• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen February 5th


Senior Huevos fan (They/Them) Ko-Fi/Discord


Twilight Sparkle still isn't used to having friends, and one of the side-effects of never having anyone to share her hobbies with means that she has no gauge whatsoever of what's "normal." To her, cobbling together something like her camera drone is just a fun project to spend some spare time on, nothing that's worth a lot of fanfare.

Her friends beg to differ, and after she's convinced to go to Fillydelphia and show off her skills to her fellow robotics enthusiasts, she leaves with a pile of business cards and a whole different perspective on something that had previously been just a hobby. This is something valuable, and once the cheques start rolling in, Twilight isn't quite sure what to do with herself.

Well, no, that's a lie. She knows exactly what to do.


Written on commission, for Spamotron. If you'd like to commission me yourself, my rules are right here.
Also check out author Ko-Fi

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 32 )

When I created the prompt I didn't expect it to end in an explosion. But like Mr. Rich I probably should have.

A very interesting story. I think the characterization was very well done and the humor was on point, however I also feel like the story lacked focus at times. All the really interesting scenes promised by the premise and summary seem to happen off screen while the story instead focuses on Twilight (and company)'s reaction to those implied but unseen events. That still works in a narrative sense, but it leaves me feeling like it could have been more. It was still a fun and enjoyable read, but at the same time it feels a little like someone has plucked out every other chapter, leaving behind the connective "cool down" scenes between each main story beat.

She's had all of three lines and I already love your human Fluttershy.

Oh, this was delightful madness from end to end. Thank you for a most enjoyable read.

I think this is the perfect fiction I ever read... it blew my mind.

This was cute, fun and highly enjoyable. Well done.

Dan #7 · Jul 27th, 2023 · · 3 · Well-Off ·

Reminder that idiots like Edison and Musk and Jobs would never amount to anything without their respective Teslas (the man) and Wozs behind the scenes.

There's more genius in a Defcon or High School Maker's Club or even a Microcenter store or FreeGeek nonprofit than a hundred "Genius Bars" or Consumer Electronic Shows.

Someone’s projecting a little

:rainbowlaugh: Says it all I think. Take your fav and upvote.


In Edison's case, they needed each other. Tesla needed someone who could handle the business side of things, and Edison needed a scientist to market.


They don't got this.


Oh no

Explosions make everything better though 🤪.

I can very much empathize with Sci-Twi, as I've often imagined how my life would change if I won a biiiiiig lottery and read my share of "a fool and his money are soon parted" stories.

Needless to say, I have a few plans laid out to try and maintain my sanity if I ever get that lucky.

Sliver Spoon as she and Diamond Tiara are walking away: "Um, Diamond? Did you happen to notice the floating sock puppets eating the cupcakes?"

Diamond Tiara: "Just keep walking away Silver."

Silver Spoon: "...They were speaking Spanish."

Diamond Tiara: "Just keep walking."

Silver Spoon: "I mean, I've heard of illegal aliens speaking Spanish, but these are illegal aliens speaking Spanish."

Diamond Tiara pinches her nose and ups her walk to a canter: "Just. Keep. Walking!"

"It was just a side project... I don't want to jump to a whole different social class..."

Not to put too fine a point on it, but you kinda already were. Crystal Prep was not attended by people whose families were from the lower classes, be it intellectually or financially, and you did not get in on a financial hardship scholarship, Twilight. You may fit in better and be happier at Canterlot High, but if anything you jumped down a social class.

Come to think of it, compared to a typical public American school, Canterlot High is actually a jump in social class.

"If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen," Fluttershy responded smoothly, not having even looked back to smack Rainbow's hand. "And don't bet what you can't bear to lose."

Pssh, Fluttershy for the burn!

Good nuance on recognizing that the human Fluttershy has a slightly different personality than the pony one. She may still be ind and shy, but she's got snark when it comes to dealing with certain situations.

Sunset looked over at the bed, where Spike and a purple sock puppet with glasses were eagerly reading their way through an issue of Power Ponies, then back at Twilight, all the while smiling the endeared-yet-exasperated smile she reserved for only her closest friends.

A) The sock puppet is bilingual.
B) Spike's ability to understand multiple animal languages also applies to human languages and the comic book is a rare Spanish edition.
C) The sock puppet understands that comic books are the ultimate form of artistic expression that transcends all cultural and language boundaries so as to be appreciated by everybody/pony/puppy/socky.

...Just be sure that the puppet isn't the one turning the pages; paper cuts are harsh when your tongues is made of yarn.

So that portal Discord opened led not just to sock puppets, but Spanish sock puppets. :moustache:

Rumors about that robot dog.

I don't know what's better or worse: The H-money or the sock puppets.

Yeah, this fiction is fun, but pretending that Twilight wasn't pretty rich is like pretending that Ponyville isn't practically next door to Canterlot so the FIM finale makes sense. But I guess maybe it's different when it's your money and not your parents'...

Or it makes for a much better story to ignore the obvious and go this route.

"That's the thing," Twilight said as she worked the soreness out of her arms. "These aren't just summer jobs. These are big offers. The kind of thing you usually give to college graduates." She shook her head. "There's no way I can juggle being a highschool student, investigating magical phenomenon, and working in a robotics lab. And I don't even want to work in a robotics lab!"

In some fairness, balancing a career, high school life, and life as a magical girl is a deeply stressful thing.

There are countless stories of child soldiers burning out.

No matter how much of a prodigy you are, balancing that much work at a young age would take a lot out on you.

"So what would you like to do?" Fluttershy asked gently, as Rainbow reached out toward the oreo pile behind her with all the stealth of a flatulent hippo.

This line made me laugh, as did an observant Fluttershy who ain't taking Rainbow's nonsense.

"They'd start being hounded by their own friends and family for the money and jealousy and resentment would tear everything apart! Or they'd try to make everyone happy and eventually all the money would run dry and they'd be left with strained relationships and be broke."


"I just started forming real friendships!" Sunset suddenly found herself yanked forward as Twilight grabbed fistfuls of her shirt. "I can't let this ruin everything!"

To be fair to Sci-Twi, success and wealth can create deep divisions in close friendships. Being worried about that kind of thing isn't unfounded, as is her fear of her magic being found out by the government.


Not to put too fine a point on it, but you kinda already were. Crystal Prep was not attended by people whose families were from the lower classes, be it intellectually or financially, and you did not get in on a financial hardship scholarship, Twilight. You may fit in better and be happier at Canterlot High, but if anything you jumped down a social class.


Most of us would trade prestige for a school that offered a devoted support network any day. Prestige is pointless if your surrounded by jerks who hate you for no good reason.

Come to think of it, compared to a typical public American school, Canterlot High is actually a jump in social class.

The EG world, and its version of America, seems to have a somewhat more idyllic school life than our own. American schools are a crime against humanity compared to Canterlot High.

"Sci-Twi being relieved an explosion cost her money" is a sentence that could only exist in this story.


"Rich In Dollars, Poor In Sanity brilliantly exposes the irony of material wealth overshadowing mental well-being. In a world obsessed with ico crypto frenzy, this insightful piece serves as a cautionary tale. It challenges the pursuit of digital riches, urging us to prioritize mental health over financial gains. A timely reminder in our increasingly digitized age."

Comment posted by Starflame_Sparks deleted Nov 2nd, 2023

I honestly thpught that SciTwi was already pretty rich to begin with

Didja hafta write a critique of economics for school or something?


I'm sure Twi has read her William Gibson. She knows what can happen to company assets (or potential assets) that say no, without taking precautions.


(ignore the stupid porn movie)

Twi could have saved a lot of stress by using Creative Commons license. It would be more in line with Friendship.

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