Spike wins the Gauntlet of Fire but decides not to give the Bloodstone Scepter to Ember for he has other plans in mind. Twilight and her friends are not thrilled to lose Spike but the Dragons welcome him. Spike discovers what Dragons are missing will lead them to prosperity.
Takes place during season 6 episode 5.
This story got featured 4/20/23-4/21/23, 5/2/23, 5/3/23, 5/10/23, 5/14/23, 5/20/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 6/24/23, 6/29/23, 7/14/23, 1/13/24, 3/1/24, 3/22/24 AWESOME!
Great Chapter. I like Spike as the new dragon lord.
Pretty interesting
Keep it up. I believe this is how it should've ended between Spike & the main six in Dragon Quest.
I'm really excited to read more!! And I do hope to see spikeXember!!! I LOVE THAT SHIP!!!! Can't wait for an update!
Well, this is Gauntlet of Fire. Dragon Quest happened back in season 2.
I'm very interested to see how things go. I always wanted to see what happens if Spike keeps the staff
You're welcome. Keep it up.
A bit right field of with the whole sudden change in Spike's rule and demand but still a great premise
This is already going to be awesome.
Wow that suddenly came out of left field, can't wait to see where it goes from here!
Also hoping we get to see a certain orange dragoness sooner than in canon!
This is somewhat interesting and I'm curious to see where it goes but the first chapter doesn't show much more than the description.
This is an interesting idea. I'm interested to see how it will turn out and am excited for more.
The scene with Spike arguing with Twilight and Rarity over not returning to Equestria was sad, but I hope it didn't permanently damage his friendship with them or anything. I hope that this will be a Spike x Ember story too as it was implied a bit here, since that's my personal favorite ship for Spike.
I get that will miss him but at the same time this is his time to shine and find his own path. They have already seen their paths for the most part and spike he been in everyone shadow forever. Outside the crystal empire nobody really pays a ton of attention to him. He twilight assistant and rarity assistant but who is spike when comes to what he wants.
Who knows what can happen.
You'll see
That's exactly the point.
I know. But I believe it should've ended like this with Spike laving the main six behind to be with his own kind.
Fair enough
Yeah but it is gonna take the girls a while to see that it spike time to find his path. And I never like how spike crushed on rarity and yet nobody would stop it. She is too old for him plus she doesn't apparently feel the same way as him. And considering it written all over his face there is no way he was keeping it a secret. Twilight still thinks of spike as a baby but he still has to do a lot of grown up things. This will force her to grow up some.
Something about this seems really off compared to the rest of the chapter.
Otherwise, very interesting start. Will be neat to see how spike goes about Civ-Building the dragons. Got a soft spot for those types of fics, myself...
Sorry not going to read this.
I read one fo the posts and the bit put there.
this feels like a Screw the ponies I'm staying with the dragons fics.
I honestly expecting ti turn into Let's take over and destroy the pony races for how i was treated and make them all slaves fic as well.
I mean for ONCE i like to read one where he discusses it with twilight Celestia and Luna and they agree with the idea of Spike being a ruler and progressing the dragons and ties with the Ponies, and other races.
Also Spike suddenly loves Ember though they just met, and not a crush...yyyyyyyyeeeeaaaahhhhhhhh...That almost as bad as the complaints on Spike having his feels for Rarity who too old for him.
Let's see...Isn't Ember way older as well, she not a baby dragon like Spike is.
So it a little kid falling for a older Teen...thing.
Did you read the first chapter?
Obviously writer missed Dragon Dropped
I'll always have my Rarity Time®
Gabby was bad enough
Yea try kissing a beak , It's murder
So two criticisms--one is I feel like most of this first chapter was just repeating the events of the episode. And I get how a bit of summary for the context of readers would seem necessary, but I feel like the summary didn't need to be this detailed and instead kept to just the bare bone basics and still gotten the necessary information across, getting the reader into the true hook of the story all that much sooner.
The other is that I feel like the parting of ways between Spike and Twilight and Rarity should've gone differently. Obviously, for Spike to be an effective Dragon Lord, that'd naturally necessitate him being at the land he'd be ruling over, and I think both Twilight and Rarity are not only both smart enough to have known that, they would've already realized this was a likely possibility if Spike won the gauntlet very early on. As such, I feel like the matter should've been approached from that matter and focused on that, rather than inventing some forced drama mostly out of nowhere with which to create that split. Further, its a frankly needless divide between them, one that isn't well justified by failing to provide a clear reason or motive why either side would let tempers flare so quickly so easily or why they'd refuse to see it from the other's perspective so completely. As another commenter put it, it feels like the whole purpose of the scene is really just to demonize the ponies and blindly praise Spike, but the story's premise isn't the right set-up for that, so it feels...awkward, out of place, and a little amateurish.
Still, the premise is interesting, and now that it's past the awkwardness of this first chapter, it's potential is clear. Dunno if I'm going to formally follow the story just yet, but I probably will keep an eye out for its next chapter nonetheless.
To put it another way then, if it had been me writing it, I would've started out the conversation with a "So...Dragon Lord, huh? I, uh, I guess that means you're going to be delayed coming home, huh?" "Uh...I think I'm not going to now. I...can't exactly just become the leader of the dragons and then immediately turn around and leave my subjects hanging, can I?" At which point you can still have Twilight and Rarity be all "but we don't want you to stay, we'll miss you!" and all that, but the point would be it'd be more "Are you sure you want to do this, Spike?" "Yeah...yeah, I really think I do," and have it be all about how he's choosing to live up to the role he's taken up and be a good Dragon Lord, and ask that choice be respected and to wish him the best of luck.
If you still want it to end in a fight though, then after all that you can still have Twilight be all "no, I'm not leaving you here" and otherwise refusing to cooperate, because by then you'd have adequate set the scene for such an outburst and nicely transitioned into it instead of jumping straight into it with little to no transition like a car going off a cliff like you already have.
But hey, it's your story. I'm just trying to be helpful by giving you hopefully useful suggestions and constructive criticism.
Oh, my apologies! I thought you were the author of the story who'd replied to my first comment. Whoops! Well, I guess you can disregard the latter half of my second comment then.
yyyyyyyyeahh well I'm gone I'm deleting all my comments sorry but I went through this before at a different site for different things and had to leave to avoid trouble I'm gone no offense.
You know what, I like the start. I really do. The departure of Twilight and Rarity was handled as well as it could've been. With the two of them being emotional because they didn't want Spike to depart with them, but this is a good chance for Spike to spread his wings, so to speak.
Well despite spike youth remember expect for getting wings he didn't grow much for years so he may be older than he looks. Plus thanks to twilight he had to grow up a lot more than would be expected for a child of any age.
Two questions:
1. When do you think we'll see the next chapter?
2. Will the princesses be involved?
I'm still curious but I mostly notice the poor grammar. Still I want to see where this goes next.
Celestia should have apologized to spike last time this is not a very good way to start a relationship with another nation who just got a new leader. She could have given the extra scrolls when they had the meeting.
Ok what the hay was that all about with the cascade of incoming scrolls? Did Twilight went petty mode & just unloaded a library's worth unto Spike? Cause that's gonna have serious repercussions!
Wow, I guess that's one way to break the news to someone that you're dating their daughter. Spike just flat-out says it.
Nice chapter. Poor Spike in pain.
I have a hunch that Celestia & YOU-KNOW-WHO'S will be CRUSIN FOR BRUSINS when the meeting comes around.
HA! That's rich, especially considering the reasons they were thinking about just a paragraph or so earlier were all so to continue to selfishly exploit various conveniences Spike being around offered--they don't actually need him so to keep doing what they do, they just don't want the inconvenience of that first and foremost.
Really, their first thoughts should be how much they'd miss having him around as friend and family before anything else. But the fact that wasn't their first thoughts...well, maybe that says something about why Spike chose to stay with what's honestly his own species and culture he's long wanted to know more about and be apart of--it was just the clash over ideals that was holding him back. Now, as Dragon Lord, he can bypass that problem entirely. When you include his wish to be loyal to his new subjects by being the best leader he can be for them, I honestly can't blame him so much for wanting to stay.
Yes, let's! Maybe they can talk some actual sense into these two.
Well, aren't you moving quite fast with that, Mr. Casanova. Especially when considering that technically it'd be more accurate to say you will be dating Ember, considering you haven't actually been on any formal dates as of yet.
Not unless you both quickly went on one during the trip back while we all weren't looking, which only raises more questions.
Hopefully Celestia can think fast then, or else she's liable to get beaned by said stone tablet whenever it arrives.
See? She gets it.
Could have...but that doesn't necessarily mean he had to, or that it'd be right for him to do so.
Besides, part of Spike's intent here is clearly to try and give the dragons the gift of friendship, and let's face it--Ember, though willing, is still very much a novice on this matter.
Okay, that's somewhat worrying...usually nothing good comes from it when your initial statements for opening a political dialogue are "we have a list of demands."
This is more reasonable though...because it's absolutely true. Twilight wouldn't approach the matter subjectively or fairly, thus she wouldn't make for an ideal participant in the meeting. Celestia and Luna, however, more likely will be.
I'm pretty sure "scrolls" were the first item on Spike's list of "demands" anyway, so we're really just cutting to the chase here.
See, this is why Celestia's the ruler of Equestria, and a pretty good one at that--she's willing to consider a matter from all sides and perspectives, not just the one that's most convenient for her.
In fairness, we've never had much of any indication they really wanted, or even required, anything more than that. Just because the dragons live simple lives doesn't necessarily mean they're bad lives, or that there isn't a good reason why they don't already have these things. After all, a later episode has Ember admitting that, because of dragon firebreath, the Dragon Lands weren't an ideal place to be growing plants as they burned to ash too easily around dragons. They've also shown little interest in technology or electricity and don't really seem to have a pressing need for either, considering their culture's average lifestyle. They have shown some interest in some of the pony luxuries...but only enough to daydream about it and to contemplate stealing them, never to actually make the effort to make those sort of things themselves, some of which they'd be more than capable of doing if they'd just try. But then others they don't have because it's not really that practical when you consider both how large dragons grow up to be, as well as everything about them generally concerns fire and rough terrain, things that aren't necessarily going to mix well with the more delicate and flammable things the ponies produce.
As such, I fear Spike's projecting his past pony lifestyle a bit too much on his fellow dragons, thinking it'll be an immediate perfect fit for them too when that's not really true--there would need to be considerable adaptation for much of it in order to make it work for dragons, and even then some of it might just not work out at all for them.
Still, his intentions are in the right place, I'm just not sure he's thought it all the way through what improving the dragon lifestyle is really going to need to entail.
In Celestia's defense, her intentions weren't bad, and I'm pretty sure she didn't mean for this outcome to happen, particularly as this isn't usually a circumstance that comes up very often, the need to send Spike paper to write with.
Anyway, a new criticism--the Spike/Ember relationship is moving way too fast. Love is more like planting a seed--it has to be properly cultivated for the proper amount of time before it fully blooms, but here you're just skipping right over that, jumping from the planting straight to the blossom in full-bloom...and love generally doesn't work like that. As a result, it's actually going so fast that I keep thinking to myself there's no way this "love" between them is actually real, because it just...doesn't work like that.
So i have a full written entry on if spike remains dragon lord though its a NSFW story, it all has a similar premise to a point but i like this one so far.
Yikes, guess Celestia forgot that using too many scrolls gives Spike indigestion.
Rarity should really have more faith in Spike. It's not like he's a stranger to her, plus, this is a good learning opportunity for Spike.