• Member Since 4th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


Nothing ever changes within the forest. Public joy is shameful, pleasure fleeting, and you're not allowed to talk about what you're missing. They tell you what not to say, because that's the best way to make sure you think about it all the time. The younger generation is taught to be just as miserable as the older, allowing the perpetual miasma of depression to occupy fresh hosts. And so the facade which calls itself 'life' goes on across the centuries. Without change and, for the pain of loss, without end.

There's nothing new in the forest. There never will be.

And then there is.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

"Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be having a good time."

H L Mencken (1949)

Recontextualising Bridlewoods miserably opressive atmosphere, depression manifest, was a genius move. The idea of it being a kind of pseudo apocalypse cult instead of the movies implied 'no magic = sad' works really well.

She's one of the few who still looks up at all, even when you're supposed to do that if you hear really big -- two of the forbidden words -- moving around.

Moving magic mayonnaise is important, darn it.

Life has to be better there. It must be, because the filly has a lot of imagination. (Her parents are hoping she'll grow out of that too.)

The question of the elder Moonbows is a curious one. Goodness knows canon doesn't give us any data there. Izzy's alluded to family in the past, but never a mom or dad...

Also, you can balance things on a horn for a little while, or make punctures in weak objects.

"Weak" here defined as "Any tree thinner than a pony is long."

Wonderfully stark portrait of Bridlewood at its nadir... not that it was easy to tell there had been any decline going on for several generations at that point. A grim first step into G5, but still a great exercise in atmosphere and world building. Thank you for it.

Interesting how Twilight Sparkle's spell to split the three tribe apart to protect them from (threat to be determined) held them apart more by thought than physical/magical barriers. Thankfully, Izzy's mind works in mysterious ways. Even to her.

G5 is such a post-apocalyptic setting. It's nice to see you dip into the new generation. Very interested into seeing if you are going to connect it with your main serie as well.

And the spark is lit. Izzy really needed that lantern and now she can be her true happy self. Personally I fully believe that she is a descendant of Pinkie.

The irritating part is that someone in Corporate will declare the story over when it's just really beginning. Defeating Opaline is where the real story begins but we'll just be told to walk away......

Damn, that is a depressing society ...

I'm glad that somepony finally finds something else, even if only for themselves.

You're on a fanfiction site. Whenever that happens, that's where all of us step in. :pinkiehappy:

izzy is my favorite g5 pony (next to pipp) and this is an interesting take into how depressing bridlewood actually is when you look at it. bing-bongs of despair...

An unusual, but excellent, mix of heartrending and heartwarming. Go, Izzy! Escape the depression! Find new friends and change the world!

A grreat - and very atmospheric - story that brings G5 into the Triptych verse! I love the way you paint Izzy’s background as a major motivator for her sheer scale of bubblyness!

I've never watched G5, but damn this was interesting. Feels like an echo of modern times, with each generation ensuring the next inherits their misery to the fullest extent. While often not even remembering why they were even miserable in the first place. Perpetuating ideas and things they don't even understand themselves and denying the children any joy or self-expression. Fucking grim.

Why did she have "threads" dropping from her coat? Do they all wear clothes in the future? Or it made me think she was like almost a pinocchio type deal, a construct.

This was brilliant, sad and beautiful and heart wrenching and uplifting. Thank you for this Estee.

Apparently, some of this idea of perpetually miserable black-and-white wearing pilgrims was deliberate caricature by the Victorian's who liked to think that they were the best.

Sure by Modern standards, the Puritans were a pretty rough bunch, but they still had barn raisings and other such things, the average person probably wore various earth tones of color, Black being a pretty expensive color so limited to the church and those with the financial means.

As to the story itself, I agree with Izzy, the paranoia over maybe a dozen words total and Jinxies is stupid. They've got a nasty case of self-defeatism.

At one point I even wondered why they even bother having foals at all. Why bother living at all, just be done with it and save themselves the trouble.

Another point of curiosity is I find it difficult to understand how a teeming civilization of millions (possibly even very low billions) got shrunk down to 3 small singular burgs with each maybe having 200 ponies tops.

Tangential curiosities aside, this was a very thematic experience, I could almost feel the emotional weight that Izzy described trying to lay down on my chest like a heavy pet. 10/10

...there's... a lot of dead wood around here...

That build up, when I was certain that a single last ember of magic would answer her call... No, only Hope and the spark of an IDEA.
To rework a line from Team Fortress 2:
"I'm an Artist, Philosopher, and Engineer. I solve problems. Sometimes abstract problems such as 'What is beauty?', sometimes practical problems such as 'How can this knife be made useful again?' ( the solution involves a whetstone... If that doesn't work, use more whetstone). And sometimes it is both, such as 'How do I extract society-wide change from triple my height up a tree?'. "
(Insert opening credits theme from Star Trek "Enterprise".)

Objects adhere to her hooves, when she wants them to. (If she's strong enough to lift them, and there can still be some trouble in getting everything aligned properly.) And ponies still get their cutie marks -- well, mark : singular. (Something in the History lesson briefly implied that ancient unicorns used to receive two.) Isn't that still magic?

You are technically correct the best kind of correct and sometimes that is all it takes...
Sticky Hooves. A single mark on one hip.
And beyond these slowly fading embers, as it says in The Good Book: "Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love*.".
*The highest form of Friendship is the self-sacrificial love for an enemy, such as Twilight showed traitorous Discord. (Or, more relevantly to everyday life: Jesus on The Cross.)

The filly is completely sure that if being an adult means you even can't think of silly questions, then she's going to make sure she never fully becomes one.

A resolution I made at the age of approximately 11, and still carry with me as one who walks the path of the true engineer/scientist.

The filly is, at best, medium sneaky. This may eventually become a problem.

Reference noted!

The boldest, who also get a maximum score on Sneaky, have the chance to be scouts .

Nice recontextualization, and perhaps explains why she phrases it in a very specific way if that is how the grades are reported.

They put in a hat and... venture out.

I suggest "their names" before "in a hat".

Izzy is of course entirely correct when she internally points out all the problems with Bridlewood's way of thinking. Also Alphabittle would probably only be able to get happiness from Misty returning. It's not like he has anything else to live for.

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