• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

Comments ( 17 )

She was broken in every sense of the word, her gut filled with eggs and her body slathered in a cocktail of her and Chrysalis’ amorous nectar, but she’d never felt such a sense of contentment. Would the ponies of Equestria accept her after they found out what she’d done? Was she going to be hunted down by the Princesses? How had she fallen so far in such a short span of time? A thousand questions swirled about in her mind, though one rose above the rest ~ what depths would she stoop to to keep Chrysalis as a lover?

Why do you think you will be "condemned" by the ponies, when you're just a hopeless victim to one of Chrysalis' manipulations? :applejackunsure:

Because she's enjoying herself too much to be a victim.

i hope she likes eggs

Always love a good Chrysalis story. 👍

Oh nice, femanon stuff is kinda rare.

Also i am wondering if the continuation of that diamond tiara fic is cancelled or if we can still expect it sometime. No pressure of course, i was just really excited about that one.


>female human

Fuck this has been a rare thing and glad to see more. Keep up the great work.

I'm with you on that one.

Maybe this shows how uncultured I am but, this is my first Female Anon fic, I always thought it was always just a guy before this because it's always portrayed as such.

And this is so much better!

I do have a Chrysalis bias but the way you wrote her was absolutely hot, and Anon's descent into becoming Chrysalis' broodmare was excellent~
From her starting disdain and subtle hints of attraction, to outright depravity and need to be her Queen's hatchery, I loved it~
Especially so when she made Anon experience the bliss of her ovi~

Thank you for this amazing piece of writing, and for making me discover FemAnon XD

Thank Twipie as well!
She was my partner in crime with this one :yay:

Of course! The cover art looks great!
Amazing work!

*<>* what can we say that hasn't already been mentioned, well written and short , one of maybe a dozen similar stories, quiet rare the genre of fem anon x insert with a dash of futa is

Oh my goodness. Welp. Ummmm yup I like this :pinkiecrazy:

I'm not sure how many orgasams I owe you as a long term reader of your fics. But I'm sure it's "alot"

Comment posted by Atreidae deleted August 26th

Your contributions are appreciated! :trollestia:

Will there be a continuation?

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