• Member Since 11th Feb, 2018
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Aether Spark

I'm a highly imaginative and clever storymaker with a great imagination and desire to make great stories, I'm very dedicated to my stories and will always do my best to finish them. :)


This story is a sequel to Friendship is absolute chaos: Part 2

Discord and Spike got back from their vacation in the crystal dimension, eager to see if they won the contest... Only to find Equestria as well as the world enveloped in chaos so thick you could cut it with a knife and spread it over toast.

The chaotic pollution threatens to spread everywhere and Spike and Discord need to unite their power to locate new bearers and fix this mess before it becomes irreversible.

But a certain voice will do everything in their power to stop them from freeing the six.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 104 )

I'd like to credit Alex Warlorn for helping me edit and improve the reading.

Well Discord you made the bed, now you need to sleep in it.

Welp, at least you can probably explain what happened. Just have to hope they listen.

Oh Finally! I've been waiting to read more of this!

In the third chapter I'll have comments decide.

Chaotic Spike is gonna have some FUN! He's using the Pinkie Pie method of hope.

Honestly, I think the ONLY way a pony could naturally handle chaos magic, is if they naturally had some kind of multiple personality disorder. With all the personalities sharing the burden, it would be easier on them as a whole. Plus, with the chaos magic, they can manifest as individuals. (May have been the end goal of a fic I was writing before I just stopped writing for now. May pick it up at some point again, who knows.

To be fair to Twilight and her friends, Discord did not give them any chance to win at all, for he made them share a book on their magic, he did not give them even a small trial on how to use chaos at all, they had to find out everything themselves. In other words this is nearly fully on Discord

Did they call out Discord on this and modify the arrangement?

I am not fully sure on what you mean.
but if you ask why I said this then this.

“Hey now, If Twilight had just gotten over her personal bias and admitted I was right, maybe these current events wouldn’t have unfolded,” Discord defended, Spike looked a little upset that he was blaming Twilight, Celestia even more so.

Is why, Discord was trying to throw the blame on Twilight and Friends.

Hippogriff isle...:facehoof:

It's Mount Aries and Seaquestria.:ajbemused:

Comment posted by Aether Spark deleted Aug 1st, 2023

I guess the Hippogriffs first or maybe the changelings first

Just a note I forgot votes end Thursday.

Comment posted by Hexan Tronic deleted Aug 1st, 2023

1. Trottingham 1

2. Dragon Lands 0

3. Changling Hive 3

4. Yakastan 0

5. Griffonstone 2

6. Mount Aries 2

The Hive is first: I'll get right to work. :rainbowdetermined2:

In your opinion good sir, how is the hive chapter so far? Any need for edits?

Nice! I hope they get Fluttershy out of there and what happened to Thorax? Can't wait for the next chapter

Kevin was able to live symbiotically for years while staying a black changeling, so the changelings becoming tootie-frutie seems more a more of 'self expression' than a real change. And to make them more marketable for the toy company.

Where to next? I'm thinking Mount Aries. It's pretty far away, all things considered, so it should be next on the list. And it isn't anywhere near snow.

1. Trottingham: 1

2. Dragon Lands: 2

3. Yakastan: 0

4. Griffonstone: 3

5. Mount Aries: 1

Get ready because this chapter gets weird and chaotic.

The origin of Griffinstone's fate.
Grimmy Weirdy's Cosmos fan comic.

Comment posted by Aether Spark deleted Aug 8th, 2023

"Gabby you're corrupted with chaos magic!" Spike said trying to reason with her.

"Of course I am! I was in Griffinstone, now I'm a delicious turkey dinner ready to be cooked and served! And you get to be my stuffing!" She said casually.

Messed up!😳

Well, this was fairly wild. I'm thinking we go after pony boi next.

If no other votes come in soon, I suppose we'll have to name your vote as the only one and make the next epic chapter after it.

Trottingham is next then, stay tuned. :heart:

Welp, we've almost been eaten. What a time to choose the Dragonlands next!

A living city! Wow! And I thought a monster house was enough!

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