clopping and puking.

So very, very torn.

i always forget those
fix'd now
don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this one

Ahh, you're so fucking classy man.

your loss

Not sure if I want to read. What exactly happens that everyone is finding so sick?

Sex. Lots and lots of glorious sex. Now read.

1487514 Somehow I'm sure you're holding something back.

:rainbowlaugh: well.... yeah.... um..... :twilightblush: sick and wrong...but then again... we all have those moments when we just want to fuck like crazy, regardless of the state of the room we're in :L

Darf is best pony because he has no shame. Darf, are you even capable of giving a fuck?

the best fetishes are the ones that make you feel ashamed for having them

:derpytongue2: so fast in hot
well... a shame on you people who choose the dashboard :facehoof:
Besides darf, pass your text by word or something, it has many words slightly wrong written, I don't even speack english, and even i can tell.

1487152 Yeah, my feelings are approximately this. I don't know whether to head to /r/clopclop or /r/nofap...

1487514 You are a horrible, horrible person.

my jimmies have been russuld.......so bad right now

All I have to say about this story is, Giggity :moustache:

this made me laugh. some people think that this is the worst that the net can offer, but nooo...

Damn, man. I can't write incredibly perverse and depraved clop but you've pulled it off INCREDIBLY well, here.

One big high-five to you, good sir. :twilightsmile:

All of my wat? You almost got me to stop reading this fic...Good job mate,

Oh god darf, why!? More than that, why did I read it all the way through!?

It was like a trainwreck in motion, I couldn't look away. This day will haunt me forever... :raritydespair:

My sentiment exactly.

Oh Well I'm Just Gonna Go Puke Out My Testicles, If That's Ok With You. :pinkiesick:

1488223 It went too far for my liking. I love good fetishes, but this was... No, just... No, no, no.:ajbemused:

MFW I read this: :twilightsmile: :heart: :yay: :eeyup: :pinkiesmile:
MFW it ended: :fluttercry: :flutterrage: :raritycry: :raritydespair: :pinkiesick: :applecry:
Don't know if I should reread and clop or let it sit. What do you all say?
BTW, You are awesome darf, absolutely awesome.

Wow. Superbly written as usual darf, but holy shit what the hell brought this idea about? No joke this one is kinda dirty. :trixieshiftright:

I'm torn between revulsion and excitment.
I went from :rainbowhuh: to :pinkiesick: to :pinkiehappy: in a 5 minute span.

i need to wash myself with acid for a week after reading this. but all in all good read, but felt dirty.:moustache:

...I don't think cum works like that.
If you tell me you know from experience I think I really will throw up.


I don't know what to think about this story. But... it's sick...

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